Steemit Users Join My Experimental Journey To Prove That 'Time Is Money'!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

In the world of today and especially in developing countries, improvisation is key! In years of finding myself and within the countless odds I have ongoingly overcome, I have developed quotes that constitute a piece of raw down-to-earth me. When you read these kinds of quotes, you are told of in-depth improvisation and stories untold. These types of quotes aren't findable anywhere and are totally personal to its writer as it contains true stories.
Here, is one quote, I am sure you can't find anywhere in Mars and earth because it contains me and years of improvisation:

Yes, I would also say; "If you can't yet seat in a glass house above every other tower to look below and there upon on a span of towers, then open, the back of your PC and look intently and imaginatively at the integrated circuit and you will have a feel of what it feels like to look down upon tall skyscrapers".
or "If you are a girl and desire to own skyscrapers in the future, then comfortably start to deal with the 6 ft 5 man before you!" or "If a jet lag is your thing and you haven't come close to an airplane yet, go play up and down in the lift of a 25 story building".

And here came my latest improvisation:
I am @ work everyday, sillyly dealing in another person's dream for meager pay. Entirely stolen from myself! Not a pint of time to do any of the brainstorming and exerting that my brain loves to do. I have improvised and improvised and improvised and the there hasn't yet been a way out of chicken change and modern day slavery, so I thought at least this is free:

I am trying an experiment to see if the easily popular sentence 'time is money' can come off as true. For little rhyme sake, I am titling this experiment 'time is dime?'
Let's go!

Time is dime? Okay!
I have no dime
I have a truck load of time!
I donate 1 minute of my time to someone out there!
Let's see where it leads.

To follow my journey, join me on 'Time Is Dime' ( OR 'time is dime' (

For now, I will start with non stop 1 minute videos dedicated to inspiring the inspirer.
INSPIRER: 'Notable people on Instagram, whose profile stand out towards inspiring other humans'.

Like I said, 'improvisation'!
Night job affords me no space or time to as much as think, let alone brainstorm. This experimental videos however may afford me the luxury of posting constantly as it will be 1 min videos and the inspirers are already out there. My being is always ready to inspire someone thus, let's go!


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