What a load of curating bollox.

in #steemit5 years ago

The Hive

Howdy folks'.

There is no way to be polite about this. Being polite about this is just brown nosing. Trying to say something that stinks to the pits of hell with the grace of an angel is counter-productive. This post I am not high with confidence that it will be productive at all because of the very few who will see this post.

I see threats on peoples post now for using a purchased vote. They will get flagged if it continues. This is the justification being used to flag peoples post. Now this does not happen for every purchased vote. Only for those votes purchased from a bot not under the control of the dictatorial governor.

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All you out there who do the flagging and the curating. I put this forward to you. You tell me what makes a post a good post what makes it worth the reward that your posts get. You show me those posts and tell me why. I will show you mine for the same equivalent. You tell me why you did not vote on mine. Telling me there is curators out there is one thing. Them seeing and then rewarding my post is another thing.

Of those supporting this down voting of posts. One is actually hosting a site with them all listed for you to use. How conflicting of interest is that. Many others also delegate to thee bots and support this down vote initiative for anyone who uses a bot.

At the same time they continue the circle jerking they used to build up their stake. I do not care how good a writer you are. No writer can continuously write top notch. Yet here on Steem. It seems certyain witness and those within their circle can. I have heard them talk for nearly 2 years now about how THEY! will improve Steem. (looks to the price) and at each turn their own account has grown while making it even harder for any low level Steem Power to gain.

I have seen nothing done or any effort toward making Steem secure (exist in the future) or to give any value for the use of SBD in a real world environment. I have mentioned this and solutions with many of the top witness. The immediate profit for them is not there, The long term rewards they do not have the vision to see. Or maybe it is that they are not in control of the project.

Again and again this cliche cartel at the top will continue to reduce our chances of success to fulfil their need to gain more asset.

So those who have previously themselves purchased votes and all the same other stuff the rest of us might do to try grow the strength of our asset with a handicap given to those with a greater stake. This only serves to promote a feck you mate atmosphere. Placing a focus on the growth of an account even more so, than a community environment with equality. Straight away it is placing a divide, an invisible border between classes of Steemians. It might not have been and I do doubt it was intentional. It is the effect though.

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Not all content that is not great quality content is useless content. When you purchase a news paper. You cannot flag an articale in the paper you do not agree with. Even if 500 or 1 person decided to give $10,000 USD to the author there is nothing you can do about it.

Now If I have a neighbour, who is very security conscious. So security conscious it has become paranoia. Each night he has flood lights lighting up all of his land. its so bright you could see a blade of grass move from a worm fart.
I just happen to have a heap load of solar panels on my roof. I decide at night time I will ask the neighbour to remove the blinds around his garden and let the light pass to my roof. I will off course offer to pay him too. He has that energy there, it costs him nothing extra to remove the blind at the end of the garden. He also gets some extra back. I get even more energy myself and everyone gains.
Then the tax man comes in and says no, you cannot do unless you do it through this system. Or we will fine you.

Sounds so much like you cant do this on Steemit or that will happen. Dictatorship and restriction of freedom on a global scale.

Publish your guidelines on what you deem to be good or bad content and how you rate it according to each category and individuality if it does not fit under a named category. The majority of the posts I do. They do not come under any listed category.

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Steem Inc seem to be becoming puppets. Doing as instructed by the current elite. Whose platform is it anyway.(It is blatantly not the average user). Steem Inc seem to be content in this position though. Now while what i said here is a mere point of view. I myself do realise there is much more going on than I know about. That I do not hold all the answers. i am not the only one with this point of view. Maybe also there is investors you seek out there with a similar view. It might just be one of the hurdles preventing Steem moving forward.

I could write a post.
These are my monster cards,
Image of cards.
I set them to battle in this order,
Image of cards again.
Card 1, sample test.
card 2
sample image
up to 6 cards.
Summoner used.

Battled against. player name.
Splinter used.

Blah blah.

Note: I used Monsters here as an example only, I have never wrote a post about the Monsters game. I do have a small weak deck and do play from time to time. I think the game is great and yup. If you can I say try it. At the moment paying in Steem does not look great. If you have any alternative currency. maybe using that you can view it as a $ value.

That would be 100% more than what half of the posts about monster does. It would also get flagged because of who I am using a purchase vote. Another user not using a purchase vote and throwing 3 images small text can gain big rewards because of the big vote that they will get from a friend. the same value vote from a purchase gets flagged.

Curating for flags should maybe work from the top down. Not the bottom up. But I guess flagging ones own account to remove the extortionate reward is counter productive to growing your wallet.

Voting down the use of a purchased vote does not bring better content to the trending. The same bullshit content that gets there all the time from the circle of friends creating project after project to vote at and gain more from the voting community. What happened to all that Steem that all those new projects made from the delegations they got? 16 Month ago it was all about delegating to help. What happened to all of that which was built?

