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RE: How to end a life

in #steemit6 years ago

This is a community that first needs to listen to each other, discuss deeply, change appropriately and prove that a decentralized community can function healthily.

This applies to all of humanity. We are not adjusted to operating in a world without authority dictating everything we do. Therefore, people are falling prey to what they always did.

The first part, "listen to each other" is the starting point....sadly, in this world, there is very little of this.

Over time, things will get better as humanity adjusts to what is possible. The system we all were reared in did a number of all of us.


This applies to all of humanity. We are not adjusted to operating in a world without authority dictating everything we do. Therefore, people are falling prey to what they always did.

This is how you know that the authorities are winning. We are conditioned to do as they have instructed. We can and must do better.

The first part, "listen to each other" is the starting point....sadly, in this world, there is very little of this.

It means hearing what we don't want to hear, it means facing the possibility wewere wrong, taking criticism, forcing us to change. Listening is the most damaging thing one can do to the ego as it risks its destruction.

Over time, things will get better as humanity adjusts to what is possible. The system we all were reared in did a number of all of us.

Yes it has. I would like to at least taste and smell a little of that future. I am unsure if it will arrive in time.

STEEM is an interesting experiment and change for humanity. Those who find their way here are thrust into a place of anarchy. Since there is no high priest or overseer, people are having to deal with things on their own AND collectively. We are in a world without hierarchical rules yet many are looking for it. Even though with a vast amount of SP are calling for other with more SP to "solve" the issues. When that does not happen, they throw a fit just like a toddler in a high chair.

And that is the state of most of humanity...We are like children. So yes, you are spot on with the authorities...the elite...the powers that are....they have full control and most people act like obedient little least until it gets to be too much then we throw a tantrum.

We are conditioned with so much self importance (while also being conditioned to be an obedient slave with low self worth) and grandiosity that we think that what we think actually matters and is correct. So again, the ego is on the line when we listen to others and they tell us we are wrong. That is something we dont want to hear. Hell most of humanity is asleep to what is really taking place. They do not want to believe they are enslaved...that goes against their self importance. Yet, that is exactly what the system is.

There is a lot changing on many different levels. New energy is reaching this planet which is shaking the establishment to its foundation. The last 5+ years witnessed a huge shift in many people. We are seeing a political, economic, and industrial establishment going to great lengths to keep things the same. Their power is threatened. Ironically, they know it yet the masses are mostly unaware of it.

So yes, unless you plan on checking out soon, you will see is happening as we speak and at a pace few could foresee. In the meantime, we are tasked with learning how to play well with each other. Judging by much of what we see on here, we have a long way to go.

Their power is threatened. Ironically, they know it yet the masses are mostly unaware of it.

The masses do not pay attention. That is why they are masses.

In the meantime, we are tasked with learning how to play well with each other. Judging by much of what we see on here, we have a long way to go.

I really am interested where it will all go considering where we are now. For me personally, I am interested at what ill break me ;)

The first part, "listen to each other" is the starting point

That's the point I was going to hit on :) . We no longer communicate in open debate but shout out our opinion and stiffel anything that opposes it.
I enjoy the post from @taraztpk in brings in debate and thought to one's own opinion

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