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RE: 2019 STEEM silver round now on SALE

in #steemit5 years ago

We decided to use upvoting bots to get this post seen by as many people as we can. We knew that downvoting would happen but what other option is there? With Precious 150k SP, hammers 290k SP and CSB's 50k SP we can only get the post payout upto 10 STU's which is not enough to get eyes on this post. I mean if we cant get there with a combined 100% upvote from 490k voting SP then what else is there to do to get seen. 200 STEEM was donated and we used upvoting bots.

Thanks to the following users for downvoting this Steemit community project. I am aware these maybe auto set up to downvote which i think is a very impersonal way of downvoting and it doesn't matter if the post is of high quality, it could be the best blog ever written.


You can avoid almost all downvotes by denying payouts, because then people don't feel the need to downvote because of making net positive roi by promotion.

If it was a for-profit promotion then yes, I would agree. But this is a community not-for-profit project that has a direct benefit to STEEM itself.

A community not for profit project can and will get organic upvotes. Maybe not as many as they ideally would want, but those are the tradeoffs of life, and the amount of upvotes they get or don't get is an indication of how much Steem stakeholders value the project's contributions (in practice, almost certainly such a project would be significantly valued, but not arbitrarily much).

The project is on the verge of getting shit-canned due to not being able to meet the minimum mintage required. If the Steem stakeholders don't value the projects contribution then I don't see why I should continue to advocate for it.

I honestly don't know if they do or don't value it. It's hard to measure that when organic voting is subverted with paid votes. Yet another reason not to do this.

@buggedout - 2 things have changed

1/ Steemit is fooked and active members have been dropping from 2017
2/ STEEM is worth 2% of it's all time high. Was easier before when we were earning $100 per post.

You know this already, i know you do. I feel your pain bro and i would hate to see this get canned. We only need to get through this year.

@smooth - I wish you could see one of these coins in real life. I've never meet someone that is not impressed by a nice shinny silver coin. I've never converted a friend into a stacker but they all like looking and playing with my stack.

  • 2017 coins sold really quick
  • 2018 coins sold slower, mainly repeat buyers from 2017
  • 2019 - There's nobody left, they've had no reason to remain active. We are pitching the idea to a new smaller community this year.


If you want to get promotion for this post + use paid votes, you can either decline payout (you can see those post don't get DV's) or you can set the author rewards to @null or @steem.dao - you can see examples of post like this on trending that did not get DV'd either.

Paid votes offer ROI by nature. Had you not gotten DV's on this post, you would have received ROI. So the best option, if you want to promote, is to simply burn author rewards.
I agree, there should be an easier way, like blending the promoted tab with trending in some way that isn't overly intrusive. But right now, what I mentioned above is the best option.

You stacked a lot of paid votes on this, the average trending for top 5 is around 70-80$ atm, if you want the top spot you will need to go higher. But the top spot really shouldn't be a bid botted post. I am not goint to leave a big DV this time because I see you were not aware, but in the future please don't feel the need to stack large paid votes that undermind organic curation and dilutes the reward pool for other users. I would have gladly given this post a 100% upvote, and I know others that would have as well. #NewSteem

So how many steem rounds can we put you down for?

Dude, that's all well and good if it's a for-profit promotion. But this is clearly NOT and it actually promotes STEEM in the physical world by getting a unique product out there that is STEEM branded.

I know you mean well, but please take a closer look. You claim :-

"I would have gladly given this post a 100% upvote, and I know others that would have as well." but it is bullshit because this community has been trying to promote this project for MONTHS and has not been supported. You probably haven't seen anything about it until now....

trying to promote this project for MONTHS

The chances of organic voting doing anything were far lower prior to the fork three weeks ago. Things are indeed significantly different now. Not perfect, but different. What happened months ago isn't that interesting or relevant.

This isn't about organic voting, or even post payouts. It's about promotion. Before the fork we could get onto trending and get some eyeballs on it when we had something big to say. Maybe once or twice A YEAR. There is a whole community behind this - even if it is dwindling. I'm not advocating for #oldsteem as it was pretty fucked up too, but if #newsteem is a bunch of insiders deciding what to hold up, or hold down, then it's just as fucked up.

BTW I'm not talking about months ago. I said "for MONTHS". That means post-fork.

Promotion using votes to buy rewards isn't a sustainable model. This isn't a matter of insiders vs. not insiders, it is something that many stakeholders have recognized and no longer support (though not with 100% agreement on specifics, or at all, by any means).

There are other methods of promotion available, including:

  1. Promotion tab (okay not great, but it is something)
  2. Contact Steemit (and/or other UIs) to buy ads/sponsored post placement
  3. Contact Steemit (and/or other UIs) about a community project to request featured post placement
  4. Use declined rewards/burn, potentially even with bought votes, to discourage downvotes and encourage upvotes (though also possibly without bought votes).

Things change, we move forward, adjustments to practices and strategies are needed.

#2 & #3 have already been attempted, via multiple channels but with no response.

#4 is tough because it's a non-profit so it has to come out of someones pocket. That's usually @raybrockman but I have long said its not fair nor sustainable to expect that to be neccessary.

#1 is basically broken.

So sure, we used the #oldsteem method to get this project some exposure. We did it as a last resort and because other avenues failed.

Not every project is destined to succeed, for a variety of reasons. That't the cold reality of the world. The remedy is fail fast (i.e. assess interest and viability first and if it isn't there, do something else).

I'm sympathetic this time because I'm pretty sure your group really is sincere and trying to something meaningful. Most of the time I just downvote and move on, and I'm pretty sure other downvoters are more and more going to do the same, because engaging in a debate about every downvote (which, while now free, are still not rewarded in any way) is tedious.

I appreciate that there is cold hard reality at play and I'm generally not one to try and hold back the tide. I agree with the fail fast mentality, however this project is into it's 3rd year so I think the lack of support this year is probably more related to the crypto bear market and the decline of the STEEM platform itself rather than it being a bad idea on its own.

Thank you for stepping up to help with this project.

Have you contacted them and tried to explained the situation to them? They might remove their downvote, most of them Auto-downvote any post which uses bidbots.

PS: Even though it's not much I upvoted with my curation account aicu as well :)

No, i dont wonna contact them hence the copy/paste instead of tagging them. I dont want to bring any more attention to the Precios account than is needed. They are just as bad for using bots and it's basically bots on bot war.

Thanks for your support man

Most of those people (if any) don't bot downvote. Some don't buy the argument there's a noble reason to use them. I tend to agree. I'm not going to downvote, but I'll bet you could get some curating whales like @theycallmedan, @acidyo, @smartsteem, @trafalgar,etc. to show you some love if you give it a chance. Something like this you could probably straight up ask them.

@trafalgar gave a 100% downvote and his curation trail followed suit, by the looks of things. His 100% downvote knocked nearly $15 off this post...

If (s)he had read it and thought this post was of poor quality and brought ZERO value to the steem platform, I could understand. I've personally seen far worse posts pick up bigger payout values simply because of who they are written by and not their content.

So either they think the #steemsilverround adds no value to the steemit platform??? I'm guessing it's not this option.


This #newsteem is a load of rubbish and simply means if your face fits, you can still plunder the rewards pool.....

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