International Children's Day (Children's Day)

in #steemit6 years ago


This is not only the first day of summer, but also a great holiday for all children! International Children's Day!

We had no time to return from vacation on May 31, as on June 1, in the morning, it was necessary to perform on the big stage! As they say, from the ship and immediately to the ball! In the morning we went to the House of Children's Creativity. Do not have time to approach him, but life is already boiling!

270 graduates of kindergartens came to the International holiday! Cartoons cheered them as best they could!

Each kindergarten received sweet prizes from sponsors. Many contests, riddles ...

Children dance, repeat movements for the leading, sing ... But I do not see my daughter!

And all because children are still entertained on the street, other children are preparing their show! My wife and I went to the hall and waited for our princess! On the street the show was over and the kids came to the hall! 270 children, so many, I thought for a moment about what is waiting for them in 3 months ... School, new life, there is no day sleep ...

My daughter was the first ...

We immediately took her and went on! The concert was scheduled for 10 am. But at the same time there was a concert in the disabled children's home. I did not go there. Daughter plays an important role for me. But instead of me the girls went there! And not with empty hands! As usual, they dialed headphones, sweets and strawberries! Yes, in our country there is such a fashionable word - tender. And so somehow it turns out that while the tenders are passing - the fruit and berries go into oblivion! To say that everyone was happy about the berries, do not say anything!

The concert was very touching! The girls were crying!

Children are waiting for gingerbread, or rather a painting of sugar icing on gingerbread ...

I miss special children.

But the daughter's concert is over, now it's time to hold an evening fair devoted to children. It was decided to hold a charity fair in addition to such an event.

It was necessary to arrive at the fair one hour earlier. Tables, chairs, design, vanity, questions, answers ...

I'm ready, waiting for buyers! The table is beautiful. Hand work mostly.

Children conduct a dress rehearsal.

And this is the organizer of the fair Katya! Yes, she is so fearless!

And this is our group of volunteers on orphanages flocked to the fair!

All was good! And the concert, and games, and contests ... Everything was fine, but with a charity fair is not very. Unfortunately, the people we do not have.

The tables were different, someone brought their work ...

Something like this!

By the way, this is Vera. She today worked on the glory. In the end, I asked her for the number of children she painted. Probably a whole football stadium. She was very tired, but happy. And really many children painted herself!

While we are at the fair, concerts, contests are near full speed ...

And this is Katya, she left the park last. Really really lit people and children! About it you can say that it is given to any cause for 100%. She's all in the paint? No, it was a bright zumba-flash mob, where everyone dashed into each other with bright colors!

That's roughly how I went today International Children's Day! And you arranged a holiday for your children? Give children every day a holiday!

With you was @slon21veka!

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