Your STEEM Followers: Did You Know?

in #steemit7 years ago

Your STEEM Followers: Did You Know?

Did you know that followers make the bulk of your upvotes? Did you know that keeping a follower is far more valuable than getting a new one? And did you know loyal followers are what you depend on to grow?

If you answered all of these questions with a yes, then chances are you're a smart guy and you know new followers have less of an impact than returning and loyal ones, and this is why I decided to write about how to keep your followers happy in order to have them upvote more and improve their engagement with your content while keeping them in your followers' list.


Give Before You Ask: Respect is Earned

Respect is earned, and this is something that holds true for a lot of areas in your life, Steemit is no different. As such, you can't wait for people to actively follow you and support you if you, in turn, do nothing to support them.

Giving before asking is important, and this is something spammers don't understand and why they ultimately all fail - they do nothing but asking and contribute no value for the network.

Having said that, Steemit is a great platform at rewarding value, so if you add value to the platform you'll get the rewards you seek - and this is true for followers as well.

Give value to your followers, upvote their posts and comment on them if you like what they're writing, or even if you don't and you want to help them improve.

If you see one of your followers with the 100% Power Up function activated, for example, explain to him he will get more SP by choosing the 50/50 option (for now at least). This example means to tell you that you should care about them, and not perceive them as numbers.


Use Analytics: Steemsupply and its Useful Metrics

On the other hand, you need to know who are your top supporters. As a Marketing professional I know all about the rule of 80-20.

This means that in your business, for the sake of explaining let's have your Steemit blog as your business, has 80% of its profit from 20% of its customers - customers in this case being voters.

This means that you are dependent on the top 20% of your follower list, and that nearly 80% contribute nothing or negligent values.

This may seem cold, but it is true for everyone. Access Steem Supply and navigate to the appropriate tab to see your top supporters and their percentages, like this:


This allows you to see the relative weight of the votes and so you can reward people for helping you out, or even thank you publicly in a post of yours.


Don't Neglect Your Followers: Your Content Matters

Finally, know that publishing quality content every single time is mandatory. If you always publish articles and tutorials on coding and you build a big follower list out of the value you provide with those, don't expect your followers to be thrilled if you publish a picture of a puppy instead.

Your followers are interested in the content that made them subscribe in the first place, so dramatically altering it has its risks.

Make sure to cater to your followers needs and wants and they'll stick around... if you fail to satisfy them, then you will be deleted when they do their following list cleanup.


So, all in all, I'd say that keeping your followers is definitely vital and overpowers the need to get more followers.

Additionally, keeping the top 20% of them happy is where the money truly lies, so consider this before stopping your interactions with any of those guys, your "business" will feel it.

I hope you found value in this post and that it helped you see followers as the centerpiece of the puzzle they are.


All Images From Pixabay

your posts are very useful, especially I'm sure that your posts can be a guide to reading for beginners. Wellb you yourself know that beginners, having no idea how to work on the platform, begin to save in the comments in the hope of earning. Moreover, the search for Steemit is very bad and finding useful information does not always work out.
Thank you

I highly agree, the search function sucks!
Im glad you're liking my post and becoming a regular on my blog :) If you ever need help you know where to find me.

I try to support all users who benefit ... and you are one of them, you are on the right track, this proves that in such a short time you are rapidly and confidently developing. The conclusion is that you give the right advice that works. I'm sure that soon you will become a dolphin, and then a whale. But provided that you continue to work the same way :)

You actually make a good point. Listening to those who prove it by action. I get it and it makes lots of sense!

Good Stuff, Maxey :D

Steem Voter is still not working, any ideas?
I did everything it prompted me to do but it's not doing it's thing.

I don't know man, @hopehuggs has me on the auto-vote feature and it is working nicely for her. :/

That's really helpful to know. Thanks.
I remember reading about the 80/20 rule. This can also rub the other way... 20% of your clients give you 80% of potential butt-ache.

Tried steemsupply just now... it's under maintenance. Can't wait to check it out.

Yeah the site is amazing, but it is very slow and well, it'd down now.
Butt-ache is a side-effect of business.

Lots of people started out by giving stuff away and being successful here, like papa-pepper who made brilliant gifs to give away. Even little ol' me got one, but I have updated my picture since it was made. But his kindness, generosity and great content obviously help too.

Yes, that's something I noticed as well... maybe I should include it on one of my next posts.
Thank you for your insight.

I didn't really think about it that way before, this is a fresh perspective for me. I rewarded interaction with my own posts but have not thought about using the analytics to see if I can do even more for supporters. Great advice here.

Thanks @eonwarped
Indeed, if they support you, then they deserve support back, that's my motto :D Cheers!

always use the metrics to find out the followers and help them but sometime i get late

You always come though :)

haha i had to come ;)

Very well written and tells it like it is this is a great read for newbies!

Thanks Ceci ;)

You hit it right on the spot Rukka! Thanks for the Steem Supply info. I know the site but didn't use the content and social insight stuff.

Thank you for this informative post, I was actually looking for ways to collect analytics like that!

Glad you liked. Steem Supply is an awesome site.

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