Time to shill some Steeeeeeem!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Here are some reasons to earn, buy, hold STEEM.

  • It is the fastest blockchain that has ever and will ever exist.
  • It has a massive amount of endless capacity that goes on forever and ever.
  • The investment can earn by doing literally nothing
  • There are already working applications that rely on it no matter how crappy
  • It is heaps better than Bitcoin. Heaps.
  • It is likely heavily undervalued because people think it is free
  • Oh, you can get it for free* with a little work (making it not really free)
  • But, you can buy it for free using bidbots. Free!


Anyway, so there are some reasons to buy or hold Steem or whatever. However, there is really only one reason to buy and hold Steem.


I know right? The guy that keeps fighting for a stronger community shills steem by saying the main reason to buy and hold is the Community. Surprise, surprise.

Do you know why people are still on Facebook? Considering all of the indiscretions and centralized dictatorship nonsense they have pulled over the years, the monitoring and endless damn places they keep sticking their pointless adverts, people still hold on. Why? Yeah, they have a bloody community that is filled with family, friends and exes to stalk. All of the moaning of Facebook users at every minor change and... still there posting pictures of their meals.

Imagine if they had money invested into it as well...

Markets are driven by sentiment but when that asset is seen as just that, an asset, there is no reason to hold it if prices crash, no reason to care if it plummets, as long as one escapes with some profits. No one even cares what happens to the coins and their teams that just disappear, sure, they are complaining and whining at their losses but, that is trading, that is investing.

STEEM is more than that. The Steem Market sentiment is not just the emotional state of the market, it is the sentimental value of the community and the blood, sweat and way too many tears it took to earn STEEM. It doesn't just disappear because there is a community to support it to stay.

Do you remember earning your first paycheck? Money took on a new meaning at that point didn't it? That shitty job with an even shittier hourly rate made you think long and hard about what would be good enough to wrestle that tiny amount from your hands. You had earned it, it took work, it was yours. That is Steem.

You don't hold Steem, you own Steem, it buys you a home and a community and if you handle that steem well, not only you, but a whole lot of people will continually be working to make sure that the community is solid.

This is the main reason I dislike the bidbots. They take away the feeling of owning what is received. They are investors looking for an ROI, not members looking to pull their weight. Some people seem to think that the two are the same as the Steem is the same. No, Sentiment drives markets and they don't give a fuck about Steem, as long as they can change it into fiat. People might not see the importance of this yet but, give it time and they will.

Steem will not always be the fastest blockchain so if that is the selling feature, it will collapse eventually. Three second and free transactions might not be so special when some other retardedly named coin like SuperFastnFreeCoin breaks onto the market. Steem might not scale quickly enough and it will run into all kinds of issues and competition on technology as time goes on.

Any other coin can be dumped, favour can be lost, people turn away but, one backed by a strong and invested community who poured their hearts into being a part of it, improving it, developing it, fighting for it. People who not only put in effort, they put their lives onto the blockchain, they aren't going to dump it.

They are going to work to change and build it, cooperate for survival. Tell, me where the hell will all of those bidbot users be when something actually needs to be done? They are goodtimers, not people that have your back in a fight.

Watch the people who get Steem easily and those who scrape for every dollar, watch how they treat it, watch how they treat the community. Those that really earn their STEEM have also earned their place in the community and the real earners hold onto Steem like a favourite pair of old jeans, no matter the holes. The real earners here, don't take it all for granted as a means to buy 'real' hold coins.

But, that is my view, a view that knows very little about trading and very little about the technology. But, it is a view based on observation.

In time, the investors will buy in and build apps and attach their products but, the community is not built from that, community is built from the people earning their place, struggling together. Give someone a house, help them feel at home, and they will fight tooth and nail to protect what now belongs to them. Who the hell do you want protecting your investment?

[ a Steemit original ]

Oh, the 13 week power down is also a bit of a safety mechanism people should be thankful for as traders have weak hands, something of which a strong community has a healthy supply.

Edit: This is not investment advice unless what you label an investment is being a healthy member of the community.


Blood and sweat... Who would leave a place that has given one so much while asking for so little. From food on my table to information at my fingertips, from original music to computer geeks turning codes into money, the steem blockchain is giving someone much.

Steemit users who started small and slowly built a network of friends and fans, over time are completely invested in it. Every day, users go out of their way, ignoring the tiredness they feel from the stress of their offline jobs, to give mentorship, tutorials, host curation shows, writing workshops and more, in order to keep the sense of community, of staying through to one assured goal of making the steem blockchain more than just a passing fad. These users are here for the long haul, for the dip, for the moon, for the Lambo, for all of it.

I know very little about trading. In fact I know nothing at all. I have been encouraged to do airdrops and all but time and time again, I look at the steem blockchain and I feel that welcome of home and I want to focus on making my home better.

