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RE: Flagging Could Destroy Steemit by Monopolising Tag Whales

in #steemit8 years ago

I agree. Flags should not be used to silence people you disagree with but not everyone agrees with that ironically.

I think we are seeing more and more people using the flagging option to get rid of posts they don't like which is not the intention of flagging. I suggested that once the whales started playing this game the smaller fish would follow.

I think some clarification from the Steemit team on what the flag is for would help with this.


It should be removed all together. Or at least put a downvote button next to the upvote one.

They changed the downvote to the flag because people were abusing it. I don't think there is an easy solution.

Remove it completely then. If you don't like something then ignore it

That isn't realistic in this system where a person or group can pretend to like something that is worthless or harmful just to extract rewards. There has to be some counterbalance, and a degree of consensus on what should be paid out.

Maybe a feature needs to be built in that if a member flags x number of posts, someone reviews the flags. If the reason isn't obvious, the person flagging gets one opportunity to explain the reason. If the reviewer isn't satisfied with the explanation the flag gets reversed. I expect a team of reviewers would be required. Human intervention wont be infallible but it may help to slow down the ones who use flagging with impunity now.

There is no "someone" in charge who can review things like there is at Facebook, Twitter, etc. This is a decentralized system where everyone is a moderator (yes, even you!). If someone flags something and you don't think that is appropriate, respond to their flagging with an upvote. The system counts (SP-weighted) votes and reaches a consensus.

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