There are times when you don't want to post, and times you really shouldn't

in #steemit7 years ago

We can all get burned out writing, creating, researching, and analyzing (and formatting, don't forget formatting LOL)

Sometimes there are other reasons we don't want to write; the idea is incomplete, the argument isn't fully supported, we don't have the energy to defend or comment on the post once it has been published.

That's OK, We all need a break now and then. Get some fun in the sun or zoom in the room, and a good night or two of sleep, and you'll be ready to start clicking away again.

On the other hand, there are times you really should not post!

If you are feeling argumentative, angry, or petulant, take half an hour and try to restore some balance in yourself.

Steemit is by and large a civil community. I have said this before and I will say this again; the profit motive maintains a great deal of courtesy. You might insult someone over politics or music who then will not reward you for other posts.

Now sometimes you will write under emotional circumstances; I find that my best writing is done in a cold rage; however, not all the writing I do in a cold rage is all that good. People write when they are depressed or sad, seeking guidance and comfort. There is nothing at all wrong with that, and I'm glad to be part of a community that does off some great support!

But are you looking for a fight?

Some people do; I did for a long time, reveling in making people look like idiots on Facebook or political forums...every time a stupid unbased piece of Approved Narrative or Two Minute Hate was posted, I was there with sourced facts or an observation about breaks in logic...

...and guess what? I never changed a single mind. I don't think insulting people is conducive to convincing them on a point anyway, but we should recognize that most people rarely change their minds to begin with.

So at best, I was pleasing myself with this activity.

Not all this kind of posting is trolling. Trolling would be intentionally trying to get a reaction for whatever reason:

Usually this reason, but sometimes just amusing themselves

Like I noted for myself, sometimes trolls know they aren't having any affect on the real world, but get a kick out of creating reactions.

I can't convince him? Eff it, I'll piss him off

So here on Steemit...

Because emotion is a sudden thing, it's not that hard to drop off a comment that you really shouldn't. Commenting on someone else's post in a hostile tone is what I call shitting on their page. I have been known to do that here (thank g!d that tendency has dropped over time as I have seen the uselessness of it).

BUT...we can edit our replies when we calm down. Trolling is unproductive in the long run, hasty/angry remarks are counter productive as well. We can apologize if we feel we have gone too far. I have seen several instances in which Steemers got slammed by the community for certain actions, but were able to recover their reputations simply by owning up to what they did and apologizing for it.

Does that mean we should never contradict or argue on someone else's page? Absolutely not. We should just be careful of the tone we use when we do so. Recently some posted a Che Geuvera pic on a blog that hit my feed. Instead of some pompous comment about Don't you know how many people that communist killed?, I simply added a link that documented those murders. There would be no point in adding any other comment.

One of the reasons for Steemit is for argument and discourse, but we should do it in a manner that supports and respects each other.


I mostly agree. I find it useful, from time to time, to hone my skills on those intransigent to logic or facts. Sometimes, I even encounter new arguments that I had not run across before, mostly not, but it is good to practice.

practicing research and argument on the fly...excellent. I had that motive as well, just less of it

One of the things I learned from tai chi is that, whether we are aware of it or not, we are always practicing, always experimenting. Every motion, every breath informs the next. In this vein, every conversation is not simply communication, but is a learning opportunity for the next.

every conversation is not simply communication, but is a learning opportunity for the next.

worth repeating, and thinking about

The part about making people feel like idiots hits home the most in your blog. For years i've been on Twitter pointing out to people why they're wrong and their opinion was baseless. It doesn't change their minds, ever. We're all better off doing what you do now, add a link and move on.

It's hard not to do if we are not controlling our emotions. There is a real adrenaline rush in arguing with people, and a real dopamine rush in being right.

Twitter is a perfect example b/c 140 characters is much more likely to generate an emotional response than it is to allow a full argument

Thanks for the response, and followed

With 140 characters, you can't make a rounded argument, heck you to abbreviate words just get as much info into a post to prove you are right. Appreciate the follow.

what I do with Reddit now is just to tweet my relevant Steemit posts LOL

Steve I cannot believe you would post this s...

Nevermind LOL, this was a great post hahahahhaa!

I got love for you man, you make a ton of good points. I hope lots of people actually read this today or tomorrow.

UV early for ya my man. Have a good day and weekend.

LOL thanks

maybe I should have added about about recognizing net sarcasm, too ;>


Next blog post in your new series!!!

Excellent advice in this post. The comparison between Chuck Liddell and the Big Bang Theory actors was hilarious....I lol'd!

Good points, I am glad to see Steemit is a civil community and have not come across any word-rage so far, knock on wood

Revenge is a dish best served cold ;>

Isn't that Machiavelli???

I thought that was an old Sicilian saying ;>

IIRC, old Mac wasn't much for revenge as much as he was for demonstrating power effectively; damn, now I have to read The Prince again ;>

I've got a book "The Portable Machiavelli" by Peter Bondanella and Mark Musa. In it there's some of his private correspondence in particular a letter to his friend Luigi Guicciardini about an experience with a prostitute that's hilarious!!! He writes: "Even though I found her thighs flabby and her cunt watery and her breath stinking a bit, my lust was so desperate that I went ahead and gave it to her anyway!" He went on (after seeing her by candlelight afterward: "My God! The woman was so ugly that I almost dropped dead. The first thing I noticed was a tuft of hair half white and half black, and although the top of her head was bald, which allowed you to observe a few lice taking a stroll, nevertheless a few hairs mingled with the whiskers that grew around her face..." Ugh lol!

lust will not keep LOL

even the smartest among us have to release the hound ROFL at the descrip...poor girl immortalized by ugliness

"The Portable Machiavelli" by Peter Bondanella and Mark Musa

maybe I will get to it one day

It's a fairly comprehensive compilation of his work and correspondence. I once had a philosophy prof that said if you really want to know what people think, don't read their works, read their correspondence.

that sounds true, and like good advice

just did a quick lookup

It's French in origin; I guess they needed revenge after letting the Germans march all over them every 20 years.

The Godfather, from the movie, used the line, which explains why I thought it was Sicilian

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