Steem is gonna boom or will be doom

in #steemit7 years ago

Google will eventually interfere with Steem. This is why I think it is risky to have Steem as a currency.

Scenario 1. Google acquires Steem. Profit times 100 million billion for everyone.

Scenario 2. Google will simply create their own "Steem", and will wipe Steem off the chart because they have many many more resources to set this shit up.

Share your thought, spread your love. Peace!


Going by historical trends, Google wont create its own 'Steem' but would go for buying one... Like Google bought Youtube...

Developing a complicated platform like Steem takes good amout of time - what if our Steem skyrockets by them... Google wont like to miss an opportunity...

By the way, we should also not forget Apple or Amazon - they are hungry and thirsty too

Imagine what an amazing boost it would give to Steemit & its value

Go Google!

I depends if the steem community are in it for true steeminess, or just for money... if its the latter then steem is probably doomed, but if people are here because its sensorship free, open and they love it, then steem wont vanish.
All cryptos are the same, its the strength of belief in the platform that counts, thats why other cool projects like Gridcoin and SolarCoin will be around when the ICOs have faded into memory.

never heard of solar coin what is it looked it up still confused

SolarCoin aims to be an incentive to move the world to a clean energy future though installation of solar panels. Solar PV is expensive and so issuing 1 SLR for every 1 MWh of energy generated will improve the RoI and payback.
This is important, more info at

Thanks for clearing that up! I have a very strong belief that we should care for our planet and I support any effort to improve these sorts of business. Thanks for sharing!

True, you do have a point. Of course there will be Steemers in it only for the money, but just look at the reddit community etc. These are communities without any incentives and are still used by masses of people. Maybe Steem will create some implementation into these platforms, i think this will hugely increase their value.

Any good tips on coming ICO's by the way?

One that I think may be worth a closer look is Dharma, its peer 2 peer lending but the have put some real thought into regulatory compliance, one to watch

Neither. My predictive analysis reports have steem having legs, going far, but not being a major mover or player. episodic gains in value, not significant as an investment vehicle. Great platform to use.

Please share your analysis, I will be happy to look into them.

I believe just on a socio-economic view that the platform currently is great but needs much improvement and constant upgrading, things that need some resources.

really? they failed at google +
And steemit gains it power as being decent released
IT could fail but google doing it they would have to take facebook audince but not steemit advice you really think google will reward publishers

Don't they already on YouTube? YouTube is actually a multimillion dollar industry for some users. Also, try to talk with a minor. My nephews watch YouTube all day for tutorials on Fidget Spinners etc. The creator gets a decent income from all the views.

that if you do not you ad block!

Before going to bed I used to read on Reddit, 9gag and 4chan. Now all of my time goes to steemit. Here are so many different topics, where everyone is giving the best of themselves with sharing their interests... It's nice! I think that the money aspect is an extra motivation to make good content!

True, I find myself guilty of it too! Therefore I think if they join forces OR create phone apps which work nicely as those, Steemit is gonna BOOM explode and gain value very quickly

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