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RE: Do you really want to EARN rewards?

in #steemit6 years ago

I can identify @cryptographic.

I use to give everyone who commented on my articles an upvote of some kind. That led to a lot of work on my part and a lot of junk comments. I figured if someone took the time to post a comment, there was value in that.

Alas, I was wrong. Now I still upvote a lot of the comments I get but it is far fewer than I was. It has to be something of quality, meaning more than one line (although I do have some who comment and upvote my stuff each time who post short comments so I upvote them for their loyalty).

It is a hard line to walk when one is trying to help others, especially newer people yet get flooded with garbage. I surmise this is only going to increase as the platform grows.

Maybe I will have to put a minimum word limit on posts that get upvoted lol....


Great post. Thanks for sharing. You are a genius. 😁


And I didn't bump you to the top just because you said I was a genius either! 😂

True but it probably didnt hurt either. LOL

Well I had to jump in with my final bit of powder that I was holding back. When I saw BTS at $.20, I had to bite. Added another sliver.....

It all adds up....

I am also glad that @stan is still heavily involved...just not going to give out news until it is announced.

Yeah, I picked up more of both BTS and STEEM. My BitUSD is nearing zero. 😲

But wait, there is more.....

Here is a recent announcement....a bitcoin outfit that is moving to BTS.

It seems that @stan's work is paying off.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 63595.77
ETH 3415.98
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49