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RE: Bidder Beware: The Bid-Bot Blacklist Scam UPDATED 2-14-18

in #steemit6 years ago

It kind of seems pointless to use Bots if you want this platform to keep growing.

Bot for maintenance, information and telling you about Rewards is ok but when it comes to automatically voting for posts then the whole system becomes pointless.

They say the community supposed to control what is good content and what is bad content.

A bot will like whatever you tell it to like, who is really in control the community or the voting bots.


I agree to an extent, but that is something steemit needs to address. I am not against there being blacklists. It is their bot, they can refuse customers if they want, but stealing is wrong. To the same extent, if an author wants to spend their money to buy votes, then it is their decision, it is their investment in the platform to do with how they want.

That is crazy too Blacklist someone but not tell them but still allow them to keep on buying votes, without knowing that they won't be getting any votes because there on the Blacklist.

Yeah, and there is no master blacklist available, it is just updates to the blacklist, so if you want to find out you have to go through post after post after post.

People need to stop buying from the ones who add you to the blacklist with out notice. The no refund policy is very sketchy with a anonymous Blacklist.

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