It is not the content that gets curated on Steem it is the user, depending on who you are and who already knows you is what will get you some curation. Some efforts are being made to counter this and provide new comers with some rewards and incentive to stay. The recent events in the reward spilt and the voting power restrict that assistance and the growth to the new comer even more.

It is a shame that the only way some can see the benefits is by the Steem it will generate to their wallet. There are greater benefits which can be gained by the same people. It is long term advantages and not under their control. Being in control for so long now. Anything they do must fall under their control to be viable.

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Valuing a post reward based on the use of a automated voting system is a joke. Adding to the humour is the vast majority of those now condemning the vote used it previous to boost their own accounts. I mean go look at trending now.
What the feck.
Made up mostly of copy paste and imagery. Yes it lets people know open ledger will no longer let you remove Steem or SBD. It's too late to remove it though, This post is a week or so too late maybe? if it done so proior to the stopping of the ledger freezing the asset maybe it ould hold the value of the reward it gets. After telling you your asset is locked up until the chain performs well enough to get back on the exchange.

Granted this post has been down-voted by a few of the bigger people I see around the platform, (that sometimes venture into the poorer regions) Why is there no precondition set out as a guide.

1 image = a value of 0.25c (sourced).
1 image = a value of 0.35c (self owned)
100 Characters = 0.25c
250 characters = 0.50
500 Characters =1.00
750 Characters = 1.40
1000 Characters =1.75

Then we just add them all up and bam.
Whatever it adds up to that what ye gets.
Until a method is found that will provide a measure we can use when judging a post. Perhaps judgement should be off hands all together. The use of Steem power to say I can do this because I have Steem Power is nothing more than abuse. It is the same mentality as the wife beater who only does it cause he gets away with it.

The situation we find ourselves in now, those with are not willing to lose anything for a chance to provide equality for everyone. The end result of having a greater value for each token is missed because it is not immediate. This does not show a mindset of having the future of Steem in interest.

If a publication is going to be down voted. The down voting should be done manually and a comment made manually Saying why and what can be improved to increase the rewards to a higher possibility.

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The second post up there does not share much. Introducing a new project that wants you to do the work filtering through projects and assessing for others to invest in. The audience it wants to reach is a very small one. I see no flags on this one. Is this a fear of the big names there coming back at the flagger? Or is it, the names here are the same ones doing the flagging automatically for using other automated votes.

Maybe it is just they have big enough votes now. They no longer need to use the voting bots but can just vote to each other and grow.

A true effort to grow strength in the Steem economy system is to grow community. The community of users needed to be grown is not those online. This is one of the key failings in moving forward, only trying to grow a Steem community on the platform and the use of discord. Come on really?

Well I am sure you know by now what I would say if I was to continue about a way to move forward. I am sure I have wrote the majority of the blueprint over the 18 month here with the name tag. I am also sure there is many details I left out. Not by intention, more one of assumption and an effort not to patronise.

Steem Inc. Delegate to me or I will tell my Grandma. You won't like it if Grandma comes knocking on the door telling you what for.

Overall I look forward myself with the mindset of possibility. It's here gaining a nice vantage spot to get those sun rays and produce fruit. While still having that flow of water close enough to wash up fresh nutrients but not drown the roots is not an easy thing to find. Not at least in the violent turbulent atmosphere on Steem at the moment.

Trust is no longer given so easy when words are said. Betrayal felt by many stings hangs around in the corridors. Not so easily forgotten this time. One has to wonder of the opportunity of a rival platform with the same set up as Steem.

One that had some backing to begin sure it would take no more than a few million. Repeating the same process while negating some of the previous hurdles, equals out the chances of success across the two platforms. The advantage any new chain could offer exceed with ease that which Steem offers at the moment.

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I wonder now if I use @TipU to promote this post. So that the views shared in it can be seen by others will it get down voted because of that, Maybe because of the content it holds does not suit the image some might want to portray. Maybe I did not use as much imagery as I should have to make the post appear longer than it actually is. in justification for getting any reward. Well the post is a tiny bit longer than my average probably of just over 1000 words. Much depends on what the topic is.

Besides not voicing the opinion that you would like to read. The opinion that will agree with you does not rest here. I cannot help that. The opinion that rests here rests on ethics and orals which incorporate equality. Community growth that ensures this equality and representation of an equal say.

You may write this post in half of the time it tool me to write it, does that mean if we coincidentally both made the exact same post and posted it at the same tine cause you would obviously have copied mine and started half the time later. Should you only get half of the rewards of mine because you only took half the time to write it.

Will we need to install posting clock on our computers to record how long it takes us to write a post at how many words per minute over how long it took us to write at what levels of words per minute broken down by the hour. Pull as much detail as possible so we can spot scammers who just log in for hours and write it all in one minute. Things can sometimes go too far just to defend an opinion.

