The Decentral Intelligence AgencysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

The Central Intelligence Agency, (CIA), The Spies and the Spooks. We have all seen enough movies and television shows that center around the CIA and I am not in the know enough to filter what is fact and fiction. I would assume much of what we know is fiction and the facts are much worse.

The agency itself is a division within the United States government and is tasked with the protection of US interests outside of the country. From how most understand it, they have very little oversight and tend to act largely with impunity. As the name suggests, the core of their service demands the collation and evaluation of data into manageable information.

They also spend a fair amount of time disseminating that information after spinning it to their own ends. There are many that have questioned over the years however if their end is actually in the benefit of US interests at all.

But, this is hearsay and I cannot lay claim to knowing anymore than most others on the workings of a clandestine unit of a government that does not want its skeletons uncovered. Let's talk blockchain instead.

The blockchain is about as in-clandestine as it can get as essentially every transaction is traceable and can be tracked in various ways. On top of this, it is searchable and scrapable and with a decent Sherlock-ing, can probably uncover just about anything about users.

This is likely even for the ones that think they have hidden themselves well. Most people are not in the business of personal security and when it comes to the complexity of online interactions, leave digital breadcrumbs that will eventually lead back to them.

The Decentral Intelligence Agency (DIA)however could be the antithesis of the CIA, a decentralized community that is about disseminating quality and factual information to the entire community. The best interest for all, not just one narrow view.

With such a broad and diverse user base, it would be able to gather information from extremely wide and very fast to call into question a whole range of disinformation released by centralized intelligence agencies and their often less than trustworthy accounts of events.

Perhaps in time and through provable and traceable evidence, it would be able to force a change in how governments and organisations attempt to manipulate and control for their own ends. It could put the pressure on them to actually work in the best interest of the community instead of that of a very small minority.

I think that this is already starting in many ways with the decentralized currencies and the growing number of supporting apps and platforms. However, it is still tied heavily to large authorities. The 'banning' of stuff in China will hopefully become impossible in time and the governments will have to relinquish control of the economic environments.

This would be the largest shakeup to geopolitics the world has ever seen as established currencies are threatened and devalued quickly while flexible, cheap and decentralized currencies are able to service all of the same functionality.

What happens if the conglomerates or oil producers start trading exclusively in Bitcoin or similar rather than US dollars? At some point, the large players will look to decouple themselves from the middleman burden of large currencies and shift to the flexibility of the decentralized currencies. Will this be acceptable to the CIA who are charged with protecting US interests?

When people talk about mainstream uptake they are thinking generally at the consumer level and up until this point this is what is driving the market capitalization. But, this shift is changing as more established businesses and governments start testing waters and shifting into the arena. The current cap is over 160 billion which sounds like a huge amount but is almost insignificant in global value terms. What is very significant however is who is in this market now. Us.

Many of the people dealing in cryptocurrencies have an aversion to centralized authority and places like Steemit are filled with the anarcho-capitalists and thinkers that push for individual growth and control. And as we know, there are some very big fish swimming in the marketplace.

When the corporations and governments really buy in and drive market cap heavenward, those already in and holding significant coin are going to become economic powerhouses well beyond what they are currently enjoying. Play their cards right and work together, they will have the buying power to change the current systems in place globally.

And, if they are faithful to their ideals and beginnings and do not turn themselves into what they have avoided all this time, this is good for all of us. The DIA has the potential to disrupt every facet of the current system as long as they aren't undermined and hijacked early. Vigilance is key.

If the global authority types continue on their current pathways, they are likely to play into the hands of a decentralized money market which will drive their own downfall ever faster as they lose control over a whole range of mechanisms they currently enjoy to keep us all relatively subdued.

It is for this purpose and the greater global good for the individual that one should be increasing and holding as much as possible as when the tipping point comes, it is going to boom and bust very fast and there will be turmoil within the traditional ranks that will pressure the cryptos even more.

There are revolutions across many areas coming and we can all play a major roll in shaping what comes after. The data we hold and drive here could be the information that causes that tipping point to arrive even faster and those that create wealth here are likely going to have much greater influence in that future. This is another reason why content and what gets rewarded matters as it is those who are likely to be able to influence more in the coming future.

The people spinning, spamming, stealing and posting if given money and power are likely to create the same world we already live in, one where the CIA runs rampant. It is the independent thinkers, the revolutionaries, the community developers that will build something different, perhaps something great for all.

I am no expert in markets, blockchain or any of the tech at all. I do observe however and the last few decades have all been pointing towards a a major shift in the global economies. Are we it?

[ a Steemit original ]


Awesome post. I believe decentralization is the future regardless of what governments try to do.

Valuable content indeed!

