in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Now I've seen some pretty great posts out there on Steemit. Great photography, recipes, stories and so on. In my opinion your recipes or photographs or lives don't have to be the best out there to see you put effort into your posts. You can see the effort in multiple ways such as how many pictures are included, the content and length of their post, how strong their opinions are, and so on and so on. I love to see people how try their best with posts, almost to the point where some put their heart and soul into what they are writing or sharing a deep poem or photography.

blogging award.jpg

image source

Don't get we wrong, if your posts don't make the requirements above, it doesn't necessarily mean you didn't put any effort into them, but you know what I mean. We've all come across posts where people post random pictures that doesn't really make any sense with the caption or copy other people's posts and we go into the post and straight back out with distaste. It happens often with me that I go into someone's post and it's a super amazing post with mind-blowing facts and pictures and I'm about to give it an upvote and a really nice comment until I see a cheeta-comment at the end of the post. It makes me think they just went to the internet to copy and paste an article in order to get some dollars out of it with no effort or fuss at all. Other's go through so much effort and their posts are undervalued. Then you get people who make money for other people's work. I mean I understand how sometimes you can use a quote or one sentence from another source and cheeta comes and attacks your post unnecessarily, it happens, but generally cheeta is exactly where it should be.

The more effort you put into your posts, the more respect I have for your work. It's okay to have a lazy post here and there, but don't make it a thing if you want to get noticed by people and DO NOT plagiarize. Keep this platform a safe and friendly one with great and unique content. Comment if some of you know what I mean and agree. Most of you Steemians out there are posting amazing posts and I get inspired by your posts. Can't wait to see all your next posts. Love you all. 😊


And if you like my work, be sure to click here to follow me and together lets build a bigger bond on steemit. ✊


I agree, @themessup, if you're going to post, do a great job with it. Don't litter up Steem with a nonsensical, or poorly worded blog, just to grab a small payout. And plagiarism is simply theft.

I find myself using available filters more when deciding which posts to even open. Reputation. Upvotes. Comments. I'll still take a flyer on a new Introduction post, but other than that, I'm gravitating more towards established users.

Yeah. I find myself doing that more often too. We could be missing some hidden great posts! Luckily there's not too much plagiarism and nonsense on steemit right now, but as the platform grows, I have a feeling there's going to be a lot more money-minded people out there, not putting effort and thought into posts. I saw a group of people posting the exact same thing (pictures, wording and so on) all at the same time. That's what I mean about not unique.

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