Lifesavers needed

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Lately, I have been buying a little Steem with some of my holds and bringing it back on to the platform to get a little more future stake. It isn't much but I am hoping that it will one day provide support for myself and others here at a much higher value than it is currently worth.

Today I increased the delegation I was giving to one person who is working to engage more so that she has a slider. It is quite a valuable tool in regards to being able to reward comments and spread votes a little wider with 50% instead of 100.

Recently, I have been thinking to organise a Steemit onboarding party for some of my friends and have them over and get a few signed up but, I have postponed the planning as it is too risky in many respects. At the moment, there are too many public arguments and too many scammers going unchecked. How can I expect them to come into a platform such as this and perhaps (like some of the other people I have onboarded) buy Steem to get themselves off to a decent start, when this is what they are greeted with?

It is a very risky investment for people who would already be skeptical considering the new technologies, the new currencies and the new ways of operating, the limitations, the risks, the scammers and all of the work required to be able to make some inroads here. And for most, it is a lot of work if one wants to build some decent stake without having a huge amount of capital to invest.

I am from a poor background and I am used to having very little to get by on. What I have earned in the last year here is an amount that I have never seen before. It is enough to pay off my mortgage and have a little left over to spare but, I have not and will not use a cent of it yet as it is not only my future stake here, it is how I plan on supporting many others also.

Unfortunately for me, I am about as close to all in as someone can get when it comes to my view of future possibility and this means I am heavily invested in having this place become successful. We live in a world where technologies come and go and platforms can die very quickly as no matter how much time they may have invested into it, they can pack up and move to the next one easily. It is much like how people treat relationships these days, there is always another.

It is easy to do though because there is very little baggage to carry away for most people. The only ones to really suffer are those why rely on it for income and have invested themselves in heavily. This is of course the problem with centralised systems as they encourage people to build their position and invest, and then they can wipe out people's livelihoods with the sweep of an algorithm because they want to increase ad revenue 3 percent per annum.

We have a chance to do much better than that though if we are willing to forego short term profits for a few in favor of long-term profits for the many. If we can build a platform that is able to encourage people's personal growth and provide an additional revenue stream, people will willingly invest their time, money and effort to be a part of it.

But, if all they see is a few people lining their pockets while the many suffer, they will turn away asking, I see enough of that in the real world, why would I want it online too?

This is a challenge for my thinking currently as I question whether enough of the community is able to get their ethical shit together to create better results across the board. This isn't aimed at the whales either as the amount of crap I see coming from all levels of the blockchain is astounding.

For example:

You might recognise the article but not the account. I recognise it as it is mine. As is the photo. Yes, someone took the entire article and reposted it as their own (thank you to @fingolfin from bring it to my attention). Of course, I am not the only one they and many others have done this to. Can you imagine if some whale was plagiarising content from other Steemit authors and getting hundreds in upvotes? They would be crucified. The problem is, this most likely happens hundreds of times daily.

People like to blame the whales and appeal to them to 'do something' but, what can they really do about that kind of behaviour? Someone asked me what I was going to do about it and I said Nothing as @steemcleaners was already on it. Punishing it is not going to help as there is an endless stream. Small punishments can redirect but are limited in action until the cost incurred is significant enough and for many of these people, have nothing to lose.

The only way to really change bad behaviour in the long-term is to demonstrate the good by rewarding the good. Lead by example. I try to do this by rewarding comments, I try to do this by producing content I think worthy of reward and I try to do this by encouraging as many as I can to explore their talents and offer the best of themselves to the community.

What keeps coming up again and again here is that no one is going to save the platform as it is the responsibility of all of us as a community to make sure it is the kind of place that people do not want to abandon at the first signs of trouble but rather, invest themselves in and fight for it of the need arises.

No one is going to save us and why should they if we are unable to build something worth saving? There is so much opportunity here that I will keep risking it all by building my hand. Strong hands can hold tight, fight, protect and build. Who knows, perhaps one day I will have a chance to save you and I would like to think that I will be strong enough to give you my hand.

Writing these kinds of articles makes me think about my place and although they often bring up negatives, they actually help me become more positive through investigating what challenges we face and, what role I can play to help improve the situation.

[ a Steemit original ]


Starting conversations about negative topics isn't a bad thing. It forces the issue in front of more people and gets them thinking about it. You never know who might come up with a good solution after realizing the scope of the issue.

It's really cool that steemit has allowed you to generate money this way. Stories like this are what are great about this platform even with the negative issues the positives far outweigh them. Keep it up!

I was actually hoping based on your title that you were purchasing personal flotation devices, but this was good too. I agree that there needs to be community effort to discourage the garbage that gets thrown around here. steemcleaners is a great resource if people see stuff that's being plagiarized. I hope that we can improve things here, because although I don't have as much money or time invested as you, I still have been putting a lot into it and would like it see it continue to grow

I was actually hoping based on your title that you were purchasing personal flotation devices, but this was good too.

The lakes are frozen over so not really needed. =)

I hope that we can improve things here, because although I don't have as much money or time invested as you, I still have been putting a lot into it and would like it see it continue to grow

It 'will' happen, fingers crossed, hoping, wishing..

Fortunately for this man, he wasn't as optimistic about the river. :) Ha ha.

I wonder if he's optimistic about Steemit growing though. Hmm.

Regardless, as long as there are enough people like you who care about long-term growth and not just short-term profit-taking, I think we'll be ok.


well, the thing is that it is not easy to gather a decent amount of SP. either blogging or buying
And I started with blogging and bought a small amount of my SP as well to get me going.
I will admit I am not all in on steem, I take a part of my SBD earnings and convert them to other Crypto (ICO and other Coins) as a diversification.
I also do not need the revenue from steem at the moment but hope that I will be able to live off the crypto in the future, same as you, but hence a bit of the diversification but no return in fiat.

