in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

It has been a long journey to this point, but one that I have thoroughly enjoyed. When I first made an account on Steemit, I had no idea that it would become the conduit for which I could rediscover my passion for writing and for art, or that I would be able to advance my skills in both through the use of this platform.

Even more surprising to me, was that I would find a community which is--at least for the most part--comprised of open-minded, thoughtful people who are not afraid to indulge themselves in controversial discussions. I have learned a lot in my time on Steemit so far, and I know there are a lot more lessons out there to be shared by those of you in the community.

As of this morning, I have found myself achieving the landmark position of 200 followers, though as of now I believe it has already increased to 203. I want to offer my gratitude to all who have followed me, especially those who have been there since the early days and stuck with me while I learned how to use markdown and was able to present my posts in a more aesthetically pleasing manner. I'm aware of the fact that my earlier posts were a bit of a mess while I was getting used to blogging, so I'm happy that some of you were able to overlook that issue while I learned how to resolve it.

I know that I would not still be here had it not been for your support, so I want to be sure that you know how much it is appreciated.

Another milestone that I have reached is that of the 2000 STEEM power landmark. Again, I offer thanks to everyone who has upvoted my comments and posts in the past, resulting in me acquiring all the STEEM power that I currently have. Hard to believe that I stared on 2. My account value may only be around $300 as of now, but I am in for the long haul, and I know that STEEM will return to--at the very least--the $4 value that it was on when I joined, so I do not even pay mind to the $300. I look at the 2000 STEEM power and my brain automatically calculates that to mean $8000. After all, many of my followers will know that I am all about my optimism.

As my initial introduction to Steemit was a little vague and lacked a verification photo, I considered briefly that I would do so in this post now that I have accumulated a decent amount of followers. I opted not to in the end. I have never used a photo on facebook or any other platform, not because I am shy or insecure, but because I like to be judged on my character and not my appearance, just as I try to do for others. Besides, I'm not alleging to be anyone other than Son-of-Satire on Steemit, so I feel there is not any need to verify my identity through such means.

Instead, I shall let Vito handle the verification process for me.

One last thanks to Steemit, and to my followers. I shall return the favour by ensuring that the content I upload is always done to the best of my ability.

Have a great night, Steemians-


Well done @son-of-satire. They are really good milestones to rack up.

Look over your shoulder though, can you see that red sweaty face? That's me right behind you, working on a cunning plan to get in front of you.
Working on it, working on it, working on it....

Lol. Thanks a lot.

Congratulations. I am sure you will reach many more milestones soon!

Well, as I said, I am in this for the long haul, so I expect that I will. Thanks for the congratulations!

Congrats. Steem will go up in value you are right about that. Keep up the work.

Congratulations, sir. I only discovered your content last week. I'm inspired by your milestone post. It increases my own aspirations and reminds me of the importance of humility in thanking those whose shoulders we might rise upon.

Very poetic. And very true. Thank you for the words of wisdom.

congratulations @son-of-satire .. you've done great to get to 2k SP with 200 followers. I've just got there myself with just over 360 followers.

Thanks a lot. I think I the low price of STEEM assisted me in reaching 2000 quicker than I expected. Back when I joined, the price was so high that even a good payout earned you a low amount of it. I plan to take advantage of this undervalued price and accumulate as much STEEM as I can before the price reverts back to its true value.

I know what you mean.. right now is an opportunity for growth

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