Steemit Success Series - Luke Stokes Shares His Secrets

in #steemit7 years ago


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Luke Stokes ( @lukestokes ) is one of the great ones on the Steemit platform. He is a programmer by training from U Penn, a father, a husband, a voluntarist, and a really good Steemit user!

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In this video we talk about the recent event in Acapulco, Mexico called Anarcapulco 2018. We share about the freedom and liberty ideas and what impressed us about the event.

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Then Luke shares about what he has seen that works for him in Steemit. This is where you can learn a lot and benefit from what this wonderful guy has to say. Take notes on this as it can help you achieve the success you are looking for.

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I look forward to hearing from you and getting your comments. Thank you very much for stopping by to visit here and learn from the amazing Luke Stokes. Follow up and get to know his work.

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During the interview Luke shared some links from his posts that can be helpful to you. Check these out and benefit from the wisdom of this very good man.

Here's the original post about hiding rewards:

And me revisiting it about 8 months ago:

The post I usually send to help people out (which links out to three other posts) is:

Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional
[email protected]
+1-407-363-0505 (Orlando, Florida, USA)

Steemit - @terrybrock


Thanks so much for having me on and sharing my ideas with your audience, Terry. I really hope it helps others and if anyone has a question about what we covered, I'd be happy to answer as best I can. I look forward to connecting again sometime in person at a conference in the future.

Thank you, Luke for sharing such great ideas. It was an honor and a pleasure to talk with you and share so others can benefit. Keep up the good work and we greatly appreciate you and your contributions!

Great hanging with you in Acapulco and look forward to connecting again soon. Loved the video and learned a lot from listening. May Steem be with you.

Thanks @luzcypher! I really enjoyed hanging out with you as well and gave you a big shoutout in my Anarchapulco video. :)

Thanks for sharing all these great resources. Terrific interview.

Thank you very much, @ginacarr.

Day by day we find out new tricks and methods. But in my opinion quality and originality is the absolute winner. I've writen a post about life and reflects of steemit of life and I've been thinking about some secrets too.
Writing down a notes are my favorite - that really helps out while posting and writing.
Thanks for tips and I hope I'll see more like this.
Havea nice day/night - @tonac :D

Thank you for your comment, @tonac. I have to agree with you that writing the notes and keeping that information that pops into your head in a more permanent place helps a lot.Earl Nightingale used to say we need to"stab" those ideas when they come.By that he meant to write the note down with a pen on paper.That still works today but I like the idea of recording it using voice technology that we have available now.

Thank you very much for your comment and I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.

Thank you, @emmykeys01 @lukestokes did a great job and I was honored to have him as a guest on my program. Thank you for your comment.

Sharing really is common here in steemit. Very good platform and and awesome steemians like you @terrybrock greatly helps newbies grow and learn.

You Betcha, @invictus (love that name!) Sharing is an interval part of what we do at steam@and it helps to make the community vibrant and helpful for everyone.Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comment.

Great interview @terrybrock Your energy is contagious. I like what you and Luke had to say about gifting, as I believe a gift-based economy will transcend the current anarcho-capitalist model popular with many anarchists.

I think you and @lukestokes, given your understanding of the non-aggression principle and deeper philosophy, would enjoy my recent vegan anarchy series on Steemit. I believe we would make huge strides as a community if we opened our minds up to the possibility of extending the non-aggression principle to the animals.

Look forward to your next interview.

Thank you very much for your comment. I have to agree with you about extending the nonaggression principle to animals as well.I know that not everyone embraces this yet, but that's okay because I know it took me a while to get there as well.

I really appreciate your kind words and your thoughts.I look forward to reading more of your material in the future.

Accidental double-post.

What was the accidental double post? I didn't see you put two up here. Besides it is very good to hear from you

The website glitched and I posted the vegan comment twice. All good, thanks for replying!

No problem at all. We who have been on the net for a while can all relate to those technical difficulties. Thanx for sharing your great ideas even in the midst of the challenges.

As a relatively new user to the platform, I am inspired by what people like you guys are doing for this community. I hope you contribute to the community in a similar fashion as I continue this journey. Thanks for the insights and inspiration!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I think you will find the Steemit community a very helpful place with a lot of wonderful people. Thank you for your comments and I will forty hearing more from you again.

Thanks @terrybrock that really useful for me Newbi make motivated

Good! Thanx for yoru comment, @shofie

I'm really impressed with the potential of Steem

Great job

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