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RE: Disagreements, Name Calling, and Accusations - Code Of Conduct

in #steemit7 years ago

Track records are important.
Matt trainer has been sued before by previous clients.
When you Google him scam pops up next to his name. I don't doubt the game could be real but his attitude didn't help sell it either. I distinctly remember him dragging my name through the mud because I had questions. And telling me I was a weak ass loser.


You'll notice Mike called Matt's responses to you and others in the webinar unprofessional, too, and I DON'T think it was about your questions then, but shouted abuse on a lot of pages...
Keep asking the uncomfortable questions. If Matt gives people enough pause due to his behavior, the prelaunch stuff won't go much of anywhere. If the game's for real (it shows every indication it's real), stays free (that would be seppuku, I think, to charge at the door), and is well received, he STILL gets rich as he's bought a lot of BitShares, which will skyrocket if the increase in participation in Steemit and BitShares is anything like what's projected (and we KNOW Steemit membership is going to greatly expand ANYWAY, I don't even have a clue what the This Summer buzz is).

Something Stan mentioned several times and at least another person or two, it might have been the BitShares publicity blitz about the Hero, or Matt's game, or EOS (?), or something else entirely, I don't remember enough detail.

I'm going to look it up. I feel bad for Stan. He doesn't deserve this unless he knew it was a scam.

It's not a scam if there's a real game. @michaelx above says he's actively helping in developing the game, that it's real and fully vetted. Presuming that fact and the other points I mentioned, sleazy merchandising is NOT a scam. Telling everyone CAVEAT EMPTOR!!! is not slander, at all, either.

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