Greetings From The Hospital (Me & My Mum Eventually Saw) + A New Full RPC Public Node wss:// That Has Been In Existence For Some Days Now + My Gratitude To Steemit And Other Updates!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


1. Greetings from the hospital (me & mama). I finally saw her and held he close after close to 5 years.

She grew so much older in these past few months. She lost pounds and shine! I love her like crazy.  

2. A full public RPC node (wss:// has existed for some days now but i haven't been opportune to announce it. 

There is a lot of gratitude from me towards steemit as a whole and especially its people, @ned etc and here is my small way for showing gratitude. 

Full RPC node specs:

  • wss://
  • RAM: 256GB DDR4 RAM
  • Network: 1gbit/s, Germany
  • CPU: Intel Xeon E5 12-core
It has been fully synched and ready to go for some days already, so feel free to use! 
Hoping to use this means to encourage and give extra drive, especially too, to developers located in developing nations, so that we get to see more developers overall, building apps on steem and spur steem/steemit growth.

3. I am with hopes that working alpha, should be ready to go, in a few weeks. I am hopeful that it will be on its own separate server

It's Been Rough But Even My Mama Wants Me To Continue Loving, Even By Means Of Steemit.

After 4 years and 350 days, i got to see my mum and it was all different. She wasn't the same mum i used to know. I couldn't even look in her eyes. She has suffered all her life, yet she suffers. So much pain!

I slept by her side in a house (i held her close) for a few hours, after she landed in Manila, aided by a wheel chair.

She practically fought with all her life to keep alive, during the entire journey! Life has so much cheating.

Then in the next few hours upon her arrival, past midnight, i was out in the rain, looking for a hospital here in Manila to admit her in. I found one eventually and brought her in. 

We have spent days together in it. We cry and hug and everything and i shed my own special tears from wishing and prayers. 

In front of her, i can't be so strong for her. I let the tears go and still manage to let go and fall and be broken before her as she is Mama!

She tells me to be strong. She wants me to keep on. She knows what i do on steemit too and she wants that to continue. 

2 weeks before her fall, she spoke of joining steemit. She would always read my posts and especially the loving comments and it was her "one major exciting way" to connect with me and feel prouder of me, since she wasn't physically with me. 

I am telling you, i am sure she sheds tears, when from far away, she gets to read beautiful comments from my steemit family about me.
Yesterday alone, all her many relatives have spoke of joining steemit. They have started signing up and there are a ton of them. They all have known of steemit from my constant steemit URL shares to Facebook etc

I hope my mum does eventually get to join in soon too. I pray and hope!!!

My mum hasn't seen her own family for 35 years too. She sees them now as they visit the hospital and she still manages laughs and giving out admonition and strengthening others. 

We spoke of meeting this year (me & my parents) and i finally met my mum but it wasn't all joy. 

I couldn't meet with my dad though. He doesn't even know my mum is sick or that she is currently with me. I haven't spoken with my dad for months now, though, i love him like crazy because, i wanted my very next utterance to him, to be whispers of good news. I wonder when he will next hear my voice at this point.

I went to Dubai and met with my 3 sisters, whom at the time, i also haven't seen for close to 5 years and the entire meeting was solely to discuss, the nice things with would do for Mama but weeks later, my mum who has never visited a hospital except when she bore us to Earth, was knocked upon, with severe illness. 

I will pause!

My papa, when i eventually see him, gosh, it is very likely to be the same. I carry both parents dreams and mine.

Let's not discuss my case.

My case is undiscussable! Words aren't capsules enough. Thus, many times, i stay speechless and bear the load!

 My case has always been; long before steemit! Since 13 i have known my role. I was carrying my dad's dream already at that age and have been all out to fix people since then. 

My dad did just the same before he shattered from the weight of his hefty dreams. He didn't have steemit in his era though. He is still the strongest man alive, even now!

My mum knew this of this in me, very early too. She knew she would share me with the rest of the world. Both parents knew this was my path and they let it happened. I am mere dust, i know but this is indeed my role.

I am grateful to steemit

Before steemit, i was touching lives. I don't know were it came from but it was a gift among other things and countries didn't matter; "human" did. I used to be with boys, on the street and "what's the way forward" was ever the theme. 

It's load but i was created for this.

In these recent periods, yes, i have been doing loads of trauma but this has always been the case. Steemit did help matters! Untalented (steemit) was born too.

In real life, i don't have a regular life. I don't eat; i don't do leisure; i don't get to do dates; no hugs; no air; no relaxation (my body can't); no sleep; no family; no pat on my physical back; no boys around (when it comes to inspiration, drive, knowledge, direction etc); thus, steemit was a major outlet but there is more: i saw steemit's potential instantly when it comes to touching lives on a grander state, creating legacies, build empires etc but there is more; i saw it also as tool, that can help to a great extent, "humans", to become more exerted, better version of self, which in turn is gift to humanity etc

Steem/Steemit has helped me play out and rehearse my always existing dreams into fruition. 

surpassing Google with

I don't want to talk much in this post as there will be loads to talk about, when i fully begin to talk about these things next year. 

