Can we get some sort of "multi-feed" concept please?

in #steemit8 years ago

I really have an issue not being able to "watch" the type of feed I choose, why can I not combine key words and create my own feeds?

I believe this would be a killer way to add more discovery to the platform; let it be like multi-reddits or stumbleupon where you choose certain tags to follow or whatever... but regardless there should be some sort of "option" at the very least to sort-of customize our feeds, whether it be a 3rd party website and/or built into doesn't really matter to me. I just feel that if I'm already having trouble finding content and I spend hours a day on Steemit, you bet your ass everyone else is too. Now imagine 400,000 users... yea we're gunna get messy quick folks.

Anyways just a thought. kthx.


Great idea! Having the feed with customization would be awesome for sorting, etc. I think filtering like this could also work well on SteemShare to discover less popular content on steem.

I'd love to see more options for multi-feeds. Maybe even self-customizable feeds with your favorite tags and their own genres, if you feel like watching art, you have a feed for #steemart, #drawings, #anime, from your followers so you can open them as "hot", or "trending".

Oh man, thanks for the mention! Haha =D

This is a good idea @thedashguy, at least a voter will not only focus on the author that they are following. This will allow newcomers and small fishes be seen also.

Anyway, you mentioned you are having trouble finding content, add me to your followed list so I can also you my world.

I haven't really used it, but have you heard of SteemWatch from @void? It might be able to do what you're recommending.

Nope, but i'll check it out, thanks!

No problem!

Good idea. The only downside I can think of is Steemit turning into a collection of echo chambers.

It's still new; undoubtedly, something like that will be added. Anyone here remember Twitter's global feed? They got rid of it when T got too big.

I liked your idea and cited this post near the end, although I think your idea is slightly different Toggle Button For Work & Home. I think you offered some valuable insight.

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