Are new People the Future of Steemit?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

There has been a lot written about the current state of Steemit, the bigger you get the more power you gain, the more votes you get, the more say you have and the more influence you wield.

What of new people joining Steemit right now? To be honest, right now it’s in the doldrums, the price of STEEM is the lowest I have ever seen it, many of the bigger fish look after themselves in ways which don’t attract enough attention from others to be viewed as ‘bad’ and the little guys are left to fend for themselves.

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‘Invest in some STEEM if you want attention’, you might say, ‘It’s cheap enough isn’t it’, others might say, but for new people the initial attraction is nearly always about money.

They view this place as somewhere to make money, NOT to remove their money; this is not about buying shares.

That’s the viewpoint from the new person, but not mine. It is about buying shares, the more I have the bigger dividend I’m paid. If you own a blue-chip stock, expect your divided to be paid twice a year or four times in some cases.

With STEEM, you get your dividend every minute you own some. It constantly increases; look at this if you don’t believe me.

When I joined in March 2018, I had no intention of buying any STEEM. I wanted to earn something just for creating something.


After several weeks or sometimes days, people seem to fork into three categories.

Type 1: The Majority – ‘This is shit, nobody looks or cares, I’m wasting my time, I deserve more, why can’t everyone see my talent…’, they don’t invest, have no patience and expect everyone to vote up their marvellous content because it was written by them and it truly is just that, in their eyes.

From the statistics I’m seeing this constitutes 94% of new signups. This is a truly terrible statistic.

Type 2: The Tenacious – These people are made up of some of the 6% retention level I keep hearing about. They don’t want to or don’t have the money to invest in STEEM, but carry on posting regardless of the crappy rewards they receive.

They may get some @curie love, and integrate into the system, by use of Discord. Eventually they can gain recognition if they persevere and the rewards, followers and respect come in time.

Type 3: The Investors – Type 3 people rarely begin as this type on one day 1 and are also made up of a portion of the 6% who are not Type 1 people. They need to be persuaded that it’s all worth it and that there is some backbone in the system and that they can ultimately gain back their investment and more in time.



They want the recognition and the rewards but don’t want to grow a beard and wait like the ‘Type 2’ people. Their content could be good or bad, there are both types.

Type 3 people can be disappointed in the fact that by buying into the system doesn’t necessarily gain you followers, rewards or recognition.

Many Type 2 people can become Type 3 ones after a time, when they discover that their ‘career’ can improve if they invest some. I can’t think of a better time to become a Type 3 person than now.

My goal by writing this is to try and inspire some Type 2’s to invest and improve the size of the ‘Middle-Class’ that’s often been spoken about.

It’s also to inspire some of the current new Type 2 people to not get all bitter and become Type 1 people, thus raising that 94% leave percentage even more.

@wilnonis is a young artist who is a Type 2 person. Today he got some recognition from @curie. I’m so glad this happened and have been gunning for him.


I am going to give him some support and inspire him to create more work like this.

I am looking for more new Type 2 people to give a little helping hand too. Finding more @wilnonis’s however is hard work. I look through the # introduceyourself section every now and again but it’s like looking for gold nuggets in a stone mine sometimes.

If you know of any deserving new Steemians who are producing quality, and are largely being ignored then please drop me a comment and I will add them to the account for passive votes.

It’s not a lot, but $0.03 seems a lot when you’re getting nothing.



Drooling Maniac.JPG

If you found this article so invigorating that you are now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva or even if you liked it just a bit, then please upvote, comment, resteem, engage me or all of these things.


Oh lord.. I have gone through being all three types of people in cycles I think. At least I think I understand all three positions from an emotional perspective.

I agree that there has never been a better time to buy in. I only wish that I had more disposable income. I would love to upgrade myself to an orca..

I started as a type 2, and as I noticed my account growing faster and faster, I also purchased some.

My role now is also to support and engage, content creators and HOLDERs. I don't have any interest right now while thing are tight in supporting those who have had whale success and STILL do not hold any Steem.

Many of us started as Type 2's, and I might have fallen off the wagon if it wasn't for a certain @steevc who gave me support when nobody else did. I was fortunate in that respect but feel I can do the same for others now. It does feel good to give something back don't you think?

Trying to find nuggets in the 'new' feed is pretty frustrating. In the words of a friend of ours it like "Tryinggggg to drink whiskey from a bottle of wineeee."

I am part of a mostly informal group that has a place to post up 'brutally undervalued' posts. I don't think any of us go crazy looking, but when we see one there are a few 0.03 votes on it...

I don't believe 6% retention rate is sustainable.

Thanks for another thought provoking post.

I definitely remember doubting whether I'd spend any more time on Steem after I had written my first couple of posts. In the end, I decided that the effort could be worth it in the future and wanted to be part of something that could become revolutionary.

I'd say that has already partially come true, I mean we are currently publishing content on a fully working decentralized social media platform...

Sure things could be better, but that isn't going to happen if we don't start with ourselves. I'll definitely look out for the small guys more often, I know that some people would really appreciate a $0.05 upvote from me.

Finding the type 2s requires a bit of research and the introduceyourself tag is not one I would use. If you want to support the diehard, post no matter what, type Steemians, you want someone with a track record that proves it. This is hard to do, but sometimes you run across a post where you find exactly that type of people.

