An Opinion about "Diversification of Our Presence in the Block-chain"... ✨ WITH KITTENS! ✨

in #steemit6 years ago

La Seriedad y yo.JPG

• "There are many times where I want to talk about serious topics the most seriously possible... then I remember how the back of my working notebook looks like, and I forget about it." - Photo by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.

💦 This Week has been filled with worry and serious reflection for me 💦

I hate whenever an idea is able to grasp to my mind, since once it’s there, good or bad, it will drill my psyche enough to monopolize my decision and reaction abilities.

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👇 There are things that worry me about Steemit at the present moment 👇

👉 Visibility - Traffic - “Bugs” 👈

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  1. There has been a lot of time since the “visits” indicator in the post glows by its absence, and when you are a content creator, you know that every visit worth as much as any comments, and likewise, those are worth even more than the rewards said post can "accumulate".

  2. Is Steemit’s position, as a “blogger” platform on the main browsers, good?, I don’t have any idea!, I don’t know how many persons find one of my tutorials when they write the key words on the “All Mighty Google”.

  3. The fight with the “Submit” bottom, and the constant call for help towards your faithful F5 every time you appear “disconnected” at the website…

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Today I’m actually editing my web’s template (which I’m terribly anxious to inaugurate), and I wonder as I think of the points above, the following:

🍓 "How many people visit my Steemit Blog?" 🍓

🍓 "How many of my friends get to read my posts?" 🍓

🍓 "How many clients and Crafting lovers find me here?" 🍓

There’s a terrible isolation feeling which has gotten deeply into my bones since last Monday, when I was conscious again about the absence of the guests indicator on the posts.

« Almost a Year! »

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On February 2019, I will have been active at Steemit for a whole year since I started publishing all the content I had been preparing for my personal website, which also I left as a Hiatus Project in order to focus all my attention on this platform, because Steemit (when @franggy presented it to me) was offering me a lot of what I had been looking for and needed since a lot time:

  • A comfortable, minimalist and elegant graphic interface.

  • An organized and efficient tagging system.

  • The possibility to contact and interact with artists from other countries.

  • A blog directly linked to communities with ideas and topics, different from the “Usual Social Media”.

  • A website with a niche to exploit, with user traffic that was not exclusively Spanish-speaking.

  • The possibility to monetize all my content without the mandatory intervention by third parties.

« What it’s happening with the Artistic Curation Group? »

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Did you know that the "Slothicorn" initiative has been inactive since a long time go?, many users still use the tag without knowing that their original founder left the Project, and they aren’t curating any longer.

And before Slothicorn, something also happened with "Stateoftheart" (which was also a curation project focusing on the artistic content).

« The Absence of many loved users »

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Talking with some user-friends, I got many answers that, even if those were pretty obvious, I spent a lot of time not wanting to listen to them (and admit at the same time) the fact that many talented users had migrated to “other lands”.

That Steemit wasn’t what it was anymore: the (apparently) first and only Decentralized Social Media in the world, and now, there was a huge range of possibilities opening for all creative minds and content creators inside the Blockchain.

When you have fallen i love with something and you are totally sure it is “the best place”, it’s very difficult to accept it isn’t at all, and also that there are other sites with a lot of potential inside the Blockchain which are also opening to receive a lot of promising and talented Internet Users.

« And what other sites would those be?»

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Well, honestly I’d read too many names, and I’m not able to comment about any of them because: I’d read too little, or is the very first time I hear/read about them, but including Steemit, those would be:


Feel welcome and free to comment anything you know or wish about the commented sites.

« Diversification or Massive Copy Paste? »

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"Being everywhere can also mean that you are nowhere "

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I remember the Social Media BOOM when they started to form part of our lives: After MySpace, Fotolog and Messenger, with the arrive of FB, everybody "must to get an account", along with Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Deviantart, Tumblr, Twitch, Blogger (or Wordpress).

If you are freelancers or artists, then you add Freelancer, Workana, and any other page/portfolio you can find for the list.

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The Sole Memory creates a terrible Vertigo inside me!

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Today, we know is completely impossible to produce daily content that will go along with the specifications for every single one of this platforms; successful "influencers, youtubers and bloggers" confirm that even staying with 3 Social Media where they are truly active (even if they have 15 with the desired "VERIFIED"), they only get to be truly active on 2 (sometimes just one).

« So, Would it be ok to affiliate and post in other places (linked to the Blockchain) beside Steemit? »

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In my opinion, no… or well, I don’t know! Frankly and honestly, I’m not the best person to decide what is correct or not in those circumstances, because any single one of us is owner of what we produce and generate as creatives, and only we can decide what to do with the product of the energy and time spent.

Nobody can tell you what to do or not with your work, placing the hand in a foreign Candy jar is simply a big NO.

What can be possible is, if you got the disposition to organize an action plan to be efficient and expand our "exposition zones" without reducing the quality of our content, diversification (moderately) as it sounds like a very nice option.

« The importance to be Assertive »

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While I was talking with a user I love and respect through Discord, privately, I felt comforted when they also had the same opinion as I did, that we don’t see the point on replicate your content or “copy-paste it” wherever you get your accounts on, with the possibility of making it less worth and also getting you, as a content author, in a saturation of ”networks” (which will turn into chains dragging you backwards).

