STEEMIT: Recently an annoucement has been made regarding the development of UI and UX for the platform. Please share with your Social Network.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


2017-08-27 09.34.06.jpg

Recently an annoucement has been made regarding the development of UI and UX for the platform.

For the one's who have missed it, here is the link.
Credit: @steemitblog

This type of annoucement should be shouted out from the rooftops and I for one have shared it and promoted it on Twitter and Linkedin.

Please do the same if you haven't done so already.

Thanks for reading.



I checked out the steemitblog post.
I'm so excited for it, not too long to go now.
Let's see what the new UI is going to be like! :)
Credit: @steemitblog

This Blog should be plastered all over EVERY Steemit Users Social Media Network. With the desire, wish and drive, this Blog could be potentially seen by over +10,000,000 people.

Let's say if EVERY Active User shared the blog and there was +25,000 Active Users with an average of +400 people in their Social Network this would have an exposure to +10 million people..!!


Great news.. resteemed!

Awesome..!! Thank you. Stephen

Really excited!!!can't wait to see the changes, keep up the good work!

I wiil share it because it what sharing.thanks for this informative post.upvoted.

Terima kasih telah berbagi informasi ini kawan... Informasi anda sangat bermanfaat sekali untuk saya

You've got a gift for this.

exciting matter

thanks for sharing this! I definately need to follow their posts!

I hope they make the registration experience better. I've seen a lot of people who'll try to sign up, and then get disappointed.

wow an update for UI that would be awesome
Can't wait :) steemit all the way

supper post...............

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