STEEMIT: As we pass 315,000 Registered Accounts we still need a lot more marketing to reach the minimum target of 650,000 Accounts by the year end..!!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Registered Accounts - dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ Graph

STEEMIT Accounts dMA.png

Accounts - dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ Screen

Accounts per day 2017 dMAmapping Screen.png

Recently I set a Minimum Target of 650,000 Registered Accounts on STEEMIT by the end of the year.

This target is still marginally achievable but comes with one HUGE caveat that I cannot stress enough....."We need more Marketing and Promotion..!!"

As the developers work tirelessly in the background developing the platform and including new features it is up to each and everyone of us in the Community to get out there and promote the site.

Despite the recent spike in New Registered Accounts, August has fallen short of keeping up with the growth witnessed in April, May, June & July, and it this slowdown in growth that is worrying me slightly.

Accounts per day 2017 SCREEN

Accounts per day 2017 SCREEN.png

Accounts per day 2017 GRAPH

Accounts per day 2017 GRAPH.png

I have absolutely no doubt at all that we will get there, it is simply a matter of how quick.

Things take time and you have to have patience, but if complacency sets in then this is a real problem.

For me STEEMIT has always been a minimum of a 5-7 Year Project to get off the ground and when you look back at what has been achieved in the last 17 months since its creation the results are truly outstanding.

What needs to happen now is that these outstanding results have to be taken out onto the streets and promoted.

One HUGE Caveat

So is 650,000 Registered Accounts achievable by the end of the year?

Yes..!! .......but with one HUGE Caveat ......"we need more marketing..!!"

Thanks again for reading.



It seems like we have made 100,000 in about a month which means there is definitely a huge possibility we can hit 650,000 but it looks like August wasn't as explosive as the previous months.
Let's see how long it will take the developers to make the blockchain more scalable and I think when easy sign ups are released we can see some more explosive growth.

I couldn't agree more. We are still growing just not at the explosive rate we witnessed in April, May, June and July. For some reason August appears to have slowed right down and it worries me that complacency has set in regarding the Marketing and Promotion. Let's see what the next 3-4 weeks brings. Stephen

Everyone is Europe is on holiday! Maybe, lol

STEEMIT: #promo-steem #promo-uk. For the ones who are looking to help and promote Steemit but would like support and funding I strongly recommend you watch this video. Pitching for a Micro Loan. Stephen

Not gonna happen, steem price is going down and new accounts become ghost accounts very fast.

Personally, the price of steem is not my main worry, but the ghost and inactive accounts (>250,000). Please, see @arcange's report today, .

Right, the most people look for quick money. Which is fair enough since this is advertised by a lot of people on Youtube etc. Come to Steemit and get rich quick. The idea behind the blockchain and the community is sometimes very poorly explained. But I have seen also good ads.... :-)
Since it gets noisier with the content more people (especially newbies) will leave quickly.

My girlfriend is still waiting for her account to be approved, she is waiting now for over 3weeks. With this strict regulations, it's very hard to reach that goal. There should be an easy to use option to pay for your account if it is not approved fast.

I could not agree more. It can be very frustrating for New Users to get an account approved in the age of "Click and Go" we are now living in. People are so used to instant access now, that unless their accounts are approved with a couple of hours they potentially loose faith. This is something that needs addressing to hit the +100,000/day numbers needed to achieve mass adoption. Stephen

Thank you for the respons! I just think there must be clarification, for some reason her account was rejected, maybe because we use the same ip adress, i don't know. But she gets no further information. That is really sad. A friend of mine got his account approved in under 24h, that's great, but only for him and not my girlfriend and we can't do anything to make it work, just wait and wait. Or we try it again with different credentials, but that's not what we are looking for.

Awesome! I think 650k is very achievable!

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