Think You Respect All The STEEMIT Rules? Here's How to Still Get in Trouble:

in #steemit7 years ago

Think You Respect All The STEEMIT Rules? Here's How to Still Get in Trouble:

 If you think that by respecting every rule on STEEMIT and publishing good content is enough to stay out of trouble... think again!

There are actually a lot of things you can do that can get you into trouble, or even sink your account alltogether. As I like to keep you guys informed and safe, I decided to let you know how you can get in trouble even if you're a valuable member of the community.

So, without further ado, here's how to do things correctly and STILL get in trouble.


Repurposing Content You Have Posted Elsewhere:

If you think that you can use your blog posts here in order to get added readership, well you can... but it may get you in trouble.

You see, I was a blogger before coming to Steemit, and I had a lot of posts but I never even tried bringing them here because I brought one of my YouTube videos to DTube and @cheetah came to comment and upvote the post, saying she found something similar etc...

Now, there was no copyrights infringement, as the video was mine and I held all the rights. Cheetah didn't flag me, but other users saw the comment, and even though I replied to cheetah on how the content was mine, there was one user with a big voting weight that voted up the bot and flagged me!


Flag the Wrong Person:

Now, we all know that in an ideal world we should be able to flag anyone who wants to abuse the system or that is spamming. We're not living in an ideal world... and as such you can be in for a world of pain if you flag the wrong user.

There are some users with a huge voting weight that spam and abuse the system. They tend to get flagged in time, but while they're still healthy they can cause a lot of harm to those who flag them, especially if they are newbies with low Steem Power and Reputation themselves.

Thus, if you find someone abusing and you think of flagging him - check his steem power first, because he could sink your account with a single click.


Getting Involved in a Flag War:

If flagging someone can have destructive consequences, then being involved in a flag war is a whole other story... the consequences here aren't destructive, they are catastrophic!

Don't use your main account to participate in major flag wars. We have some flag wars going on just now, and when the powerful wave their sticks around you should keep your HQ out of their sights.

If you feel fervently for one side, then by all means get another account to help, just dont get involved personally... in flag wars everyone loses!


Talking About Politics and Religion:

This is another risk you have. We all know decentralized platforms have no censorship right? Well, that's debatable. There are a lot of posts in STEEMIT talking about how flagging can be a form of censorship.

If you fervorously defend a political or religious point of view, you may find people who disagree with you with just the same amount of fervour, and they may flag you just because of that.

I tend to stay away from hot topics to make sure I keep my reputation healthy, and you should do that too if you value your account more than sharing this idea.

If on the other hand you really want to share it, do so, but know you may be penalized (it sucks, but it's the truth).


Posting Too Much:

So, you're a full time blogger and you came to Steemit in order to really capitalize from that talent? So you manage to pump out 14,000 words per day with no problem and you want to post 10 articles per day?

Well, this may also get you in trouble... some people here may think that you are just farming, and I dont mean farming with a hoe (hehe I'm so funny), but rewards farming.

There are people who feel that is abuse, and that you should strive to post fewer times per day.

There was a rule around Steemit for a time in which only 4 posts per day would be rewarded, so that says a lot.


Failing to Abide the Steemit Etiquette Rules:

Google "Steemit Etiquette" and you'll find a lot of unofficial rules on how to be a proper citizen of this platform that no one owns and yet is owned by all. I said "Google" because the search function sucks, but that's a thing for another blog post.

Failing to abide by these rules may some times get you in trouble as well.


In conclusion, these are the things that may sink your account even though you give value to the community. Writing this post I realized the community still has a lot to learn about the gift economy, and on how to switch from competitive economies to collaborative economies, so it was an article that was definitely worth it to write.

I hope you enjoyed these little tips, if so - vote and resteem them.


All Images Copyrights Free From Pixabay


Hehe, yeah there are always people you might offend somehow. This can also happen by writing comments where you either defend yourself or others or a thing or idea. I see that as a true problem because it can lead to what you suggest which is to shut up an stay out of trouble. And that is very bad in general.

