Because every poem [Original Poem featuring the art of @reinhard-schmid]

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Because every poem
whether it likes it
or not
is about love
Because I can
make something beautiful too
and inadequate
has more to do with time
than with me
rhyme is for pedophiles
who hum about Mary and her sheep.
So there.

I accidentally double posted my Rocky Mountain meetup post when I tried to edit it. Not sure what happened there. So you get a bonus poem! Sorry about that guys. This was created in a fit of rage, back when I was in high school, and someone told me it wasn't poetry if it didn't rhyme. I will try not to get worked up again, but they are lying liars of Mcliarson, California. Eventually I will write a post about how to write poetry, but until then, go read some poems and just write. Maybe come join us on The Writers Block and watch us play. Its fun and you'll learn a lot about writing! Thank you to @reinhard-schmid for giving me permission to use his art. My favorite part of his art is the mechanical feel- it's almost steampunk, but feels fresh and new in comparison. He also completes the majority of his work by painting directly on glass. This makes his work brightly colored and vaguely three dimensional. Check out his original post here



Poetry is property of Sunravelme


Rage against the machine has a line in one of there songs which goes - anger is a gift. I feel like this is especially true when we are struggling through our teenage years, I know my head would have exploded if I hadn't let out some of my angst upon occasions. Good on you for putting that moron straight about what poetry is or isn't, through the power of poetry ;-)

I will have to remind myself of this more often. Sometimes it doesn't feel like a gift- but when you cope with it creatively, it can be for sure.

Love it!
Can't wait to read your post about how to write poetry because I really want to learn to make a good one.

Thank you! Maybe that will give me the kick in the pants I need to finish it. Feel free to come join us in the Writers Block discord- I mod the poetry workshop along with the incomparable @geke

I love this!

Beautiful poetry. Feel very honored that you chose my art to go with it :-)

Your art is the perfect counterpoint!

rhyme is for pedophiles

Gasps and walks away open mouthed in horror

No! Don't leave me! I like your rhymes!

Lol that reminds me of a couplet I wrote before:

Others speak in riddles, will you recognize my rhyme?
Does it sound the same if it changes throughout time?


lol! i loved it, the line about pedophiles made the coffee go up my nose. And i agree

Lol when it's done well, it works- it just depends on how it's used, like any poetic tool really. Glad you got a laugh out of my silliness :)

Ooo I get to be a part of your poetry journey! Loved it by the way. :)

Our gang is gaining STEEM! (...see what I did there!)

It was great seeing everyone last night. I can't wait for the next meetup!


Yeah it is!!
There was a minor error with steemit and I accidentally double posted the original post about the meetup. The original post is here I edited this post to add a poem instead so that there wasn't a double post!

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