Steem is more than just a blog with a social networking feature. It is more than a blockchain technological experiment in socialization. It is more than game theory. It is a whole new world, where people can choose to become better versions of their selves. Like virtual reality, a bored clerk can become a music star, a poet genius, a gaming guru, etc. The possibilities stay endless and mostly untouched. At Beta, the steem blockchain supported platform, steemit, is mind blowing. When it is fully operational, there will be so much to exclaim about. Steem all day, everyday.

I am on the phone in bed so will answer better tomorrow but, thank you.

Great points! I agree that STEEM is a powerful blockchain! So much potential with the community! Slow and steady growth will be amazing for all of the members! Thanks for the share!

I really enjoyed the opening reasons to hold STEEM. Actually laughed out loud!

I think your arguments around opposition to bid bots are evolving and becoming stronger. What are your thoughts on bid bots that use a portion of proceeds to fund projects?

Ever been in a casino where they advertise gambling helplines they fund? :)

I think there are better options coming. It is unlikely to kill the bidbots but perhaps there are other ways to go.

haha yes they are forced to by the government to reduce harm or at least appear to reduce harm.

True the only way to eliminate the bots is to provide a better solution to the need they are fulfilling.

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Its a lot of work to get steem. I suppose once you see it growing it makes it worthwhile. How long did it take you to get your first 1c upvote. Thought I would be there already. Embarrassing voting for you and doesn't move the value up.

umm, i think i got it after about 4 months on the platform. After 2 months my rep was 65ish. I had earned a few dollars only. Back then, the voting value structure was different though. It isn't the value of the vote at this point, it is the support it shows that is important Thanks.

My weekly investment into crypto is coming into steem to power up my account. It's not huge, but it's enough to keep my account growing. This investment wouldn't be made if it wasn't for the community.

There are so many people around the world that I have connected with. Have learned their stories and would love to meet them face to face one day. Without this I wouldn't be investing my money or my time. Honestly the earnings don't directly justify the earnings I'm seeing today...but this isn't just about the money.

The Steem blockchain is insanely fast and there is more room for growth which is great, but you are 100% correct it's the community that keeps people holding steem.

Would be great to one day have a meet up. Perhaps when Steem is a little higher than now ;)

Perhaps when Steem is a little higher than now ;)

Yes this would make it just a bit easier to travel the world! This is why I am working on my 2 year plan right now. Trying to figure out exactly what it would take to travel for 2 years starting in 2 years. Not counting on Steem, but if it could get up to even $5 and increase payouts a little that would help a ton.

I have decided that by the time I'm able to retire it's going to be to later to travel. I'll hopefully have grandkids by then and just can't see myself leaving them until they have grown...by then I'm guessing I'll be to old to travel the world. So been playing with some numbers to try and make it happen now. That and trying to get my Wife to agree to us homeschooling the kids while we travel.

That and trying to get my Wife to agree to us homeschooling the kids while we travel.

The good thing about that is you don't even need a permanent home. Also, the best teacher is experience. I would love to at least get some time in Australia with our daughter and a healthy Steem price might make that possible but, who knows.

She wants a "home base" which means owning a home. But I have suggested this could be a tiny home. She isn't thrilled with this idea...but working on it.

I don't know what tiny is but we have an apartment that is 80 sq/m = 860 sq/ft. It is enough. It would be nice have one extra room but we could also live in less and survive.

We have 4 of us and a large dog (whole other issue for travel) so space is a concern for her. The tiny houses are typically pretty small, 400 sq/ft range. Not sure if you have seen any of the shipping container homes they build. But my thought would be to go this route. You can lock them up tight while gone for months on end and add onto them down the road fairly easily as long as you plan it correctly.

This is the main reason I dislike the bidbots. They take away the feeling of owning what is received. They are investors looking for an ROI, not members looking to pull their weight.

Yup. Just money to make money, not working to earn it.

Getting attached to something like Steem will make you fight for it indeed ;)

well, that is the issue with attachments as they control our behaviour. Some hold on to things, others emotions. How easy would life be if we could just let go?

And that is why investors will buy in. You can not build the community fast, building a community requires loads of time, commodity, that investors do not have. But they have time. The better the community the higher the price. Lately though, i have been having doubts about Steem community, there are not that many good members, especially bigger whales, but for those that are still remaining it is worth sticking around. Nice article mate.

Yeah, it could also have some dark days if some of the whales pull out suddenly but, that also means different ones coming in. If the community is strong, that is what they will arrive into.

There is every reason to hold. The problems we see now are just part of the system. Steem will keep moving.

Steemit is the future I believe that. Nice point you highlighted we are trying to use steem to regain our freedom from the government because politicians have enslave us so much

Excellent write @tarazkp. Community, well said. Highly Resteemed

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