Because yes, there’s a reality at Internet that you learn with time and use, and it’s you must learn to choose well where you would like to share and expose the fruits of your intellect, work, job or hobbies.

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Why?, because our Internet identity is as solid as the most outdated of your “social medias”.

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If it’s not ok to create, let’s say, a FB page to leave it behind, or a Twitter only to use it the first week and finally leave it behind, imagine how terrible is opening accounts inside medias belonging to the Block-chain!, pages that you will NEVER be able to edit and much less to erase (thing that doesn’t happen when it comes to the common Social Media that you can just get tired of them or you may consider them "ugly", and with a few clicks you can disappear it as if it never existed).

It isn’t about being present in every single possible place, because sooner than later, this will exhaust you and the quality levels most be optimal, no matter where we are going.

The sloth is noticeable, Friends, and when you are starving for easy money as well.

« And after all that has been said, will I get myself beyond the boundaries of Steemit? »

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Yes, I will!, at least I will give it a try in two more, starting by, but first I need to learn the rules of the game.

My insecurities and strong-headed attitude about looking outside of Steemit were defeated by the expectative of what could happen; also, the thing looks better if you analyze the possibilities of linking both (decentralized) monetized platforms to one main blog/web as a tool to catch traffic… but not just any traffic:

We all know the quality of public browsing through those places, this people is very cautious and doesn’t fall in love with just mirrors, and this kind of challenge fascinates me.

« I would like to invite all the friends that are still around here, to the following! »

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There’s a lot of reasons why it isn’t recommended to leave your blog on hiatus at this network!, between those we can find that when there’s less quantity of people who are only money-thirsty and seeking the rewards, and not interested on making community or socialize in the same platform, then the quality content has more chances to be noticed!

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👌 This is a great moment to socialize and get in communities 👌

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Those who read you now, will continue reading you when "the coin rises” and your post won’t get lost in the massive tide of users that will come back for that "boom" of the coin (it has happened before).

2. "Read a lot before making any decision"

If you are contemplating any of the new options I talked about above (under your own risk), go ahead! but make sure to read where you are getting yourself into. Is it worth?, does it fulfil your expectation?, will it become an ally on the future?.

3. "Don’t hesitate to Ask"

Write to your friends, acquaintances, and contacts who are building their accounts on those new places. Express your doubts, ask them for information about the communities, dynamics, everything that they are able to provide you is going to be valuable data, and no, I’m not just talking about "the rewards". Please, think on the late run.

Write on the Discord Servers dedicated to Steemit about the current situation of the platform, ask what it’s happening!, ask for advices and opinions, because maybe you and I, dear friend, are losing some important details here.

4. "Elaborate an Action Plan"

Organization is the absolute friend of Success!, take a look at your content, posted and to post, can you stay active at all the places you want to be part of without getting tired or annoyed, then perfect!.

« How can we help to give some worth and projection to the platform? »

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Inviting users full of potential is a great option, we all have friends, neighbors and family with a story to tell, with an experience to share, and with anecdotes that we won’t hear from anybody else.

It isn’t necessary to spent a lot of money to help Steemit; by dedicating a little of your time to explain some things to new users, you will done something really valuable for the platform, but of course, correctly illustrating one future good Steemian requires of a considerable time investment, time we don’t have at the present moments.

Hopefully!, there are amazing initiatives who pretend to organize all the content new users and people interested on the platform need to know.

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✨ ✋ The diversification of the presence in the Block-chain as content creators, doesn’t have to represent leaving one website ✋ ✨

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☝ The time you have invest at Steemit is valuable, don’t let it go!, when the next big "BOOM" arrives, you’ll surely be happy to be around here ☝

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« Links to super relevant and important posts »

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✨ 👍 Should you be worried right now?

✨ 👍 Start Evolving: Welcome Blockchain into your Career Life.

✨ 👍 @Steemonboarding: The Marketing Tool for the Steem Blockchain You have Been Waiting For

🍓 NOTE: Please, take in consideration that this post is full of personal opinions, and all that has been written here is a subjective impression about the several topics. Anything nor any user is directly or indirectly criticized or judged (>uvu)> peace & love ~ 🍓

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🌿 ✨ Happy, soft and creative day to All! ✨ 🌿

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Firma en Blanco y Negro.png

💌 Thank you so much for Reading! 💌


🍓 Text and All Images’ Credit: @Tesmoforia 🍓

🍓 Translation: @Vanuzza 🍓

✨ Separators: ~ • Gif´s: ~

─ ═☆ All Rights Reserved / ⓣ ⓔ ⓢ ⓜ ⓞ ⓕ ⓞ ⓡ ⓘ ⓐ - 2018 ☆═ ─


Are you same name at Whaleshares? I am SPIDER (only spider without very) over there, add meeeeeeeee

I'll add you bacccckkkk <3

Whaaaaaaat! Are you at Whales? I'll follow you right away! Yes, yes! I'm Tesmoforia there too. It's so awesome that you got the "Spider" name! ✨ 👍

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