Have you ever observed Steemit is increasing views count even when you visit your own blog posts?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I thought views count can be increased if it's coming from the other person, whoever clicks on your post. But I don't know why the views count is increasing is increasing even after visiting my own posts by myself.

As soon as post any new content in my blog, I am checking my posts how many people have seen and upvoted on my posts. I have observed one thing that views count is increasing even as I am visiting my posts. I thought this count is increasing is because of only others are visiting my post.

To clear my doubt I have checked with my older posts which are 1 month old. I visited some of my posts several times and refreshed the pages, then I got to know that count is increasing is automatically every time I visited my own posts.

Before Post Views Count

steemit views.JPG

After I visited this old post 3 times count has been increased to 150

steemit views1.JPG

If you want more proofs check with your own posts too.

Why it is like that? If it is coded this way how a measure that how many actual people shown out posts? Does it a good feature? Let me know in the comments.

I heard one thing that YouTube will kick off the video if the video author visits his own videos more than 300 times. I don't know far it's true.

Checkout my recent posts below


I have also noticed this yesterday. I think views on our post has no effect on earning. so it not significant.

May be but views should distinct so that we can analyze which type of content is doing great and which is not.

i was assuming this

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