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RE: Why Steemit is Great for Your Homestead

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I joined SteemIt PARTICULARLY for the growing homestead community here (and hey! What homestead doesn't appreciate the chance to make a little more $$ in any way possible?) Since I was raised in suburbs with only experience raising a housecat and fish, I have a LOT to learn about how to do this life, and I love getting to glean from other's journeys.

I truly love cinnamon rolls. Like...A LOT. I can't eat white flour any more, though, so I figured out how to make really lazy, whole-wheat, cast-iron sticky buns on the stovetop (it's super hot here in the Ozarks, too!) so that I don't have to heat up my kitchen too much. Though I want to give our Sunoven a shot at making them...maybe I'll do that today.

AHEM. Anyway, you got me thinking about cinnamon rolls, and that gets me sidetracked. Thanks for your post! I'll be following and learning from you, too. :)


Bahahha. Have you used almond flour for anything. I have converted my Great grandma's chocolate chip cookie recipe (maybe older recipe, but I dunno) into a gluten free --- maybe even more delicious... I think because of the almond flour.

I've never made cinnamon rolls myself... probably mostly because of the actual dough part. Seems kind of intimidating. I've only made a bread/roll recipe like, twice ever.

I'm not gluten-free, so I've only used almond flour once for a friend. It was...weird, but like I said, I have little experience with it. But Italian almond cookies?? GIMME SOME.

I make bread every week (we just only do whole grains, now!), and would love to teach you, if you want a hand sometime! My first loaf SUCKED, and I was totally intimidated and felt like a failure. But now, I understand it, and it's fun.

Totally! Make a few posts about it!

I am not gluten free really but was for a short time and wanted some damn cookies. To be honest... I eat just the dough and rarely bake the cookies... And the dough with my GF recipe is totally better. Haha.

Usually the GF is a mixture of many different kinds of flowers. If you are ever interested, I really like the King Arthur brand GF flour the best. When I make my cookies I do a mix of the King Arthur brand flour, Almond flour, rice flour, and some GF quick oats. Haha. :D

Hahha, I totally hear you! That dough-mix sounds totally like the kind I would make...and then "forget" to make cookies with.

I will have to make a SteemIt version with updated recipes, but in the meantime, here's my YouTube version of how to make bread from scratch! And when I say scratch, I mean even catching the yeast yourself. Up for an adventure? ( )

Ah man... Probably not that adventurous yet! Hahaha. I suck at watching videos also. >.< Haha. Thanks for the link. I'll check it if I get the balls. lmao

Haha, no problem. Like I said, I'll be making a SteemIt version sometime soon. Nice chatting with you, by the way!

Of course! You as well! I'm usually always up for a good chat! :D

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