I pace things when it comes to talking about me, because i want even my saddest stories to fix and yes, my stories, even the saddest ones can fix. Maybe not me but it can fix and touch many humans in the world and generations yet unborn and that fixes me a bit.

For now, i push still. Bills, bill, bills and i push still cos in reality, when it comes down to it, its Us, that counts; "Families of families" and many other things in reality is very much vanity.


Please pray as your prayers work and if you have got dem tears, sprinkle some into your prayers. 

If you met this wonderful Ajayi family and spent one whole day with them, you will know why! 

In this precious one family, there was so so so much "love" involved.

Stay Awesome

Your Boy Terry


I do need strength

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful, especially in terms, giving me the direly needed extra drive & strength. 

Overall, there is no doubt, that i have been here on steemit, proven, solid and i will keep on being here! Steemit is in my books and my heart has a soft spot for it and this will keep on because upon it, i kept my legacies and even my sad stories and shared this very-hard-to-share moment.

For humans and steemians, i am all in, for you all

To vote my witness, simply visit and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses.

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.


 Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag untalented

"Everyone has something to offer!" 

You have a home on the Steemgigs community on discord. The #untalented family is also hosted on there!  

Made by @sunnylife with love

I know I said I am angry with God, but because my prayer is not for me, I am sure He will listen.
I really wish her all the health and happiness in the world. We can see how much she means to you. I don't know the love of a mum but I can feel Your love for your mum, which is extraordinary.
A MESSAGE FOR YOUR MUM: YOUR BOY IS OUR BOY TOO. Get well soon and join me in discord. I have so many questions about how to give love and education to your child. You are the best example as mum. We see the results on Terry (@surpassinggoogle).
Get well soon!
And we are glad you are going to stay with us,Terry. You means a lot for too many like me.

What do i say about this comment, than "much love for the person of you". Stay awesome.
As for loving Jehovah God, you will heal in that aspect and be restored to full love for him. Life is dead hard but it is completely of satan's making and he won't win. Guaranteed

I say amen to that prayer concerning @artaddict. She would enjoy a perfect healing from Jehovah and continue to love him again.

Yep. Look at what i say by how my life is. Look at a post from littleboy and see how life is

I just saw his post. I'm truly sorry for him, he must have experienced some trauma. But it's no excuse for pushing trauma in my direction, which he had done several times in comments on my posts in the past few weeks, prior to my seeing his conspiratorial post attacking you and @ned. He even attacked someone who voted for someone else in my recent contest!

I much prefer your approach. I wish you the best, and your mom is in my prayers. Thanks for noticing me a while back, really appreciate the support!

Bro, you are awesome. He has been like that since day one but there are bigger things. He is pretty new, so he will adjust overtime, cos if he keeps on like that, he will meet people who will instant give him a dose of his medicine. I just see him as novice on many issues, even including simple facts. So its all good. I have an update about my mum at the bottom of my current post. It is really tough so this comment is giant. I am grateful. Stay awesome

Truly God is always with us for his unconditional love for all who believe in him.

Yes he means a lot to us. Nice words @artaddict

amen brother love to you and your family

I wish you and all your family health and best of luck!

Thank you very much bro

GOd will make a way when there's seems to be no way...
HE will make a way.....He will make a way......
I feel every words that you've written here. Love and prayers to your family, especially to your mom. I can feel t hat you missed her a lot.
I'm so glad that you have her now...
Sometimes, we got to let it go, cry, scream because we are all human being. Be strong for your mom. "laban lang wag susuko"
Keep fighting and don't give up!!

Dear Inay,
Pagaling na po kayo para makapag party na tayo
#steemgigs Party. Malalampasan nyo po iyan pagsubok
Ipagdadasal po namin ang pag galing nyo.
Mahal kayo ng iyong anak na si Teracus.
Mahal din po namin sya.
Antayin po namin ang pagsali nyo sa Steemit.

Fight! fight lang Inay, parang si Duterte!!

hugs po para sa inyo,

We are happy to see Tita Wilma, but it could be bicer if we see her not in this type of condition. And yeah at last she was able to see her brothers and sister and be with them. Hoping and praying for her healing.

In Jesus' name amen.

You were really sweet. Thank you

Oh that is you ate beirut. I just wondered now the tita wilma part, when i first read the comment. Then now upon coming back here, i saw and recalled "babygurl". Steemit is still on beta, so the interface works better on the PC

@babygurl what is the meaning of bicer ? Can you please make me clear :)

@welcometonepal oh its a typo error. It should be “nicer”

Sir @surpassinggoogle.... I am in tears as read this post of yours. I pray for your mama's quick recovery. Papa Jesus will listen and guide you, this is just a test. It made me sad too to know that your life outside steemit is different, I wish you can find near group friends who you can talk to with in the times like this. You deserve a friend that will hug you right now and can lend his shoulder for you to cry on. Please feel all our virtual hug from all over the world. You have lots of courage to share that you also have weaknesses. But still you delight us again because you madeit your strenght. Always praying for you, yoi have lots of friends in steemit. And we love you!!! Keep strong sir Terry! Good health to all members of your family.