I fear for the future children when I look at the lack of preparation we provide for them through only the pursuit of personal gains. The lack of resources we will leave them as we plunder the resources available to us now to provide for them then.

The only doubt I hold is in other on Steem. Their willingness to grow something for Steem and assist in providing for those on the chain too. Retention based on rewards available does not always have to be Steem rewards. I think this is also something that is missed by many. Even those up there top guys miss this part I think.

Retention has to be broken down.
First off. Who you are retaining and were you are finding those people. There is not much point going to book store if you are looking for music.
Then identifying who you want to target and why those.
In any circumstance there is going to be at least two parties, The creator and the consumer. Different things are needed to attract both parties. The consumer rewards do not have to be great if the content is good.
Compensation of a high level for the consumer should only ever be needed when the quality is low. Consumer levels rise generically if if the content is good?

So I get a mixed message here, we need to give curators more to get more people reading because we have good content? Is that the assumption out there? Sounds a bit like, Man we started digging this hole and god dayum it we are not going to stop digging until we reach the bottom of it.
The you hit water, Get a bucket and start scooping, Look at that it's going down fast mate. Two hours later, pass me the shovel mate we hit land again and the digging starts.

8 hours later, Pass me the bucket mate, Scooping all the water out and draining the bed, must have put pressure on a dayum up a ways. The place is flooding again.

Scooping begins this time for hours. then the water is finally all scooped up. Shovel mate, Making good progress down here. A few good hours of shovelling our a couple of feet of sand and then WTF. Man this place is flooding again. There must have been a second dam up there. somewhere. This time it's even deeper.

It goes on and on ye know. If you haven;t spotted it, they were digging against the tide. It was going to keep flooding.

Well that's about it. That's my, how much is this post worth?

Well that's my XXX.XXX Steem worth.

I would like to restate. This post is not against anyone it is for a different way of dong things though. Anyone who has achieved growth on Steem on any level and is still here now is considered a success story to some degree. Those who done even better. By manipulation or generic support and grew account to support even bigger things might get a bit more Kudos. In all of this let us not forget. It is the volume of work produced which also adds value. Without the population publishing there is nothing to curate.

The future still holds possibilities and a future were the use of SBD is commonplace. Anyone that doubt's this has not heard me voice over the last two years how we can overcome any barrier we meet with the exception of the financial start.

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Is there a summary of this?

One thing is said with an effort to show that there can be a benefit to people.

End result. It only betters a small few.

It's a stake based system thats what dpos means.

While I've been having a pretty good chuckle at recent behavior as well, each person uses their stake to promote or demote the value of content.

As someone who has always manually curated with both upvotes and downvotes I find all the virtue signaling hilarious. But it isn't outside of the scope of how the site was designed.

Also the number of large account paying themselves for curating, by upvoting their posts about what they curated is also funny.

However, That is exactly the reason to hold stake.

Taking 2000 words to say what can be said in 100, or painstakingly selecting and sourcing your art and how many hours you spent doing are all non-factors. At the end of the say, it is a social platform where stake and relationships matter. I personally find nothing wrong with that if you accept it.

I see and I do agree with what you say. I cannot dispute them under the current system.

I can just see a different system that could work with more benefit for all who may hold concern.

I do power Up to Improve stake and will keep on doing so.

I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read. I also think we can create an environment were we can give great rewards designed toward each genre that uses the Steem chain.

Maybe as I develop. Will have some Steem Silver soon.

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Fucking whales and witnesses bled this platform dry and then when their bots started getting hated on they were the first to bitch... Then they shut down their bots and started manual curating, now they want to pretend like bots are the problem as they downvote the bot users into oblivion like they are the problem, not the bot owners or the bots themselves!?!.. Talk about punishing the wrong people.. The rich keep getting richer and fucking the small accounts.. Id like to say its a shitty system but that is literally how the entire world works!.. Fuck it all, it is pure insanity!!

If I were looking for a world where current "wealth" doesn't matter. I think the last place I would look is a place that openly from the beginning called themselves a Delegated Proof of Stake system.

I'm not sure what the expectations were, but certainly not fiscal equality.

Touche'! LoL

Yes that is how it is now, Not how it always has to be though. We just need more people to really want change, I know we can make it happen.

As a member of the @Council - Community Curator Service, this post has received a 100.00% upvote.

Members of the community can all chip in to Power UP. Become a member, delegate 10 or more Steem Power (SP) to @Council to receive upvote and resteem. Here's the link to delegate https://on.king.net/council10sp it will redirect to Steem Connect for a secure connection. We share the Steem Power of all members that delegate to Community Curator Service, sharing our SP for a stronger upvote.

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