I agree, in fact I believe flagging is being used as a censorship tool so far... it is a problem, and that's why we witness whale flag wars.
On the other hand, my comment on your sandals on the other post wasn't meant to offend... hehehehe
Cheers Flo!

farming with a hoe (hehe I'm so funny)

Were you thinking about repurposing nudes here?

Kidding aside, I think one should be allowed to repurpose content they already own, especially one that nobody had likely never seen. But yeah, I suppose it can still be done with a little bit of effort.

But I guess from a philosophical point of view, if you reposted something you wrote on steemit a year ago, that doesn't seem like it would be good anyway. Unless you had something to add. Or if nobody actually read it? Don't know. What do you think about just the idea of reuse?

It's a dangerous precedent really, I could see people taking advantage of it. Heck maybe the guy who flagged me thought I was doing so, while I only wanted to show the community what I wrote elsewhere...
It is a double-edged sword I guess, but thank you for making me think about it and for the meaningful comment.

Great post! what about the people who always comment on your post, and always upvote there post and never yours?

I check to see if the post contributes value. If it does, I still upvote it. If not, I don't.

Another Great one, Max!
I can say that in my vastly longer time here, I find that your observations are almost always Spot-On and accurate. When I do comment, it is almost always "additional insights". Today, I comment just to compliment your accuracy and dedication! I'm proud that you are my "protégé" so to speak, but I believe I may be learning more from you than the reverse!

PS: my '100% UV' today is not that hot, but the rising Steem Prices have made it still "really good"... I can hardly wait to see what it will be with a 100/100 and $10 steem prices ;)

THank you for your compliment man, I never forget people who help me, and it is a plus when it's a cool guy like you! Cheers!

The full 100% UV is darn near $1.50 but my VP is shot, just under 50% :'-( LOL

Mine was $0.39 you can simulate the value of the vote at 100/100 with different Steem prices at Steem Now

Truth. Wish I'd have read this on day 2 of my being here. I made an innocent comment in a flag war post. Result = massive whale bot army took my rep down from 25 to 16 overnight :O

I'm gutted about politics and religion being too hot to touch, especially religion. That's my fav subject. There are so many pro-belief posts, there's a danger of this place turning into church. Maybe one day there'll be a way to jiggle the system so that people are penalised if caught using flags for spurious reasons, because they're offended.

It's certainly going to be hard to keep that in check. As this is centralized, we all own it, and there are always people thinking "Not on MY platform" -> Flag.

Thank you for your insightful comment Anjkara. Cheers!

Ah. Oh dear... I'd better buckle up or tone things down a bit. Didn't know we all owned it. Thanks :)

Of course we all own it... Steem Power is how much we own it :)

Great. Just need to get me some of that steem power. Thanks for all the insights. I'd better get writing something now :D

So great that I stumbled upon this article. In my Introduction article I asked every to be patient with me because I knew that even though have tried very hard to learn all the rules and ethics of the platform that I will get myself in trouble. Thank you for this information, it's going to be very helpful for my success of my future in this platform. This post is very appreciated.

Thank you very much, I'm glad that you took value out of it. It can be daunting at first, but you'll get the hang of it. Never give up and keep on Steeming!

anyone embracing a screen name like "THAT Woman" will certainly ruffle a few Feathers !! LOL

Good advices mate. Keep it coming...

did I hear someone talking about farming ? bhaa bhaa

I've almost cross the line in taking part of the flag war because of a personal experience, but you have to remember if you are used to play war games you don't go poking the guys that have a huge army against your 49 little sheep and 30 SheepPower. I've stayed away from trouble so far but I don't know how long that's going to last :-D

You do well Shaun, just smile and wave, just smile and wave... it'll pass :D

Well... I have a new world to discover! :o

You do indeed! Time to work :D

Yes it is! :)

So Much of this is SPOT on regarding a lot of the More petty behaviours I see on steemit. Great writeup!!

Thanks Chelsea, and thanks for stopping by.

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