With a slight drop in the number of new accounts recently registered, pressure builds on the Minimum Target of 650,000 previously set.

in #steemit7 years ago

Number of Accounts Registered in 2017


+370,000 Accounts currently registered

Though we are still seeing accounts steadily being registered this trend is slowing down slightly.

Recently we have seen a slight drop in the number of new accounts registered on #Steemit and though we now have over 370,000 accounts currently, pressure is building in the uptake to achieve the Minimum Target of 650,000 previously set.

Minimum Target of 650,000 previously set

The 650,000 Account Target set in June was made at a time when we was witnessing a spike in the growth of new accounts.

Sadly this spike has appeared to have somewhat slowed down, albeit slightly.

Though the long trend trend is still growing, the short term trend has slowed down.

With 104 days to go to the end of the end of the year and with approx. 370,400 accounts currently registered we would need to see a further 279,600 new accounts to hit the +650,000 target.

The average number of accounts in September has drop slightly to 1,649 new accounts per day.

To hit the target of a further 279,600 new accounts over the remaining 104 days, we would need an average of 2,689 new accounts being registered per day.

This equates to a growth of approximately +63.1%. [( 2,689 / 1,649 ) -1].

To put things into perspective, the last time the numbers were presented, September was showing an average of 1,775 new accounts per day and we had 108 days to go.

This equated to a growth of approximately +48.5%. [( 2,635 / 1,775 ) -1].

On other words, more effort needs to be done to achieve the same target.

Anything can be done, but it needs a coordinated effort

Is the Minimum Target of +650,000 Accounts still achievable?

Anything can be done, and everything is achievable, but it needs a coordinated effort in the Marketing and Promotion of #Steemit.

Thanks for reading.



Hi Stephen, maybe there is a way to switch the emphasis to personal recruitment - just as a platform like Facebook would do.

After 3 months on steemit I am now feeling confident enough about the platform to start showing it to friends and family.

I know enough to demonstrate how steemit works and I have a bit of voting power to support new people I bring on with encouraging upvotes. I can mentor them and keep them going through the difficult first couple of months.

I believe there are around 25,000 daily active users.

Taking those as a starting point (although these change I am sure) if each of those recruited one new person every ten days that would give us 250K new accounts by the end of the year.

Throw in a good few accounts from other sources and bob's your uncle we will smash through the 650K target.

There will be the added bonus that personally recruited and mentored new users are almost certainly going to exhibit a much higher retention rate than normal.

There must be a good way to gamify this...

Recruit a buddy into your steemit fleet and win a prize etc etc

"There must be a good way to gamify this..." You provide some valid points, but it was this one that I could not agree more with. I have been promoting #Steemit from the very first day I joined and upped the ante a few months ago by not only getting out on the streets and handing out flyers but also funding and supporting others to do the same. "Gamifying" the signup has to be achievable. It just needs someone to think it through as to how it could be done to make it both an enjoyable experience for the new user signing up and the one out promoting. Happy to listen to any ideas. Thanks for the contribution to the Blog. I appreciate the idea. Stephen

No Matter what the number is by the end of the Year I am glad I found STEEMIT over a Year Ago. I still want to Buy more STEEM so I hope the price stays in this area or less for a little while as the Account Base Grows.

Rapidly blochain technology will spread the untouchable areas also... For this we need our coordination and support to one another... Hope the target of register new accounts soon be achievable... Thanks for sharing your views...

It could have a correlation with the Steem price. I think more people enthusiastically spread the message when the Steem price is near or at new ATH´s.

Pressure is huge definitely as we are approaching the end of year very fast.

Thanks for the support as always. I appreciate it. I have shared it because I am not entirely sure whether people realise that the take up is slowing down in the short term. Stephen

my suggestion to make a writing competition about why to join steemit, I am one of the steemians who always influenced my closest people to join steemit, explaining the effects of steemit



we will help and continue to strive for promotion and invite relatives in this great steemit community @stephenkendal

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