TRUMP Executive Orders and a great first week..!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


It has been a fantastic first week for the Trump Presidency with a number of Executive Orders, Presidential Memorandums and Actions signed off, including:

1. Manufacturing Jobs Initiative

2. White House Compliance Team

3. Nomination of Philip Bilden as Secretary of the Navy

4. Andrea Thompson as National Security Advisor

5. Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements

6. Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States

7. Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal

8. Streamlining Regulatory Burdens for Domestic Manufacturing

9. Construction of American Pipelines

10. Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline

11. Withdrawal of the United States from the TPP

12. Expedite Priority Energy and Infrastructure Projects

This has been a great first week for the President and should come as no great surprise.

All we need now is for BLOCKCHAIN to be endorsed and for Steemit to be brought to the masses..!!

Thanks for reading.



I could not agree more..!! Give me $10 trillion and I can guarantee you a great time. Stephen

The executive orders to push forward the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines are not great.
It is a shame....

The executive order say they are renegotiating the pipelines. You shouldn't jump to conclusion before we hear more details. They could be re-routed or maybe even scrap them but we won't know until they start negotiating.

Ok...lets wait. But I don't have a good feeling about this....

My guess is Trump brings the Pipeline company and the Standing Rock Tribe to the table and the oil company will give them a couple million dollars a year if they stop the protests and the Tribe is going to take the money and run.

Sure, Why not. It's cheaper than fighting a court battle and protesters. The Tribe is in desperate need of money now that their casino has lost millions in revenue since they started protesting and the roads are all blocked off.

"renegotiating"..!! Nailed it. Thanks for the support. I appreciate it. Stephen

The pipelines are a stroke of genius. See the comment below regarding finance. Thanks for the comment. Stephen

Trump's intention to make Mexico pay for the wall is ridiculous. . If you build a wall on your property you do not have the right to demand payment from your neighbor.

You don't have to demand anything. Just because he said they will pay doesn't necessarily mean in cash. Payment could be by reverse subsidies, clawbacks, tariffs or any other means of payment. You could very easily get that off your neighbour after you built the wall. Easy no problem. Thanks for the comment. Stephen

The fact that he intends to make the neighbors pay for it (regardless of the way that he intends to do it) is what rattles me.
Why should Mexico pay for it is the real question. Tariffs, subsidies and similar measures can be countered by Mexico employing similar tactics which will only lead to a commercial war if it escalates. That is not a good thing for either nation.
By the way Mexico is preparing for such a scenario.

I can't tell you how afraid I am of any kind of war with Mexico, because no fear even enters into it. Their whole military and government is like the cast of "West side story" with flaming poo bags.

Well I meant to say "trade war" not an actual military confrontation.

You did say trade war, and I said ANY war. Mexico is not a threat to anyone but itself.

Way to pay attention. Go look again at where the money would come from.

The money will end up coming out of the US taxpayers and consumers.

The money for the welfare to support 30 million plus Mexicans already is. I'm all in favor of re-purposing that money. At least a wall ends. The ever growing collective maw of immigration criminals knows no limit.

Big political blunder to ban Muslims and Mexicans.

Since that's not what he's doing, you don't have to worry about it.

I swear to g*d none of these people take the 5 minutes it takes to research to understand what they're saying

Interesting. upvoted and resteemed!

You @stephenkendal, have created quality bait...
People are flying their true colors with this stuff.

Honestly I cannot find anything great in the decision to generally prohibit immigration of Muslim. That´s pure racism. Imagine any other country decided on stopping immigration of American people, simple because they are American.

I totally agree on the fact that Trump seems to be quite decisive. The question is who is going to pay for all these ideas. Mexico not! :-D

There are millions of peacefully living Islamic communities on Earth. The fact that somebody is Muslim doesn´t make him a bad person. I absolutely not agree on disqualifying people due to their belief system. I go with Marc D. Stern here: "it is settled that in a liberal democracy citizens enjoy the freedom to express their religious views, and to form institutions consistent with those views, without fear of punishment or civic disability."


immigrants are not citizens
immigrants are invited, or not invited to become citizens
we, the citizens, are deciding that we do not want to invite want a regionally selected group of people who ID's can not be verified, and who belong to a religion that specifically calls for the murder, enslavement, or conversion of unbelievers.
while I understand that most Muslims are not murderous savages, I also recognize that some are are indeed
and until there is a sure method of telling the difference, we the citizens don't want to bring any potential threats into our homes.

They are not verifying IDs. They are refusing people who come from a certain territory - independently if they can show their ID or not. All of them. During the past hours there have been already several cases of people who have been working for the USA during years (e.g. an Iraqi translater and his family who worked for the government during 6 years). Now - after the famous President´s decision - they are not able to get there anymore, even if they could show a valid visa. The European airlines don´t even allow them to get on board of their airlines. They already had their invitation (as you call it), but now due to their nationality they are not welcome anymore. That´s hard stuff!

exactly, they are not verifying IDs because there are no valid IDs, which is WHY we are refusing people who come from a certain territory.

Let the Oil Shieks, who have a religious duty to their co-religionsists, and who are partially funding the wars disrupting the area, provide support for them.

We have no duty to them, other than specific individuals who we agreed to help in return for their service to us.

Let the Oil Shieks, who have a religious duty to their co-religionsists, and who are partially funding the wars disrupting the area, provide support for them.

