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RE: Put in a request for a MinnowBooster Lease - Voting Strategies and Other Wild Fantasies

in #steemit7 years ago

I was tooling around Texas handling some family issues...

came back and my 800 buck account was suddenly worth 12,000

You can bet I threw down some serious Facebook posting over that LOL


in MY opinion the current bleeding cryptocoin market is due to manipulation.
China isn't too happy with the NORKS right now...the NORKS are into bitcoin BIG TIME.
imagine how much value the NORKS have lost?
When it's over...and the NORKS are properly spanked ...crypto will regain a LOT of value.

I agree with the basic premise, but I'll spin a little different on the details. @warfeed sold me on the idea that the norks are a Chinese front, and I bet the nork officer corps is tightly controlled. Kim Too Fat is on a leash, even if he don't know it.

The Chinese might be the most rational in the long term of the big players; I don't see them tolerating a lunatic with nukes on their border.

So I would argue that the manipulation is the the Chinese playing the long game.

Our own political class is more worried about fucking over the citizenry than they are in protecting their own investments. Idiots.

don't forget lithium


lost me there

ah so,

thot you were referencing lithium as in to keep nutters under control LOL

economic warfare would be great fodder for a series of posts

er...perhaps that too.
I was actually thinking about lithium used in lithium-ion batteries.
...and the advancements lately in battery technology, relative to China.
and the market(s)
It was a 'stream of consciousness' thang...probably nuthin.

I eventually figgered out based on the link ;>

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