How To Use Music To Write Amazing Steemit Posts? (Introducing African (English) Soul Music On Steemit)!

in #steemit8 years ago

Many times, i hear people saying that they are caffeinating, to put themselves in the zone for coming up with amazing steemit posts. 

I mean brainstorming is not easy. 

Many of the posts here on steemit aren't just writeups or mere posts many times, steemit posts are inventions, as big as going to the moon.

 i mean, the thoughts that conceived of the post, the research that went into it and the exertion required. It must be considered an invention. Many of the posts i see on here are outright genius! Some of these posts may not appear to be of that much value today but how about tomorrow; it may be read by someone an incite him to a new creation. 

Bottomline; writing a post on STEEMIT, normally entails the art of brainstorming thus, many a time, requires the right frame of mind. 

How do you get into the right frame of mind?

In my case, sometimes sleep does it. Let's say i have a terrible mood and it is that time, when i want to write a beautiful steemit post but my brain just can't come out with amazing thoughts; my energy is low. I may decide, to give in, to some rest and come back strong but this method doesn't always work as expected: "comebacks never happens, procrastination does, instead"!

You go on the bed and in my case, spend hours to get sleep. You set your alarm but when it beeps you start to play with the snooze button instead. '15 mins more; turns to hours and perhaps a few days' as i would end up postponing posting; to get more sleep.

On the other hand tho, if i had to go the path of resisting sleep. I may want to use music, to put me in the zone for an amazing post. This may have been the method for some. 

If music is your way to go, then what music or genre of music, do you use to put yourself in the right frame of mind?

Overall, music incites different types of emotions. Not everyone knows that tho! In the nation where i live. it is very common for people in general, to easily believe that you are in merry state, once you are seen listening to a song. They can't exactly conceive of music as a mechanism to spur other types of emotions. I have always had to use the example of UFC fighters listening to music before fights; to explain that, music isn't only for merriment etc

Now; going a bit into my experience with music and creating posts:

For instance, if i listening to the song 'mama by boys 2 men' before a post; it can work in several ways:

 i live in the Philippines alone and away from family. Too, i haven't seen my family for 4 years. Thus, sometimes, i may get in a zone; where i start remembering and missing my mum and sometimes, it may take me to deeper places, where i start thinking of things, that i haven't accomplished for my mum, and sometimes even deeper, to where i start getting haunted by the fact that mum is growing old and what thoughts crosses her mind, whenever she looks at her wrinkling skin and too, that i may have to lose her soon. Now, this may not be very good for my ability to complete my post but sometimes, the after effect of all these, fires me up, pumps me up and tells me "terry, you have got to work hard, create, create ,create and perhaps in no time, your voice will get heard and you'll' go give your mama some real loving". Yes, music does all these!

Some songs will end up taking you away from your post and into marveling at the beauty of creation. You delve into understanding the music instead, identifying each note, what kind of emotions that author feeling to have sang that line, you marvel at creativity of the author as you analyze the technicality of one of the songs punchline. You leave your post entirely but like i said, the after effect, can also favor your ability to post as you may get some inspiration and s happy state of mind. It may incite you to compete even more as you test your own creative ability compared to the singer and you end up writing an amazing steemit post and marveling form reading your own lines.

 (Marveling at the beauty of Jehovah's creation is always a positive thing).

Listening to a slow (blues) song, may also take you to another zone. You may find yourself away from your PC and Steemit editor, to looking for who to text. Depending on you and how disciplined you are, you can still end up in an amazing post!

Rap battles aren't songs so to speak but contain the most creative of word-play, i would say and this do fire you up. Words still reign i would say. "Sometimes, i wonder how army commanders like in the movies; stay behind and use powerful words, to incite soldiers to die for their country. You may understand that better, if you peered into rap battles. (The bible contains words and is sharper than two-edge swords). 

Sometimes, i may listen to rap battles to set me up for my posts; but many times too, you get to leave your post halfway and do clip after clip of rap battles!

EDMs could put you in groove mode and perhaps elevate your state of mind to a beautiful place for posting but this may come after an energetic dance session                         

So tell us your experience. I am sure many have had songs; headsets on and who knows; some reggae jamming, as they compose their steemit post. Some do it before their steemit post; just to put them in the zone and ready to post, after which they stop listening to the song, so that they can fully focus. 

Which songs do you use during the process of creating your post or is it just coffee?

If you haven't considered using music to put you in the mood for posting and especially when you are not in the right frame of mind for brainstorming; i want to introduce to this form of music, that you may have never given thought to. Perhaps, this will be the very first set of African songs on steemit. i hope so!

below: are 3 of the songs that help me currently and in general, makes me feel good, energized and all that, translates into a stronger desire and will to post something on steemit. I wonder who looks into real down-to earth African music when there is EDMs, techno etc but if you understand music fully and the different emotions, individual songs incite, you will taste every genre.

Tell me how you feel about yourself, after listening to the 3 songs below: it will all positives!

Yes, 3 African songs but they are sang in English!

I want to expose steemit to some new form of soulful, raw, down-to-earth African music. 

Thus, i will let you see 3 of my most recent set of songs that i currently groove to.

 When it comes to music, my ears are incessantly enabled!

Here you go:


YOUR BOY terry



Great post. Digging the afrobeats!

How did you find this old post. Stay awesome. I have a new post you can ask steemit questions on

Afrobeats are getting popular nowadays that even international singers are incorporating it in their music.

So nice to find and meet you today, @surpassinggoogle!

"Marveling at the beauty of Jehovah's creation is always a positive thing"

I couldn't agree more! Thank you for your thoughts and sharing your music with me, I just listened to that very cheerful first song... ;)

Following you now, I hope you'll visit and read my blog as well...

yes, i will, i already started doing that. i think you comment is the best comment i have had on steemit. i am glad you felt one the songs tho and most of all, what i said about the beauty of Jehovah's creation!

Meditating in Jah's creation is a good thing. Would love go listen to Kingdom melodies, as well as broadcasting songs. They were so beautiful to listen to.

Thank you for getting back to me! I look forward to reading more of your work. ;)

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