Someone else flagged your comment so I don't need to reply anymore.

I dont sweat flagging from people that cant provide rational argument ;>

Not talking about you.

I quoted a phrase from a Muslim that I believe is true... that is it.

What I did not say:
X "Islamic communities can't be found peacefully living." < I did not say that...
X "The fact that somebody is Muslim does make him a bad person." < Just quoted one so, I could not agree with this either...
X "Disqualify people due to their belief system." < you think this is implied by Trumps executive orders...

My real opinion:
"If so much authority had not been handed to the presidency, this would not be happening."

I'm sorry @surfermarly, that was not very "Republican" of me...
You wanted a "Republican" stance to rebuttal, I think I got one up in my... shelf somewhere.

Marc D. Stern is totally cool with "religious views", until such "religious views" stop you from baking a cake for a gay couple.

^Honestly, I would like to see a good rebuttal to that.

No problem, I don´t feel offended. Political discussions seldom lead to anything but anger. I always try to keep cool but I comprehend that others don´t :)

I haven´t read any single statement published by Mr. Stern, but in one of his articles (published on CNN I think) about same-sex couples he said that they should not be denied the right to civil marriage. The only thing they couldn´t expect is that religious organizations that don´t agree on same-sex marriage recognize or facilitate their marriages. I think that´s quite fair.

Anyway, we could talk a lot more about marriage and other beautiful things, but I won´t ever support someone who judges people according to their belief system or origin. That he justifies his decisions by financial interests makes it even worse to me.

"I think that´s quite fair."
I'm glad, we can openly talk and thus think about all this...
I agree Trump may over-extend. But, the left should have known the lash-back was coming particularly after forcing "healthcare" onto all the citizens. (Who defines what "healthcare" is in the first place?) That is about as bad as the creation of the IRS, it took a war to justify that.

This is not a democracy.

From a pure Financial stand point it is a stroke of genius..!! The US is broke. Most people are so focused on the $20 trillion National Debt when they totally ignore the $350 trillion unfunded future liabilities that have been committed and no way of paying off. Effectively they are banktrupt 5 times over..!! This is more serious then who they let in. This Debt is Trumps number priority and he knows it. Without tackling this first if you thought there were problems for this generation to deal with wait until the next generation has to sort it out. Thanks for comment though. Stephen

I second the disagreement to prohibit immigration of someone based on religion.

And... decisive, or a steamroller?

Islam is not a race. Mexican is not a race. The rest is sort of incoherent, refuting incoherence is problematic.

A US judge has issued a temporary halt to the deportation of visa holders or refugees stranded at airports following President Trump's executive order. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a case in response to the order issued on Friday.

That's super coherent! ;-))

I seem to remember that the ACLU is one of the organizations that gets a lot of funding from George Soros. It's not surprising that they would be standing in the way of progress.

Trump is a blundering, self-serving, nationalist piece of shit "leader" with zero tact. I hope he gets JFK'ed soon.

If he does, I hope you are the first one arrested for saying so.

Thanks @lifeworship. That's very kind of you. "Getting JFKed" assumes its an inside job... and I don't work for the IC. How could that implicate me?

I think the world would be better off without a "leader of the free world" that polarizes people and spews hate. His lack of transparency is also disgusting. Someone with such an inflated ego should not be holding the country's nuclear launch codes.

Cheer leading assassination is one step away from "material support for terrorists", and would, at least, spur the Secret Service to investigate.

I can think of better ways to bring about individual liberty than publicly hoping for a figurehead to be murdered. Any disgust you can conceivably dredge up for anything Trump might be doing could as easily be said of any and all presidents of any country in the world, for as far back as we have records. None of the other candidates would have inspired me with any more confidence, if they were handed the nuclear launch codes.

Please explain how is intangible free speech is "material support"? Because I said I hope for a morbid outcome, now you think I am explicitly supporting terror? Sometimes I say crass and offensive things, but truly @lifeworship, I do not wish death upon anyone. Peace and non-violence are far more optimal outcomes. As far as "better ways" to bring about individual liberty, does making a statement mean that I am also not pursuing other avenues to spread autonomy of self? My original response is an outlash to how terribly incompetent and inexperienced he has conducted himself while in the public eye as a politician. With his rhetoric, he seeks to ravage the environment by removing it from the model by which governments analyze policy decisions (i.e. "running it like a business"), and in all likelihood if he succeeds, he will profit from it. Of course, how would we know for sure he is going to profit from it if we can't analyze his tax returns? I don't understand the mental gymnastics it requires to support censorship resistance and transparency (i.e. blockchains and steem) while not holding an elected leader to the same standard. He has already ordered that government scientists conducting climate research be silenced. What is the point of such an action but to further his own selfish agenda? His selfish, short-sighted and bigoted decision making effects us all, and effects future generations. And just because I think Trump is an incompetent tool does not mean that I endorse the other candidates. The only person I thought would make a decent president in this year's pick of the litter was Bernie Sanders (which is funny, because I also advocate for limited government), because he actually spoke from the heart and not from the annals of a flawed ideology (Populism, Nationalism, White supremacy, etc.).

When someone's decisions have the ability to effect billions of people's lives, they deserve to be scrutinized more than the rest of us plebs. So now I ask you this: ethically, is the loss of one worth the lives of many?

Some of the Executive Orders were good, but I'm not so much in favor of the Pipeline.

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