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RE: Why I Think More People (Especially Women) Need to Tune into the Crypto Convo

in #steemit6 years ago

I appreciate that the point across your entire argument is laced with evolutionary biology tenants. I would disagree that blockchain hasn't been implemented yet. All of is running on IPFS, and most of the steemit ecosystem is running on node networks. The adoption of this may actually take longer but with more innovation, because the barrier for adoption will most likely look entirely different than getting people in 1999 to join the world wide web, being that so much of this, if done right, won't have central authorities. I personally don't buy into this modern attitude of gender race to the top, where all areas and industries that men dominate, need to be recalibrated to near equilibrium with women. I will also be interested in the careful application of empathy, in that, having so many people all over the world on here, with entirely different cultural attitudes, and how they will interact with one another and choose the 'authorities' of the community.

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