And all the spammers are indeed taking advantage of the system but since there are such services as steemcleaners there is a bit of supervision. But there are not a lot of whale /dolphin spammers and there is a reason. They are shortsighted and go for quick wins. and this will always be so...
So in the end I do believe the platform will improve because the people that are interested will invest in the platform and will power up and grow (even if its just time) and those that are not will take out earnings and stay small

well, the thing is that it is not easy to gather a decent amount of SP

It was not so long ago that when SBD was at 1.05, there would be a frenzy of buying as it was 5% more value. How quickly expectations change? I am am still powering up a fair amount.

I take a part of my SBD earnings and convert them to other Crypto

I have done this too and I don't 'only' hold Steem but, it is definitely the majority especially since I have bought in again with profits from others.

So in the end I do believe the platform will improve because the people that are interested will invest in the platform and will power up and grow (even if its just time) and those that are not will take out earnings and stay small

Yes, it will take asome time but, I think it will build steadily from here on out this year. the end of 2018 and 2019 will be big... I feel (without any concrete reason)

It is strange to know that you are not cashing out and completely investing all your earnings here itself! I admire your broad mindedness.

Today it's my 19th day on steemit and haven't found many to follow..plagiarism is becoming an epidemic..Only few like you stand alone.Hope things will happen as you wish.

I’ve been active in this platform a little longer than a month and I believe this is the most honest post I’ve ever read. I’ve been in the business world for a long time to recognize that steemit idea sounds beautiful and I know there’re many good people in here, but everywhere that there’s humans and money involved, the ‘thing’ gets complicated. I don’t know how I feel about inviting my friends, just like you. And it’s not the first time that someone ‘steal’ posts. It’s complicated, but I’m glad I read your post and I appreciate your honesty with your disappoitment. Thank you!

As a community, I think when people are outright stealing other people's work, we should flag the shit out of them until they give up and leave.

As mush as I agree, it is an endless process as they don't seem to stop even when warned, flagged, scolded... I think there are mental issues...

Flagging plagiarized content like that is all about altruistic punishment. We can and should encourage all Steemians with a significant stake on the platform to flag that shit. We should all sacrifice a small bit of our voting power temporarily to fight that. There is no reason to give up thinking it will never be eradicated. It won't but it can be kept under control. Besides, the community is capable of policing itself in this regard just fine. @emmaventure is not going to get paid for that copypasted post. Problem solved for that post.

One of the best aspects of Steem Power is that it is not a stake only on this blogging platform but a whole ecosystem of decentralized services including Utopian and DTube.

There is already enough attention given in the form of flagging and banlists for use of bots, the real question we need to ask ourselves is who these people are and what are their financial and educational situations and why that plays into their behavior on the blockchain. Because if you really think about it it is mostly because money is hard to come by in many places and educational systems aren't strong in many countries, and they are wasting their time posting, our time is wasted having to determine if it's spam or not, and the network's bandwidth and storage space is wasted transmitting and storing all of the garbage.

If we flag every last spam post and beggar for eternity then guess what, there will still be poor people on this earth. It is only a part of the solution. Flagging is essentially a big stick that you're running around hitting people over the head with repeatedly and it doesn't change the nature of their own human needs if they have or know no other ways to earn money. This is part of the reason why I am proposing some initiatives of my own, I have posted some very rough details but I believe that if I get this right then we can take a step in the right direction in offering positive incentives to people to not spam endlessly in the hopes of getting a few cents. You need positive reinforcement for good behavior and personal restraint from posting worthless posts in addition to the negative stick of the flaghammer.

I believe that a UBI can work in conjunction with directed charitable activities on the steem platform in order to help alleviate poverty and provide opportunities that would not otherwise be afforded some of these groups in a multi-directional attack on the core issues that these people are facing.

The exact same rules of community building and positive action apply here as in real life. I've seen a positive vibe coming from Nigeria. Ask the Nigerians. They probably have good ideas.

Yeah I'm not saying anyone from any country I listed is inherently making bad posts, and yes many Nigerians on here as a whole have a very positive attitude and bring a lot to the platform.

I agree with you sir
Your thought is right.

My vote doesn't count for much, but I did go to that post and flag the person and made a comment as to why.

You are a true holder my friend. I hope it will pay off for you (and the rest). In my opinion Steemit could be succesful, however it's still early in the game, who knows what will happen.

we'll see... I hope so though because there is a lot of good that can come of this

I have been a great beneficiary of your efforts to keep this platform going. In an era where most people are trying to game the system and gets more payout with lesser contents quality, you keep on contributing to this platform with quality contents, sometimes as much as 4 within 24 hours. I really enjoy reading each piece of your work.

You also gets to encourage other members of the community through your upvote on comments and replying to this comments. I have learned a lots from your blog in this last few days. Keep doing the good job @tarazkp, as we make our bed, so we'll lie on top. Steemit is our bed, let's dressed it properly.

The comments (when decent) are part of the enjoyment of the platform as I get to interact with so many types of people. It is a huge bonus. Thanks for commenting well :)

Here you go lol!

No but for real, this is a good topic. And more people need to talk about it and be open to it. Good post!

Thank you. They don't sell them in Finland.

You're welcome. Oh maybe you can find them on Amazon and have them shipped lol.

I am really happy with what I generate although I do not have to invest. I live in Venezuela and here I earn more writing on the web than in my formal work as an engineer. So for me everything is profit. Greetings . great post

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