BTC Price Plummet Creates An Excellent Opportunity For STEEM

in #steemit8 years ago

Who knows anything about SEO? I have a feeling that "Bitcoin alternatives" is going o be a trending search on google over the next few days, if it isn't already. When people start looking for a better cryptocurrency, STEEM should be what they find.

The truth is, STEEM is superior to Bitcoin in a number of ways, least of all the lightning fast transaction times and the lack of having to pay hefty transaction fees. With STEEM up over 200% for the week, we are in a good position to attract attention. If that attention can be coupled with a selection of ranking articles--truthful articles--that highlight the positive differences that STEEM has to Bitcoin, then the masses of people pulling their investments out of Bitcoin may well be inclined to put it into STEEM.

We have seen over 7 million trade volume in the last 24 hours, which I believe to be a record. Imagine what volume we would see if people started running away from bitcoin and towards STEEM? We may too find a nice rise in price and some stability.

I am not going to bother with this, because admittedly, I don't know enough of the details. However, I do know that STEEM has a lot of great aspects to it, and now is certainly the time to be advertising them.

If you think you can do it, write a great piece about bitcoin alternatives, and put STEEM in there, or right a piece on STEEM vs Bitcoin, and try and get that shit to rank on google. If like me, you're not sure you're the one for the job, resteem this post till it finds the right person who can do this.


Does your post refer to your name, and it is satirical ?

"STEEM is superior to Bitcoin in a number of ways", I would say the opposite.

"Imagine what volume we would see if people started running away from bitcoin and towards STEEM?" - This doesn't sound very realistic to me, it looks more like a wish. Bitcoin is not the enemy.

No. It is not satire, and I am sure you're aware of that and just being an arse.

STEEM is superior to Bitcoin in a number of ways. A couple I stated in the article, but there is also the low cost of running of the network in comparison to the copious amounts of electricity that is needed to maintain the bitcoin network. The confirmation times on Bitcoin are getting ridiculous with the 5 transaction per second limit. There are a lot more, but you can look these up yourself rather easily.

I never said bitcoin was the enemy. Bitcoin made STEEM possible. But the fact is, bitcoin was the first, and it has been improved upon many times over. When people realise this, there will be a migration from bitcoin to other cryptocurrencies, and my point was that we ought to make STEEM known to potential investors as an alternative.

Funnily enough though, bitcoin very well may be on its way to becoming the enemy. Because it has no doubt been infiltrated and is becoming more and more centralized, as opposed to the principal of decentralization that it was initially founded upon.

Edit; I also find you upvoting both your comments on this post to be rather distasteful. All those 2p's add up.. and some, such as myself, may interpret such actions to be a type of abuse. It is within the rules, so I shall not be flagging your comments.. But, it's certainly not admirable.

Do you see that? My vote on your comment is worth four cents...and I am a mere 1600 sp away from baby dolphin status, woot. Oh, and I voted this comment because you called him an arse and that's just funny to me, hee.

Shit. My upvote on your comment just gave you 2 cents. That's a first! Oh, and I voted your comment because you said dolphin. I love dolphins.

Ohh, this is fun!! I have to go find a good big dollar post to see what I add now :)

No need of getting personal or abusive. I just wanted to know If you honestly think,that Steem is superior than bitcoin.
You answered my questions and I respect, that you have a different opinion...

Let's be honest, mate. You were being a bit of an arse with the inquiry as to the post being satirical. It was more than obvious that it was not, and to assert that it may have been was an attempt to be condescending.

I am not offended. I am just responding in kind. As for the personal or abusive context you speak of, I really don't know what you mean. If you are referring to my closing sentence, I would have said that even if I had came across your self voting on a different post. It has nothing to do with your comment towards me.

There is plenty good about bitcoin also. Most however, I believe are things that STEEM can have for itself down the line.

Thanks for the comment.

In terms of SEO I don't think asking for resteems is the best approach. All that does is keep the content here on Steemit.

Ask for Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin shares. The buttons are there for a reason.

And to prove I mean it, I shared this post on Twitter.

Noooo. I don't want this post to rank in google search. This post is to inspire someone to write the post that would be good to have there. A comprehensive breakdown of the pros and cons of bitcoin, and of STEEM. I'm not the man to write such a thing though, that's where the resteems come in.

Thanks a lot nonetheless.

No problem, tweet deleted. But seriously, re-Tweet your own stuff, that's how Steemit gets out there. My photography post was retweeted by someone else. That's how it gets out.

I have been, when I find it worthy...

Very good point. It may be best if it was one of the Bitcoin news sites on Steemit - I think there are a few?

Yes, I have definitely seen a fair few users with "bitcoin" in their names. @furion even did a very good article about this sort of thing a couple of weeks ago, but it's making it rank in the top of google searches that will be the difficult part..

I think Steemit posts do generally rank well but getting the combination to rank together might be another matter. I don't really know enough about the dark art of SEO to say!

Me neither, but when I think of things people will be searching for as a replacement, I'm thinking of things like;

"Bitcoin alternatives"
"Better than Bitcoin"
"Bitcoin rival"

Or shit like that... I don't know how helpful it would be to simply work phrases like this into an article, and any others you could think of. I have been meaning to learn SEO for quite some time, but I haven't had much of a need to and so I have allowed myself to find excuses not to bother.

I'm sure we have people who know these things.

Thanks for the resteem. I'm sure just about every person on Steemit follows you so I'm sure if there is someone out there that can do this for us, your resteem will ensure this post finds them.

Absolutely. Upvoted and Resteemed ;)

Great. Let's hope one of your followers is the man, or the woman for the job!

This is very intresting .Are you a coder ? Maybe consider chek my proposal ?

I am no coder, unfortunately. I always wanted to be a hacker. I could have done some good. But, I spent too much of my youth fucking around on the streets and now I feel it is far too late to learn.

It is never too late to learn. You just have to do the first step :)

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