Lets ban together to make STEEM available EVERYWHERE!

in #steemit6 years ago

Did you happen to notice that the price of STEEM went up when it is listed on Huobi Exchange?

The number of exchanges that STEEM and SBD are available on are severely deficient. This is hindering Steemit community and forcing the price of STEEM to remain low. I evaluated the price of STEEM at $109 because a majority of the currency is locked up in Steem Power. When comparing the liquid currency and price to other currencies in the top 50, Steem should have a market price of over $100. Why is STEEM so low? It is just not made readily available because it is on very few major exchanges. Help me change that!

Steemit Dollar.png

Lets put the lack of exchanges concept in perspective. Perhaps you want to buy a new car. You have plenty of Ford, Chevrolet, Toyota, Dodge, Mazda, Volkswagen, Subaru, and Honda dealerships where you live. They speak the same language that you use. However in order to buy a Hyundai, you have to go to another country to buy it and they don't speak your language. There is a high probability that you would not buy a Hyundai.

This is the dilemma with STEEM and SBD. As a currency, if it is not made available everywhere, then people would likely use something else. In comparison to other currencies ranked in the top 50, STEEM and SBD are severely lacking access. When people don't buy it or use it, the currency has little value and thus the price will remain low.

Other currencies have dedicated teams aggressively convincing exchanges to list their coin. STEEM seems to leave that task up to US.

Here is how you can make a difference for Steemit future.

I now have three forms to fill out.


We need to let Poloniex know that there are many people that want STEEM and SBD wallets fixed on their exchange.
Here is a link to the Poloniex example. It explains (with pictures) how I filled out the form.


We need to let HitBTC know that there are many people that want STEEM and SBD wallets fixed on their exchange.
Here is a link to the HitBTC example. It explains (with pictures) how I filled out the form.


Follow this link to an article I wrote about listing STEEM and SBD on Cobinhood. It explains (with pictures) how I filled out the form.

I hope you take part in this effort to make STEEM great. Please remember to Upvote, Resteem, and Follow. Thank you.


For a breakdown of how Steemit Rewards system works:



Resteemed again! Go Socky! LETS'S STEEM US ALL TO THE MOON!!!

Thanks so much.

I think you are mistaking. Check the coinmarketcap link below. Steem appears to be already listed on some of the exchanges you mentioned. HitBtc and Poloniex. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/steem/#markets

It is listed there, but HitBTC and Poloniex have disabled wallets. It has been 4 months and there is no way to deposit or withdraw from those exchanges. Completely useless until the wallets get fixed.

Okay. I see your point clearly now. Probably they were disabled because of low trade volumes. Many exchanges used that in the past to delist many coins from their exchange. However, presently I think Steem is burning like the Sun and needs a shot at those big exchanges once again. Maybe we need to start some Hash Tags.

I have a theory. It has come to light that large exchanges have been charging ridiculous fees to list a coin. Sometimes they also charge maintenance fees. I suspect STEEM Inc. does't pay these ridiculous fees and as a result the exchanges have disabled the wallets and holding them hostage. Both HitBTC and Poloniex still trade STEEM and SBD, so it has nothing to do with the volume. The STEEM and SBD that is traded cannot leave the exchange. It creates a unique environment for STEEM and SBD trading on those exchanges as there is a fixed amount of STEEM and SBD that never changes. Prices can vary greatly due to the fixed supply.

Have you tried emailing or calling them, socky?

Maybe we need to get up an on-line petition.

I'll set it up and post it here, if you think we should (and if you'll back me up.)

Most exchanges don't have a phone number to call. If they do, it will be for technical support. There won't be a person that can deal with decision making.

As for a petition, we need leverage. Poloniex has cut their fees presumably due to lack of customers and growing competition. They have an opportunity to get old customers and new ones as Steemit community grows. After all, we are their customer base.

Poloniex was bought by Circle. They raised a large part of their funds from investors of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs investors are in the business to make money. I feel that their investment could go down in flames when two things happen.

  1. Poloniex continues to discriminate against STEEM and the various platforms
  2. The size of STEEM community grows to the point where the majority of the cryptocurrency holders are also STEEM platform users.

In the future, we would have the leverage to put them out of business. Right now, all we can do is appeal to their greed. That is our leverage.

@surpassinggoogle has a campaign to get STEEM listed on Indonesian exchange with a video "Ulog" from users asking to list Steem on the exchange. He is combining 200 videos of Steemit users to present to the exchange.

If you wanted to start a petition of some sort, it can bring attention to your blog, followers, and rewards. I highly recommend starting some form of petition. I will send traffic your way.

Thanks for the detailed and interesting reply. It seems that if the only leverage that we really have is appeals to greed, that a petition may be just a "feel good"proposition for us, now that I think about it.

They don't even need to receive or acknowledge the petition if they don't want to do so, right? I'm not interested in using this issue to bring attention to me, I want to do something to help get Poloniex off the fence and supporting our currency. Not sure, on second thought, a petition would do anything.

Glad to see we're working on Indonesian. I bet 1/5th of newbies signing up now are from Aceh Province. Not sure why that place in particular, but....

It's actually a practise. They do charge. I am not sure but i think the idea is to moderate the number of coins listed on the exchange. Though for maintenance I may tend to support. However, as regards listing, in my opinion it's absolutely wrong and ICO's are usually their target; thereby robbing the projects of investors money meant for execution. Quick regulation is needed in this area especially because such exchanges would continue to rake in Trade/Exchange income on that coin so long as it remains in existence.

Come to think of it, why don't they charge to list other mainstream coins like bitcoin, ethereum, etc. This is truly making the industry unhealthy and dragging it backwards. On the other hand, since STEEM is still traded on the subject exchanges, I am in no doubt disarmed by your findings and all I can say is that STEEM Inc needs to make the challenge know to steemians and the crypto space as it is now a community issue. On a final note the listing and maintenance charges urgently needs to come as a Topic on it's own and lets every crypto enthusiast help to steem, resteem, tweet and also Hash Tag it on every social media platform until it is addressed. Truth be told it's dragging the entire industry backwards. More like deliberate growth inhibition for most coins. I hope it's not a conspiracy.

you are on point my friend.

Bitcoin, Ethereum are trading pairs. Once you have them, you can pretty much trade them for any currency. One thing to note is that exchanges are switching to their own cryptocurrency as trading pair. It is a paradigm shift towards alternate trading pairs. The hope of the exchanges is their own currency comes out on top as the next Bitcoin. Imagine that. Bitcoin pried loose from their thrown.

STEEM has an opportunity in this new race for the top position for trading pair. What STEEM is missing is an exchange of their own in which STEEM is the central trading pair to everything else. If someone were to build such an exchange, they will automatically have a huge customer base. They also would be made ridiculously wealthy.

Yeah people , this is a call to service. A call to serve steem by getting listed on top markets . This is all our responsibility

true that you say @socky, and I agree with this

Ini adalah dilema dengan STEEM dan SBD. Sebagai mata uang, jika tidak tersedia di mana-mana, maka orang akan cenderung menggunakan yang lain. Dibandingkan dengan mata uang lain yang masuk dalam 50 besar, STEEM dan SBD sangat kekurangan akses. Ketika orang tidak membelinya atau menggunakannya, mata uang memiliki nilai yang kecil dan dengan demikian harganya akan tetap rendah

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 65970.26
ETH 2696.32
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.88