Facebook & Google Promise Congress They'll Brainwash You With Their Own 'Counter Propaganda' -- Time to Move to STEEMIT

in #steemit7 years ago

Tech giants Facebook, Google and Twitter testified to Congress this week about extremist content appearing on their platforms. In an odd admission, the companies promised to suppress extremist ideologies online by distributing their own "counter-propaganda."

Monika Bickert, Facebook's head of global policy management told Congress on Wednesday that the site plans to take matters into their own hands.

"We believe that a key part of combating extremism is preventing recruitment by disrupting the underlying ideologies that drive people to commit acts of violence. That's why we support a variety of counterspeech efforts," Bickert said.

Meanwhile, representatives from Google admitted during the testimony that they use an algorithm to send anti-terror messages to people who they suspect of viewing seditious material. The use of this algorithm is known as the "Redirect Method," and was developed by a team at Google called the Jigsaw research group

Juniper Downs, YouTube's head of public policy, also said that the company has plans to implement censorship on videos that they deem to be extremist.

"Our advances in machine learning let us now take down nearly 70% of violent extremism content within 8 hours of upload and nearly half of it in 2 hours," Downs bragged during the testimony.

Meanwhile, Twitter has set up over 100 "training events" all over the world including at elite locations like the White House or United Nations.

Twitter's Carlos Monje Jr., director of public policy and philanthropy in the U.S. and Canada, said the company has participated in more than 100 training events since 2015 on countering extremist content.

While countering terrorism is certainly a noble cause, as TFTP has reported at length, these tactics are also used to snub out peaceful views that simply challenge the status quo.

In recent months, social media organizations have come under fire for the negative impact that they have had on human interactions and society at large. These groups have taken the blame for the recent divisions that have been tearing friends and family apart along political lines, and that blame is well placed for the most part.

Much of this problem has been created by the algorithms that curate and select the content that we see online, not the platforms themselves. These problems did not exist when social media had free-flowing timelines that were unrestricted and in chronological order. Unfortunately, these companies do not want to give up the control they have on the content that you consume, so they are doubling down on their algorithms and will undoubtedly make the problems that they seek to solve much worse.

As we also reported this week, YouTube alienated a large portion of its audience this week by demonetizing all of their smaller content creators. In an email sent out to millions of independent artists, musicians, and journalists, YouTube informed them that they were no longer eligible for advertising revenue on the site because their channels were simply not big enough. The site now requires a minimum of 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of viewed content, automatically disqualifying a large chunk of their creators from monetization.

These companies have become so far removed from their customers that they are no longer concerned with delivering a product that people actually want, which is the inevitable outcome of monopolies.

These organizations may have a stranglehold on the social media market for now, but it is only a matter of time before more free platforms are widely adopted. For example, a blockchain social media website called Steemit has been growing in popularity by the day. On that site, users get paid in cryptocurrency for posting, commenting and even "liking" other posts. You can find The Free Thought Project on Steemit @tftproject.


This is why I have hope for Steem and Steemit.

Hope that decentralization and freedom will win out here, and not become the same thing as their fiat/Facebook/Google counterparts.

Hope that as more and more people board Steemit, the diversity in viewpoints and agendas won't push us all towards abandoning the 'social experiment' we're participating in, but somehow actually achieve a miraculous change in society—not just in money, but in all aspects of life.

I hold no delusions, however, of the battle that is ahead. You can see it already flaring up on Steemit, and it's only going to increase as others arrive.

big brother loves the transparency of the block chain.

Promised? But that is in the future tense, Google is already trying to manipulate reality to suppress extremist groups, like Republicans. See how they altered history so that Abe Lincoln is no longer a Republican on Google?


Really it is a public service, they wouldn't want people to get confused thinking that a Republican freed the slaves right?

What? This is insane. You can't go back and re-write history because your feelings are hurt.

And if they can do that to Honest Abe...

Next it would be the online bible to make it "politically correct" Why can't we just call a spade a spade?

When you search for "Bible" they will direct you to Saul Alinsky's book

All part of re-writing history.

This is informative thanks!

Yet another million cobblestones on the road to a permanent overclass and a permanent underclass, I'm thankful to all of the programmers who are making actual alternatives possible for everyone who isn't a vacuous corporate hag riding her parents money like taylor swift.

her parents had $300,000,000?

dude look it up, they surpressed it for nearly a decade then it came out who her real parents were, she's kindof new money but a lot of it.

if you disagree prove me wrong or show counter evidence.

I don't care enough about her to look into it, whatever start she got in life she has gone out there and worked hard since she was a teenager and that's why she is successful. It certainly is helpful to have rich or connected parents if you want to break into the music industry. I had some friends in high school and one of their parents was a record producer so they formed a band and they had some success but they are not around anymore so having the right parents will only take you so far.

I suppose they are referring to us as the terrorists?

pffft.. the power is in the people.. we can just mesh our wifi and BLACKLIST all .gov IPs

I am going to steal that and post it on disqus

Thanks for the heads up

It doesn't matter what we do in this country, they'll always try to brainwash us. That's why "We The People" need to take our stand. It may be hard and seem impossible but we can do it again, like we did to England.

Terrifying. I am pleased that facebook has decided to cut back on news feed and increase more friends and family content, and I think considering the chaos that happened during the election (FB definitely tapped into my own angst) they are overdue to make some changes - especially since there are a lot of people who will not switch to other platforms such as Steemit because the point of FB is to show the world how happy they are (right?). It is really scary, however, to think that FB can choose who or what is “extremist”.

Facebook and Google have no idea how the paradgm is changing from a model where you give your data for a free service to one where your data gains worth by its command of attention and is then paid for in cryptocurrencies

Facebook will fail. The human will for the truth is too strong, and people are individually growing resistant to their kind of manipulation. That resistance will spread.

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