
It's possible that you have just changed my life, @skeptic!

hopefully for the better.

Most definitely. In a few minutes, I'm going to add a, "This web site is dedicated to honoring the 'first follower' early adapters who embraced its idea and saved that idea from oblivion" line. It is totally true that the first followers are far more critically important than the originator of any idea. You've given me the words and the focus to see clearly the main obstacle so that others can help me to overcome it.

i agree, more respect to the first followers!

This continues to excite me. I've been frustrated about this for more than a decade. With the video, it is now easy to see that part of the problem is ME. Now that I can see that clearly, I can fix it. BTW, I put the dedication on the web site as I said I would. This is so totally awesome! It's the main thing that has made my life hell for twenty years. Thank you, @skeptic!

HAHA Thats Awesome!
Its amazing how much information you can pull from a 3min video.

What is really amazing is the power of connecting with people. It stuns me that the benefits to being in wholesome connection with others, i.e. participating in REAL community, are so underappreciated, and that nearly everyone seems to have no clue about what they are missing by living in this shithole individualistic culture.

A tiny bit of human connection between you and me. How many minutes has our entire history of connecting with each other taken? Twenty? And you've changed my life! And you and I aren't even really in community with each other.

This little event drives home my decision twenty years ago to just get all of the selfish people, the morally ignorant predators and "here for the lulls" time wasters and energy sinks the fuck out of my life. It reminds me to do it.

This is also a good example of what I mean by "fingerlift". You changed my life, and you did it by posting a video!

did it without even knowing it.

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