STEEMadvice RE: A Whale Keeps Flagging My Posts - Response

in #steemit8 years ago

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a whale keeps flagging my posts and I have loss money twice now. I need my money because times are hard with no job but I'm scared to say something because then he might flag me even more


Firstly, sorry for the delay. This was not the type of question we were expecting to get here at @steemadvice, though it seems fitting that the first request we receive be one which relates directly to the Steemit platform.

In regards to this issue, I feel it would be difficult to offer you any definitive plan of action that would be guaranteed to solve your problem. I do know that you are not the only one to be struggling with this type of thing, so hopefully this answer can be helpful to more than just yourself.

My suggestion would be that you reevaluate your flagged posts to see if there is anything offensive, or anything that breaches TOS in there. If after your analysis you feel confident that there is no justifiable reason for the downvotes, then perhaps it is time to message the whale you speak of directly.

You could do this through commenting on one of his posts, or replying to any of his comments on another post. I would advise that you do so in a respectable manner, as just because you did not discover anything you find offensive in your post, does not necessarily equate to the same for them. They may have a very good reason for doing what they did, and if you ask them respectfully to reveal the reason to you, they will be much more inclined to do so than they would if the delivery of your inquiry was rude.

Should this not successfully resolve your issue, I would then recommend documenting your correspondence with this whale, as well as gathering screenshots of the flags etc. Then take your concerns to the community by means of a post which details your experience and requests assistance in countering any future unwarranted downvotes.

I think you will be surprised at how helpful this community can be, and if your post manages to garner enough attention, and in turn sympathy to your cause, you may find yourself gaining a lot of followers that are intent on helping you out with the next flag attack.

One final thing I would advise is that when you ask for assistance from the community, you make it clear that you want them to counter the downvote by upvoting any of your posts that get flagged. Do not encourage them to downvote the whale in retaliation. There is enough flag wars currently plaguing this ecosystem, and any who are joining at this time may see the site as the equivalent of a schoolyard brawl and decide to leave.

We do not not want to add fuel to this fire and deter new users from sticking with the site, nor do we want to aggravate the whale and provoke them to downvote every post and comment you make in future. Be sure to stress your reluctance to see others flag on your behalf.

I was expecting to give advice about life outside of Steemit and was very unprepared for this, so I hope that it was sufficient and of some help to you. Thank you also for being the first one to make use of this service. If this post was able to assist you then I already consider this project a success. Feel free to ask any other questions you like in future if you were happy with this response.

If you would like to anonymously ask a question or seek advice on a personal matter, please visit our website to find out how to do so.


Whales who abuse power should be stopped, it hurts the community, the dedication, and fun.

I have had problems with this as well and would love for something to be done to those who abuse their power.

Thank you for editing the comment.

I would suggest that you get offline for a time and calm down. When you are feeling less emotional, I would be happy to discuss your situation with you.

Aye, roger that. My apologies, no longer seeing red but am getting offline for a bit.

I hope you feel better soon, @timbo.

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