Thank you. there is obviously a hole or two and some blur interpretation but the more I watch the trends in several areas, the more I think that there is going to be much more than a 'simple' market crash coming.

interesting article. I think many crypto people are hoping that the system can be changed by Blockchain. perhaps far more powerful in terms of economic leverage are the central banks ! and you obviously didn't read my article which is now a dead post. feel free to cast your eyes over it ;)
100% upvoted :) btw

Yes, I didn't want to get into the central banks here. It would have got too complicated for one post. I should have mentioned them of course though. I will have a read. No post is dead on the blockchain.

exactly ! I think you're onto something with the DIA, sounds very Philip K Dick

It is happening. I am very much looking forward to seeing more of this. The first talk of this that I ever heard was in context of police misconduct. Obviously it could expand into so much more. I hope to see an army of very skilled "civilian" investigators shining lights in every shady nook and cranny using transparent and uncensorable tech.

yes, this is how I see one direction going. I think it would reveal a lot of interesting areas and also claim back a lot of 'rent' loss.

I loving taking Spooks!

Dude what you are looking for is basically this:
The Associated Press built on block chain with digital rights written into each post like it is music today so people get paid for being independent reporters. The rights to the content would be leased to news networks and really anyone subscribing. A portion of the earnings would pay for legal teams to sue others stealing material :

fuck this scam filled bullshit we call steemit

Not really. The associated press is full of positions and their sources are often less than trustworthy. What I am looking for is an AI that can collaborate it all and call Shenanigans with a very high degree of accuracy.

I would assume much of what we know is fiction and the facts are much worse.

Actually here is something to be taken with a grain of salt. I read on some forum, somewhere, ATS maybe, someone making a reference to that, but specifically in their dealings with the actual CIA, which they summed up as being akin to Mormons, in-so-far as to say that most of the grunts are "practicing" Mormons, extremely polite and the last ones you'd hear curse even. Why I think this is true is that hardly could the CIA be formed of people with a questionable moral compass or mercenary of any kind. It seems that their job is to collect intelligence and obviously not wage war, but their intelligence is hardly used for anything other, like you said the facts are much worse and much of what we know is fiction (super high tech, complete knowledge of everything). I think their jobs are probably the most banal engagements, I think as high tech and all knowing as they are portrayed they are most Amish and uninformed. It's all because compartmentalization...

..If you think about it while they might have gadgets they don't have the sophistication to create, maintain or even utilize them, and while they might have everything you ever bought stored away somewhere, they rely on the oldest tricks in the book: Intimidation and blackmail, and probably don't even carry a gun unless they are required to, and even then it's only for intimidation and extortion and not to defend themselves or much less assassinate or murder anyone. This is gleaned from listening to admitted assassins that have been interrogated, who never turn up to be CIA.

They are using the gullible in what is a compartment of the government the CIA.

That is why I want to thank you wholeheartedly for bringing so much clarity and simply on the premise of such proposal as wedding the nefarious to the benevolent, I've been using up my voting power for all kinds of reasons(mostly self voting while flagging while on my saga of It's not Censorship Idiot, it's Flagging) but I am using all my steem dollars to promote this.

I hope that all Agents, of the State or of the Devil himself, reading this take heed, if you joined to help mankind, if you joined to lead by example, then here is the utmost sensible option: Denounce your ties to the devil you bound yourself to without full disclosure (what and who you would be working for and to what end your efforts will be applied!) and under duress (from the disparaging situations in all it's forms and manner!) and start anew, redemption may not be wholly sweet but redemption is possible, and every act of redemption is opportunity for forgiveness and ultimate wisdom and understanding that liberates wholly.

You all, who swore oaths to the people, and act against us, even unwittingly, are treasonous and I am not here to beat the drum of war but your acts declare you traitors and your lies and manipulations and continuance of selling your fellow man down the river, even for your deluded "betterment of all", is as if you yourselves pulled the triggers, each unlawful order. What remains is to remind you that no Powers of Emergency exist, and therefore the auspices you are operating under are nothing but delusions constructions akin to declaring yourselves kings of the moon or any other imaginary and equally semantically imposing title such as "director and/or agents of System of Perfection with Dominion over Everything", it doesn't matter and everyone should equally look at you with bug eyes and walk by thinking to themselves "strange fellow", lest give you any kind of credibility or legitimacy your Creative Imposing Titles "deem".

To all satanists and alike who are pretenders and duplicitous in their deeds you too can chose redemption as I am not here to impose blame but to vivify forgiveness which is the way to liberation from becoming.

The state runs on fear, and the internet is empowering people, and taking their fear away. You might have been scared of unregulated taxis or hotels, but now you take Uber and Air Bnb.
Next will be unregulated food, with an army of housewives cooking fives times as much food each night, and selling 80% of it directly to local customers.
As the practice spreads, fewer people will be scared of unregulated restaurants.
They've been telling us fibs about each other, and the more those fibs start to sound hollow, the more we'll trust the market, and the less we'll trust the state.

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