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RE: Why Steemit Is Not Utopia And You Should Be Happy

in #steemit8 years ago

Love the post and I need to read into the Bolo'Bolo mentioned in the other comment.

I tend to take the better world issue from two sides, that of the individuals in the population and the implementation/sustainability issues.

Many individuals have become so dependent of institutional laws/processes/benefits/security/etc that they have stopped thinking about it. I see this as the "things are ok, so no reason to worry or change it" view. While I can understand this, they commonly are only looking at their own situation and not necessarily what is working/not working for others or the whole. I do have hope for the future with there being so many people that have done some self-reflection and achieved some level of enlightened self-interest. Personally I use the term Utopia when looking for an individuals vision and goals for themselves in a 'wave a magic wand' scenario. I'll absolutely agree that this is different from anything implemented, but I personally have pulled concepts from what I've read, like Moore's Utopia, to frame the vision a bit better. Like many books, there's nothing that says we have to follow/accept everything in it but rather pick and choose with what makes sense and might work. Personally I don't see a huge conceptual difference between generating a shared vision (from the individuals) and many of the anarchy oriented ideals (that look more at implementation and prolonged sustainability.)

On the implementation side, we seem to be held up by political will and fear (because those holding power wouldn't necessarily be needed anymore.) Idea's that would move us in a (ideally) better situation whether it be universal basic income, self sustenance, or whatever are rarely brought up in main stream media. I also see with us being in the age of individualized services and products that were not necessarily bound to everyone having to agree on everything, just certain core items like the Non Aggression Principle

There is a feedback look here of:
-make populations 'ok' enough to have some base contentment they don't want to give up
-those in power not wanting to implement things that would put themselves out of a job
-Limit 'out of the box' ideas on main stream media so individuals will unlikely get the 'spark' of seeing that things don't have to be this way

I see it being necessary to have both a Vision and a path to Implementation, if we are to get anywhere.

I love discussing these topics though, please don't take anything as being negative. I've thought on things like this for a long time on my own and I'm still learning some of the concepts and terminology that Steemit is exposing me to.

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