#steemit - Thank's... I get 100+ follower on steemit in 15 days, My Follower is my Family

in #steemit7 years ago

Hello My Friend .........

15 days earlier I was accepted in steemit, and I officially became a member of steemit. A lot of new things I got here that I never got before. Thank you very much steemit. This is a very awesome platform.

Alhamdulillah, although I have not been long in steemit. But I can already see the rapid development in me. How not, in fifteen days i can already get 100+ follower. Thank you very much to all of you who have followed me. I never thought you were a follower, you are my family. Without you I can not be like this.



Within fifteen days I also earn an increased income in each of my posts. In the first post I only get 0.12 - 0.40, now my income increased to 1.50 - 3.50. This is a very good improvement for me. I am very grateful for it. This can not happen without your support of the steemians around the world especially my family that is my follower who has been willing to spend your time to read stories that I make and give support and upvote to me. This is very valuable for my life and my career in steemit.

One positive comment and upvote from you for my post it will keep me excited and never stop to write here. I will keep trying and trying to do my best here for steemit and for all of us. I also always hope for the steemans here to never stop giving criticism and suggestions to me. Because with your advice and criticism, I will be better.

For fifteen days here, maybe a lot of mistakes and mistakes that I do especially to my follower. I really hope for your forgiveness. I promise that the future will always do the best for you. I hope you can forgive me.


What I get here may not be the equivalent of what the professionals have gotten here. Such as @jerrybanfield, @sweetsssj , @good-karma etc. Their content is always filling trending topics steemit every day. They also generate great results for each post. They get $500.00 up to $1000.00 per post. If compared to me, maybe I should write a thousand posts to earn their 1 post equivalent income.
Nevertheless, I am still grateful for what I get now. Although it's a bit for you, But it's huge for me. "Anyone who can not be grateful with a bit thing then can not get bigger thing". so to get big things we must first be grateful what we get now even though it is very very bit. Because a big start from a bit. For example: the income of a professionals steemian such as @jerrybanfield, @sweetsssj , @good-karma etc that reached $1000.00 is not possible without starting with $0.01 .

I am sure me and you have a chance to be like them. I hope someday my post and also yours can accompany their posts on the trending page. This just takes time and process. Maybe a month ahead, 2 months ahead, 3 months even 1 year I will still wait and keep trying. I will never give up.

Be your Self

I just hope be like them not to be them. Why? Because I was afraid later if god grant me to be them, they will to be who? They will to be me? it's impossible (Just kidding).

For example 2 months ahead I was destined to be @sweetsssj who always write a luxurious life, travel around the world and take a sexy photos in luxury place. what do you think of that?? Firstly, when i have become @sweetsssj so @sweetsssj will become who? Secondly, if I become sweetssj and take a sexy picture like her. What is the world say ?? Soo. It is very very imposible.

I have a principle to be myself forever. I'm sure someday I will be as successful as they are, even I'm sure I can surpass them with my own self as it is.


A little advice for you

I think to be a successful person, not only in steemit but in all areas. We only need to remember two things: keep on vibrant and never despair. You must be eager to keep trying and be sure you can go ahead and be successful. Abstinence and never give up because Where there is will there is way.

Then you should never despair of what you get now. Success takes time. It is not possible in a short time you become big. @jerrybanfield took 2 months more to be like this now. So you should always be grateful for what you get now and continue to be sure you will get what they get in its time.

Many people fail because they are desperate. When they do not get what they expect in the time they have set, than they choose to stop. This is not the principle of a young generation of the nation. Such a person will never succeed in his life.

To do the two things mentioned above is very simple. You only need to look the two opposite directions. up and down. To keep you excited you need to look up. You look people who are more
successful than you. Why they can? why you

To not despair you have to see the people below you. There are people who are just as trying as we are but they still get results below us and they do not complain and keep trying. Why do I get the results above them I feel hopeless ??

A gift from me to you

To celebrate my happiness today because I have earned 100+ follower. I will paint a facial sketch for you, whoever is interested please send your photo in this post comment. It's free and without any conditions. Later, this painting i will post on my blog. I'm very happy if you like it, thank you.

Here are some paintings of my good friend @kiimo and @nippel66 that I have drawn before and I have posted on my blog

Don't Think to be the best
but think to do the best



Follow Me @sogata


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Steem ON!

Nice post brother, glad to read this post.
I will allways stay with you on our journey here!!!

Glad to help some one here, i was new once in my time also :-)


thank's my best friend
i will do my best here


Great, can`t wait for more valued post like this to resteem to my 500 followers :)


thank for resteem my brother.
i will do my best here

have a great day

You welcomme :-)
Same to you

Correct. We all start out with tiny payments. They get bigger.....just keep on doing the content.

keep on vibrant and never despair
Alwasy positive thinking
nice to meet you

good post.
Thank you for sharing your story on steem.
Very true what you say, you have to be constant, at first it takes more effort but then you will see the fruits of that effort.

thank you @alexicp
hope we will succes together here some day
alwasy do the best

very good post @sogata. Nice to know you

terimong genaseh bang @razack-pulo
tamelake getanyo ureng aceh besama sama sukses di steemit
dan beu ek ta peu mesyuhu aceh bak mata donya.
beu mehase lage ban hajat

I recently started following you, and your posts are awesome :) keep it up! @ronaldmcatee

thank you @ronaldmcatee i alwasy will do the best here.
your support can make me more excited here.
nice to meet you

thank alot my brother @nippel66

@sogata nakaturi? hahaha. good luck

bereh aduen.
hana lon turi.
pajan na wate te merempok ta meturi entek hahah

whoa!1incredible that what u did man

thank's my brother

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