You are sweet and there is much of human in you. Thanks for not losing that. You felt, you cried and i know this is true. Those tears a valueable and kept in a skin bottle and remembered by Jehovah our Father; these aren't wasted tears. I believe
There will be goodnews

Amen for that! He will provide!

This is a very awesome post!

I'm very grateful to know you and getting to learn more about you and share those awesome experiences with you.

We're very lucky to know you! Thank you for the awesome work you're doing for everyone! Seriously!

By the way, congrats on setting up full RPC node!

I am grateful bro. I am

Obviously I can't imagine how it must be to see you mother after so long. Very touching story.

Thank you bro and to meet with her really sick and start admission hours after she arrived and watch her suffer in person. All really tough. Prayers will work. There have been many loving prayers and tears, thus, Jehovah will listen and fix her and us all in Jesus' name amen

Once again, I had listened to that post while doing something else at first and so had missed part of it. Take care of her and the universe will provide for both of you.

Thank you a whole lot

Hello Mr. Terry, I am glad you have the opportunity to be with your mother once again. I pray for more strength for her, every form of illness in her body are healed and healed indeed, she will live long and as well prosper in sound and good health.

That aside, I am glad to know someone like you with such personality; whom despite having a pain but still helps others by bringing sooth to their pain...

I must comment you are a rare gem

I will also like to give a brief conclusion on your resemblance in some ways of life with your father by using a phrase

like father, like son
only that this is in a positive manner and I am so glad your own way of shouldering people pain is more extended than that of your father just as you have described in your write up.

Please, I plead you to be strong and I blieve other lovers like me will always remember you in our prayers.

GO @surpassinggoogle, GO #steemgigs


Much love bekky. Lemme stay speechless

Aww Terry. you must have got your qualities from your beautiful mama. She is super strong and so are you. The overflowing love that you have for each other can be felt by readers like me. It's also amazing that she's fully aware of Steemit and that she reads your post. I'm sure she's really proud of you and your achievements here. I pray that your mom would recover from this illness soon and be here in steemit with us! That sounds fun! Hope to see your relatives too here in steemit and hope to interact with them pretty soon. 😊 My prayers are with you Terry. God is good. Be strong and keep the faith burning ❤

@enjieneer sweet words ! Appreciated.

Yep switie. Those prayers help. He will listen.

May Jehovah bless us all in Jesus' name amen.

Mama loves Terry ! Terry loves mama ! Steemians love Terry ! Steemians love mama !

I am overjoyed that you were finally able to see your mother! I understand that it must be difficult to see her when she is ill, but I also know that you believe it is a blessing to see her at all. I can't imagine how happy she was to see you.

You have helped so many people. You deserve to get some of that joy directed at you now. I hope things keep getting better for you and your family.

yes off course @hanshotfirst, you are right saying, GOD shower HIS blessings on @surpassinggoogle and recovered his Mom Soon, AMeeN

All of us have been overjoyed and we cannot express our feelings how much we love Terry's mother just like our own mother :)

Thank you bro. I am sure she got special joy from seeing me at all. At a point, two weeks of can't walk or talk state, she had that wish and i was the only one she hasn't seen. Life is something

Thank God she finally sees you and that alone is enough to make her to want to recover and that is exactly what she would enjoy. #RECOVERY.

Hello @surpassinggoogle

We can all talk about making out mark, but our Legacy is not going to be measured by what we are going to write on our CV or how many Commas we have in our bank account.

It is about who we are Lucky to have in our Lives and what we can leave them with.

The one thing that I am sure of is that we are here so lets do the best we can do while we are Still on this planet.

Steemit is an ecosystem of Humans that has a mass range of dreams and ambitions and it left to Us to help others achieve theirs in any way we can.

I believe in the Legacy you are building and I believe that you are going to Immortalize yourself with your deeds.

I wish your Mum full recovery and I also pray that God will keep providing strength for your arms as you carry this worldwide Vision.



We can all talk about making out mark, but our Legacy is not going to be measured by what we are going to write on our CV or how many Commas we have in our bank account.

It is about who we are Lucky to have in our Lives and what we can leave them with.

These are deep words boss. Thinking about these and applying it is the root of happiness in life. If we can cherish the people closest to us, I believe we are on the way towards cherishing those far from us. Thanks for this man. @surpassinggoogle sure needs kind words right now.



My AMEN is on default and its large. We will have good times and speak of these things.
of the i am sure

@surpassinggoogle you are a good man.. I proud with you..

Steemit will definately run smoothly when Terry will be in good mood. So prayers for mom from all of us. Amen

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