Dreaming big: Outlines of a citylight campaign idea for steemit.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

'If your dreams don´t scare you, maybe they´re not big enough' (Richard Branson)
Today I am dreaming of a smooth marketing campaign for steemit. Unfortunately I am neither a Graphic Designer nor an Art Director, so the following presentation is just a rough outline. 

Concept: 'Do what you´ve always done - but not for free.' 








The idea behind

  1. IDENTIFICATION: Each of the above shown characters respresents a potential target group. Obviously there are much more, this is just a non-representative selection. The idea is to build a 'bridge' between product and customer through identification. 
  2. PROMISE: "I DO SOMETHING BUT NOT FOR FREE." That´s a quite money-driven approach, but I think it´s still not too aggressive. It doesn´t promise people to make them rich, but offers to be paid for content - and that´s the truth. 
  3. AIDA: Attention - Interest - Desire - Action.
    Attention is gained by huge charismatic portraits.
    Interest is gained by identification.
    Desire is gained by chance to be rewarded.
    Action can be made by clicking on logo (even better: URL integration - here still missing).


Now we just need somebody who pays for it :-D


I would be happy to get your comments on this idea.
Marly -

Picture source photographer: https://wallpaperscraft.com/download/
Picture source music producer: http://www.akglife.com/media/media/getMedia.do?media_id=10165
Picture source musician: http://www.tz.de/bilder/2016/09/27/6789783/
Picture source cook: http://www.grainswest.com/wp-content/
Picture source crypto girl: http://i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/
Picture source poet: http://www.berliner-zeitung.de/
Picture source traveler: http://bossfight.co/wp-content/uploads/
Picture source quote: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/


A nice posting... upvoted for your time and efforts which should definitely not be free.

PS a great approach... hits hard in a nice way!

Thank you very much @kyusho, that´s too kind!

Very well done:) Some billboards or other ads would be great.

Yeah, definitely. Would be nice to get into details. Thanks for your comment and support! :)

Great idea, and your Graphic Design ability is actually quite good, in my opinion!

Oh and Happy Hard Fork Day! We're already about 3 times richer than we were 2 weeks ago. Let's hope the trend continues, which will attract another wave of new users like back in July. And we can also fund nice marketing campaigns like your idea, too. Exciting times!

Oh thank you @kenny-crane, that´s very kind!
'steem, I know what you did last summer' :-) Excellent trend, yesss!

My face today during the eth and rep dump. :D

Hahahaha! I tried to find a "happy nerd" but there was none, not kidding!!! :-D
Furthermore, I wanted a girl for that role in order to not fulfill the classic stereotype.

How was your face seeing steem price today? :-)

How was your face seeing steem price today? :-)

Awesome post, I love the sentiments on the pics

Thank you @bkkshadow!!! Your comment is much appreciated :)

Love it.

There is one thing I am worried about though. The "but not for free" is a bit of a negative way of saying this.

Would the slogan not be better formulated in a positive way. The "but" always makes you halt and the "not for free" reminds me of negative feelings. Maybe you wanted to capture that feeling from people that do not get paid they way they want to?

I feel overall this is good for speaking to those with negative feelings about how they get rewarded. I wonder though if we could have a positive version of the same feeling?

I don't have a good solution though but wanted to hear your thoughts on the wording?

Hey Phillie! Thanks for your comment!!! Regarding the feelings: in German we would say 'trotzig'. You know what I mean? That´s the feeling I actually wanted to express :-) How would you translate that?

Yea makes sense. Especially positioning this vs facebook and youtube.

Yeah I don't think we have to hide ourselves. David was also quite cheeky when he attacked Goliath ;)

PS: Just saw your reblog - thank youuuu! :-)

Great post followed upvoted.

Thank you for your positive feedback @freecrypto !!

I am an idiot... but not for free!
I like it!

Hahaha! It´s scalable, no doubt about it :-D
Thank you!!!

Fantastic ideas!!! Do we have your permission to put some of these on various social media sites?

Thanky you!!! Oh I´d love to say YESSS! But I don´t hold the copyrights for commercial use of these faces. So I would have to rebuild the ads with other images before using them for a real campaign.

No Worries. Maybe you should get Steemians to pose in those positions. ;-)

That would definitely be the perfect solution!!
I will do some more which you can use wherever you want :) Hopefully I´ll find free images which show the same attitude. It took me quite long to find these.

Thanks for your reblog @willybobob!

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