I ran across this post, and you'll have to read the comments to find your type 2:

Good luck finding folks worthy of your support. Greetings!

Finding the type 2s requires a bit of research and the introduceyourself tag is not one I would use.

They are hard to find. You need someone who doesn't give up so easily. I always thought at first.. why send out you best work before there's an audience. Looking back at my 'best work' or early posts.. they are pretty terrible.

We all started somewhere and looking back gives us an opportunity to track progress. I'm not a blogger; my entire inter net presence had to do with SEO and on line extortion and such. Even the videos were for SEO, but grew to being much more than an SEO tool.

I just found someone who has been at it solid since march, but for the most part gets dust up votes. I think HF-20 has been a disaster for newbies and in this case this person could only posts every other day. I fixed that with a delegation. I'll see what happens.

hi @slobberchops

You need someone who doesn't give up so easily.

you've nailed it. most people seem to give up way to easy :(

hi @onnovocks

Thank you for that kind comment :)

Enjoy your weekend,

Type 3! When I started posting on Steemit, I had quite a few $0 posts, but also a few successes, and I noticed that among the biggest voters were some who had never actually posted. That's when the lightbulb switched on for me - but at the time, with Steem worth about $10, I couldn't afford to invest. So as soon as its value plummeted, I started buying, using savings that were in a bank account earning something like 0.05% interest.
I've deliberately kept about a third of my investment liquid, in Steem rather than Steem Power, so that I can sell if I need the money quickly.
I love watching that Steembottracker tool. Bitcoin doesn't do that:)

Without type 2 people, what is the case?

Who is better for the platform, type 2 or type 3?

As I see it, if only type 3 existed, this would be nothing more than a ponzi.

What I am sure of, is that Type 1 must try to become something else.

Marty (4).gif

Without type 2 people, what is the case?
Who is better for the platform, type 2 or type 3?

Many of us are a combination of 2 and 3, I know I am.

As I see it, if only type 3 existed, this would be nothing more than a ponzi.

I cant say I agree with this. If I bought 10,000 shares of Coca Cola I would get a good dividend twice a year.

If I bought a million STEEM and powered it up I would get my daily slice of the reward pool simply by owning it.

If people followed me I wouldn't get a cut of their share too, nor of my followers followers. That is the definition of a ponzi.

hi @slobberchops

Great choice of topic.

They view this place as somewhere to make money, NOT to remove their money; this is not about buying shares.

You've nailed it.

It seem that most people are coming here for "wrong reasons". It's obviously not wrong that they want to make money, but they will end up burning themselfs.

Those who are looking for profit will end up being disapointed.

thx for sharing that link. I didn't know you can find those details on steembottracker.


Noble initiative, @slobberchops. Glad to hear that at least some people afe willing to put in the effort to help out the newcomers.

The big problem is that this platform is still(!) promoted to the world outside as a place where you can earn money. Today, I saw the very first campaign that advertised the community instead of the 'financial oportunity'. We're making progress, lol.

Also, by implementing the RC system, STINC has made it impossible for newcomers to integrate and become part of the community if they don't receive any support from people like you and me and a couple of others. There are by far not enough people who are taking an initiative to support the newer accounts. I don't blame them. After all, it shouldn't be up to us to help people so we can keep them from leaving. But if nor STINC nor the big whales do anything, someone's got to do it.

Being able to invest in Steem is a luxury. A great deal of the people here live in countries that are an economical disaster. They can hardly pay for their internet connection, let alone invest in Steem. I really admire those people for not giving up, especially now the price of Steem is this low. I have unlimited respect for those who work hard, day after day to grow their account without investing.

If I could, I'd support them all. But to be able to do that, you need to find them first. Like you say, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack...

It's a real shame it has to be like this. I completely understand why so many people leave before they even got started.

I think a good way to find promising newcomers is by following up.on the entries people write for the weekly Pay It Forward Curation contest by @pifc.
Checking out the bloggers contestants feature in their entry posts, you come across those little gems regularly...

Posted using Partiko Android

Today, I saw the very first campaign that advertised the community instead of the 'financial oportunity'.

Can you point me to this, look interesting. As you say the RC thing in HF20 screwed up new people. I had a few issues as a HF19 with 'bandwidth' but it looks to be horrendous now. We don't want to create a closed shop.

Oh. It was something the passed by in my feed. It was a screenshot of a tweet. I searched, but couldn't find it again.
Instead, I stumbled upon this one:

I think you laid out the types of people on Steemit pretty accurately. I think I would fall into the type 2 person that has dabbled in the type 3. Quite honestly there were times when I was a type 1 as well though. After having invested some of my fiat into STEEM, I can't say I am seeing the returns I thought I would yet. I am not complaining, but I though I would see a bigger bump in my followers once I got my account to where it is. I also thought I would start to get a couple dolphin or even whale followers here and there once they saw I was invested in the platform. Again that doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe it is just because of the price though...

I also thought I would start to get a couple dolphin or even whale followers here and there once they saw I was invested in the platform.

Yes, it doesn't really work like that does it? The price is making things look glum, but look at the STEEM rewards, not the dollar ones and you will see a different story.

Keep telling yourself again and again.. I'm getting more STEEM than before.., and it doesn't matter unless I cash out.

Thanks, I will try to remember that!

Posted using Partiko Android

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