
problem with 'legacy' links...stuff changes. Sometimes (hardforks) it changes SIGNIFICANTLY.

and we're in beta anyway ;>

I miss being a dolphin

I almost wasn't a dolphin any more...I almost took the power down thang too far.
I dont' regret what I did with the cash...but I sure could use that SteemPower to increase my throwweight right about now.


I haz a plan.
50/50 rewards for posts.

50%SP...rewards increase my SP...(and all the goodness derived therefrom)
50% for $$ and pay rent...and buy stuff.

I been doing that for a's working.

I looked at your wallet just now. Good Job!!!

I'd still be a coupla thousand SP behind you, though

my life since I found steem.
About 13 months.. 16646 posts(and comments) didn't write themselves.

I powered down a bit..but now I'm attempting to regroup.


If we ever get another 1000%+ price surge, you will be sitting pretty ;>

I didn't sleep for two days when that happened...I just sat and watched the price of steem (and the value of my account) go from $ $30, less than 48hrs...

Yeah...I'm hoping for something like that again.

I was tooling around Texas handling some family issues...

came back and my 800 buck account was suddenly worth 12,000

You can bet I threw down some serious Facebook posting over that LOL

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