Roll Call...Are you In or Out?

in #steemit6 years ago

Know that getting Forked has upset more then a few of you and have even heard rumblings of people planning on leaving steemit. So at this point I want to know are you In or Out?

Sure we had a completely avoidable shitshow, but was it your breaking point? I want to know who is 1 foot out the door, who is only sticking around long enough to power down, and who is still firmly here.


Where I stand

For those that care yes I was pissed off at the top 20 and Steemit Inc as they completely screwed the pooch here. But I firmly believe that there is no way they won't tweak and rework things to the point that almost everyone will be happy.

While at first anger kicked in (and it was probably a good thing I couldn't comment) at this point I've come to accept that shit happens and now it's time to get back into the swing of things.

To be clear I am here and plan to continue efforts towards helping others with the @pifc and @minnowbuilder projects. @pifc will have a redo of week 20 and @minnowbuilder2 is currently still selling shares for another 12 hours or so.

But Where do Your Stand?

Please let us know where you stand and why. I good with any position and would love to hear some other thoughts on the this. Think an open friendly discussion of things can be helpful for all of us at this point.


I am in as long as they don’t do something to break the #OneLoveDTube project. It didn’t look very good at first, afterwards it still seems like an intentional purge. As is we lost delegations and many left our trail, I have invested everything I have into the #OneLoveDTube project which isn’t much and I don’t get a whole hell of a lot in return. Basically all the hard work over the last several months has been reset and we have even had to recode our discord bots we use for curation. As of now I’m still here, no I am not impressed.

This has exposed many of the potentially fatal flaws of Steemit, many extend from the foundation only to be hidden by patchwork on the visible structures.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ok I'm going to have to look closer into your project and get a better feel for what it's about. Feel bad as I haven't taken a serious look and have meant to a couple times.

Feel free to message me on discord about it and if there is anything I can help with. Off to bed now, but will take a look tomorrow.

I am... less in than I was a week ago? One thing that's very clear to me is that the developers' approach is not yet as suitable for recruiting outside investment as I had believed that it was. So I've canceled plans based around that until the process improves, and will be putting more of my effort toward improving the process instead.

At the moment my pipeline for bringing more of my own money in here is frozen - it would be anyway because the exchanges are closed - and I'm unsure what direction it will be moving when they reopen. I'm giving thought to cashing out the liquid SBD in my account and changing my approach away from 100% power up of my rewards, although I'm not powering down and don't think that's very likely at the moment.

I understand how you feel about this and had many of the same thoughts. While I don't think they will fix their process overnight I do honestly feel this was a big enough screw up that they will adjust the processes going forward. The amount of man hours wasted trying to fix things after the fact hopefully was enough that the top 20 figure out how to test the code next time around.

At $7k a month earnings per top 20 witness I think they can afford to have some code reviewed by competent programmers and if they don't feel that way they deserve to be replaced. Being a community builder or whatever else you want to claim you are doesn't matter when it comes to being a witness. You need to run the required servers, either understand the code yourself or hire someone that does so you can review the code and test updates before they go live, and vote for what will best help steemit grow. If those requirements can't be met then it's time to replace the top 20 with capable witnesses who don't mind saying No your shit code isn't ready to go live to ned and company, or even No your code hasn't been properly tested as you didn't provide enough time. Either way this batch of code should never have gone live.

All that said I hope that you find yourself moving back to the sticking around camp. Steemit needs people like you.

At $7k a month earnings per top 20 witness I think they can afford to have some code reviewed by competent programmers

We have some good programmers here from places with low costs of living, you would think some way could be found to take advantage of that.

I strongly prefer that this be done collaboratively and publicly, however, rather than in the top witnesses' private development environments. (And Slack, apparently.)

A big part of the problem here is the secrecy behind the process. If I had known nobody was doing code review on this from the time the hf20 commits started we'd be having fewer problems today, because I would have sat down and done some of it. (Although resource credits would probably have been my last priority, so not a lot fewer problems.)

I completely agree that there is some great talent on steemit and many from low cost or high cost areas would love to be part of the process. Think that a small amount put to the side from each block to cover a reward system for proof of work on code review would make a lot of sense.

If the process was made public then those who are elected to serve our interests and protect our investments could get real feedback. Personally if the code is turned live and we are allowed to play around within the new system I'd gladly duplicate posts and comments to try and crash the system or at least find the bugs in the system.

That seems like a wise approach. I'm no less in, my feeling is that this was a learning experience (for everyone) and some similar epiphany would have happened sooner or later and I have things I want to do here. At the same time, I agree that some of the business processes, including governance, need improving and I will be keeping an eye on that.

It is a near thing for me. Like most I was pretty pissed off at some of the attitudes when commenting and voting was coming back. I certainly learned of a few accounts that will never ever get a vote from me, not saying which ones, because of their post HF actions. I found it despicable that one made a post asking for votes and comments then sending those that could do nothing to his discord room while upvoting his own post and comments at 100% and I think I saw only 2 votes during those 6 hours to another account. Another is an individual that made an asinine remark and then went and did what the person I just described did, he did give a few 10% votes out to others but a lot of self votes to himself, thus that was why I made several comments about not letting the Orcas get all the rewards for that day when votes finally returned to me, even though at a very low power I found real people to vote on.

I will be riding out the backsplash waves the next few days to see what happens, I doubt that when tcpolymath removes his delegation to me for the UA experiment that I will stay in support of a supposed Reputation System that has one of those two individual so highly ranked, so even though the votes were extremely nice and large, I do not think I will support such a failed, (in my eyes), system.

