A little personality, please.

in #steemit7 years ago

Last night I was reading a personal post by @clio which reminded me to write this post. I have wanted to mention this for a while but just haven't got around to it as there is always something else running through my head.

As I mentioned to @clio last night, it is nice to get views of people's personal lives as it gives perspective on our world and each other. I am much more interested in the content of people I 'know' than the people who never offer anything of themselves. I think it is partly because this is social media, not a university forum.

So much information presented here is rehashed, spun, reformulated work from news articles, textbooks and other websites that I do not put a lot of faith in the people who write or upvote it. When people are unwilling to give anything of themselves alongside that information, it sets off warning bells in my head to say, this person is not above board in some way.

But, when people put themselves into their content it makes me at least consider that they have actually invested time, effort and more importantly, their own thoughts into it. Own thoughts is an important factor for me to have a decent discussion with someone, and when I get the feeling I am getting regurgitated textbook answers, I tune out very quickly. I get that feeling a lot here.

There seems to be many people who act very clever online but, how clever are they once they lose google? For me personally, I am not much of a Google-relier as I have to spend my IRL time in front of people talking about real world things that are technically outside of my area. This means, think fast, adjust often, listen a lot. The other reason is that to rely on the search engine crutch may increase knowledge but, I would posit it decreases the ability to actually use that knowledge due to it being a competitive cognitive artefact.

But, back to personality. I am not saying that I need your street address or even a picture of your face but I do think it is useful to get an understanding of who you are and how you think. It is interesting to get your opinions on the things you enjoy and the challenges you face, your experiences in this world and what you may want the world to become. Just sometimes.

There is something about commitment tied into this where those who give something of themselves to their content are more committed to their content. For me, it is much more engaging to read someone who is passionate about what they do over someone who is trying to only present 'correct' information.

You'd think that correct information should be a goal but in my experience, it is actually a hindrance as correct information is always past based and if they haven't got the ability to think further than what they already know to be correct, they are largely useless to the future. It also makes for very bland conversation and content.

I don't know why so many people feel the need to hide themselves away here (not talking about IRL identity) and only offer mundane views of the world that I can likely pick up from any other site freely. This is another thing people need to think about as they rehash content as Steemit is a Blogging site, not a reblogging site. This place shouldn't resemble Tumblr in any way. Yet, it does.

As I scroll through the feeds I see content of the moment rehashed from other sites without so much as even a personal opinion on it. Me being harsh would say that it should not get a vote at all from anyone. Yet, some are among the highest rewarded on the platform.

I know there are some very clever people on this platform but if they are unwilling to actually give their view on the world, how useful are they to solving the problems we face? How can they help people think differently if all they offer up is the same drivel every other site already contains?

I am hoping that Steemit would be the place where real people can interact with real people but currently it is looking a lot more like a current affairs drivel aggregator than a social site full of bright people. Maybe that is why so many hide their opinions though, perhaps they don't really have any of their own as they have spent too long consuming the ideas of others that they have lost the ability to think for themselves.

The platform is quiet and there is plenty of time for me to find some interesting content... Still looking. If you come across some (from other people) link it in the comments section and I will take a look.

Hmm, rant?

[ a Steemit original ]


Does crossposting stuff from another site which I’ve written count? :P

Nah, I make sure I do a wadge of original stuff too naturally.

I don't mind that but when it is 'look what happened in the news' or, 'look at the price of steem' content, what is the point?

Some days I have a real “if I read one more ‘this is how you use Steem’ article, I’ll scream” day.

I like to write 'this how not to use Steem' articles. :)

It's quite funny you say this.

When I'm posting factual or historical subjects, my biggest issue is trying not to put much of myself into the post.

(I can't help offering up my two pennies worth! lol)

I prefer it. I am not saying that every post requires a ton of opinion but some of these people are just coughing up the Encyclopedia Britannica with even less relevance.

Good rant. I was wondering if I was giving up too much of myself. I have an actual photo of myself here! You'll find more of "me" as we go forward. I'm saving my really good stuff for my following when it shows up. All I need to do is keep posting about what I do. :)

I don't offer much personal info at all from my life. Maybe some food I make. I have some original content, and some content from other sources that I add some thoughts of my own about it's significance or what not.

Something are interesting to know about, and share, and people don't necessarily go find it elsewhere, they are looking at Steem. So I inject some info that comes form others, in my own words, with my own take on it or added thoughts at the end or beginning, or middle, etc. I do't have all the valuable quality knowledge in the world that can benefit people ;)

It isn't even about what one does in life but the idea that they are willing to actually think about and present some of their own thinking on the topic. You do that at least a lot of the time. You also engage in the comments section with your own views and issues concerning a whole range of topics. I don't need to know what you have for breakfast but, what you think about breakfast is interesting.

Sew people have put in Money at the frontal position, and well neglected the community aspect of the platform, sew people are more concerned with upvotes from block trades and #curie and that's why they go to the length of rewrite and re-branding google articles.

It's just the trend, the community aspect of this place is being killed by people with these mindset and when you try to be real, you get no upvotes

I’ve sat on the Curie discord for a while now and they are incredibly particular about what they upvote. Those acting as entities aggregating news and stories with no spin will quickly find themselves having little traction.

Certainly and their ignorance as well us really killing them as well, I wish this set of people knew better

because it has always been challenging for me to write good content (In fact I struggle to so). I think I am more interesting a person off line than on.

Yes, rant, but an appropriate deserved rant...
So many people here act as journalists, like it's their job to give you the news. The same news that's presented on a million other outlets... Maybe they don't give a personal opinion on things because they don't have one? :o
Shocking, I know....
But I think that's the problem.

Me too. I think it is testament to the times tbh. Not many people like to spend some time thinking.

There are many reasons people are on Steemit and many different styles of posting. You're obviously into people and therefore that type of post or comment is what you are looking for. It is there on Steemit.

Don't expect everyone to be the same and have the same interests as you. Variety makes life more interesting.

Some modicum of originality would definitely make it a little more interesting at least. :)

Yes.....I also agree with that. Which is why I read your blogs and a few others. It stimulates the mind and it is not only more interesting but also more creative and fun.

I keep most things bland and boring. Any hot button topics and my words tend to freak people out. I can take a topic like global warming and manage to piss off both of the typical "sides" because most people who debate such things are more interested in pushing their agenda than the truth.

But then again maybe I just start an alt :)

steemiladventure ?

Reading through your piece, I feel so good because you are the kind of person that has the attribute of a friend!
There is so much hypocrisy and fake in the world!
Please look well and by God's grace you will find those who will form a team with you on real life issues and you will be able to counter fertilize ideas and at the same time have fun.
Life is all about sharing experience and celebrating successes together after every trial. No one is a super hero.

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