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RE: A Possible Cure For Steem?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Very nice perspective @happyme,
I like the way you think and analyze the situation, which is easy for even the low crypto-IQ like me could understand.

Now the question is, and we all win if we can answer it.
How do you get "Those who think they are being smart by milking the system" to see and understand what you are writing?

Not only that, But also
How you make them get out of their selfish desires "of getting the most now and who cares about the future" to cooperate and work with others to build steemit?

Many thanks for sharing your input :)
resteemed hoping it will catch some eyes (no big eyes come to my page though)
Upvoted and followed too :)


Very good points.

I have a sneaky feeling something better will ocme along, operating inthe way steemit was intended to be used, and structured in way, that rewards the input, and minimizes gaming the system

It can be done - but the motivation do has to come from the people who can change it. (ie not me).

I don't think that motivation exists. (hopefully I am wrong).
The more I see, the more I think steemit was a successful 'sell'. Selling on the concept, with only true motivations showing, once the profit was inbuilt.
Follow the money and all that.

If this doesn't work out, fine. There WILL be someone making a platform that does exactly what it says on the tin.
Why?- because creativity is product. Gaming isn't.

I like your philosophical interpretations :)

Thanks for that excellent contribution. I'm not sure why your reply didn't show up in my list of replies; I only found it because I was re-reading some other responses.

It is interesting to learn about what others are thinking because it alters my own perceptions about the platform and how it will turn out. I think my own expectations are becoming more realistic as I find out more about how others see this platform. Only time will tell for sure!

Many thanks for your comments, up-vote and re-steem.
Hopefully the math will show people that short-term gain pales compared to long-term gain, so if they truly are wanting the best possible return on investment, they should choose the long-term option. Also, if the voting (up or down) has the same weight for everyone, I believe it kind of forces everyone to behave. (Voting on resolutions for changes will still use weighted votes based on vests.)

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