On the plus side I think it would be a real kick in the pants to the top 20 witnesses if @fulltimegeek makes it to the top 20 and has that light blue bar to the left instead of the right indicating that it was the smaller users, that support him, and not one or two large accounts supporting him.

During the down time, I do do a lot of looking back, especially at the HF17 issue. From what I was reading it was all about a lack of engagement that had so many people upset back then, I found it pretty ironic that this HF wanted to pretty much do away with engagement. They should not have scheduled this HF for the full moon.

I didn't watch what others were doing that closely as my time was so limited online those few days anyways. Was trying to mainly chat with others in discord when possible, but looking at how people were behaving during that time wasn't much of an option. You have me very curious

As for @fulltimegeek, I need to review my picks to see who should be replaced. Wanted to take the time to review how each appeared to react to this mess before just dropping one. Honestly don't think there are enough small votes out there to reach the top 20 without a few of the larger voters supporting you but willing to give it a try. Between all the accounts I control it's enough to give a small bump.

I am sure he will get a couple of the larger votes, but it sure would be nice to see that "smaller accounts" label on the left instead of the right. bitconnect fiasco feb for one I think that was coin.

I am new to STEEMIT and so far so good, but I am not going to lie. This platform and the new update is a little confusing. I still enjoy the idea of it enough that I would like to try and share on here more and grow new friendships but it seems so hard. I don't get the whole comment and post limit thing. Posting a few times a day is a lot for me but it is weird to me that they only let you do it some much and limit you. Even though the limit is a lot it is still there which I find odd. They seem to really limit some users. Do they limit other things like that for the little users on here as well? I am starting to understand the term minnow now. (Sorry, naive noobie trying to figure the HF2o out...)

Honestly the issues of not being able to use steemit and all that aren't what bother me the most about the changes made in HF20. You as a new user just said exactly what I fear others will feel.

They complicated something that was already on the complicated side. There are to many things to figure out for a newbie and if they would have done even 1 simple focus group to test these ideas it would have been painfully clear that there are to many things for a new person to learn.

If you have the patience to stick with it and learn the ins and outs of steemit there is potential to make a little money while meeting a lot of good people. Get involved with some communities like @pifc as there are always people around willing to lend a hand.

Side not, Minnow starts at around 500sp up to 5000sp. Redfish is 50-500sp, and Plankton is 0-50sp. Don't worry to much about the labels, they don't matter all that much.

Haha not gonna a lie the Plankton sounds like a bad ass title. You are so right though and it is good hearing about others trying to get together and grow as well. I most defiantly would like to stick it out and make some new friends and colleges. I will defiantly check that stuff out.
Thanks again!

I'm here for the long haul, the fork was just a bump in the road. I just hope that the witness and Steemit, Inc take the time to learn from the mistakes and prevent them in the future. It is better that it happened now instead after SMT's are added.

I think we also need to see how we feed into that process.

Seems like it is all good. I felt the same way for sure. Hopefully SMTs will be a glorious addition here soon!

I'm here and planning to stick around. I won't be able to vote for a while still because a change in delegation rules means that I got hosed by losing one and that zapped my VP, but I'll just wait it out... again.

Yeah I get what they were trying to accomplish with the delegation change, but it's completely screwed up the way it's working in practice. Talked to people who had nearly full VP get zapped down massive amounts when the delegation left their account which makes no sense as the idea was to prevent people from running their VP down really low then delegating power.

It makes zero difference if I had a delegation and used it down to zero and it gets pulled back to an account at 100% as there is a 7 day cool down period which is long enough to recharge the VP on that delegation back to 100%.

I believe the cooldown period changed to 5 days now. I also think that's how long it takes to recharge VP. I could be mistaken though. Regardless, it was a pain to see such a drop in my VP after working to get it up and running again. Oh, well. Nothing I can do about it except wait for it to recharge.

5 days is better then 7, but still if you are forced to wait as long or longer then the recharge I don't get any penalty at that point.

I'm definitely sticking around, I have a vision for Steem and manifesting it requires being a part of our communities. Like you say, this is a minor deviation in young technology. Looking down with the eagle eye we put it all into perspective

Posted using Partiko Android

When you are in the middle of something it's very hard to remain objective about it. Emotions tend to get the best of us. Stepping back for a couple days put things in perspective for me. It wasn't because I wanted to be away, but life happened to get in the way at the exact time this was all gave me time to think about it a little.

I'm definitely in, but must admit that the few days off has allowed me to look at some other options that I never did might mean less time on steemit (not much!lol)
But I'm 'in it', to see where it goes, that's for sure!

So many forking posts, need some spoons :-)
I'm sticking around, there are really good folks
on steemit, made some great friends in the year
I've been here. Rather shocking to see the train
come to a stop and sit on the tracks all out of
steem. Reloading steemworld and seeing the
lowests number ever seen on the wheel, even
more shocking lol

But with anything there is always bumps along the
road, potholes and realigning of the tracks. A few
extra rail spikes, some strikes and all is golden again!
Looking forward to the steeming years ahead ☀

The people are the key to this place. It's amazing I think at this point I could travel to almost any country in the world and would be offered a place to sleep from people I've met here over the last year plus. They really do make it worth coming back each day.

I tried so hard not to refresh steemworld for the last few days...but like always I had to do it each night. Was kind of depressing seeing no action at all. Nice seeing things start moving again.

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