Movie Quote Contest - Steemit Parody Quote Contest - Win SBD!!!!! - #15

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I am going to pick a movie, the best two "Steemit parody quotes" in the comment section will win SBD.

First place will win 1 SBD and second place will win 0.5 SBD.

What is a "Steemit parody quote" you ask?

Here is an example.

Movie: Dazed and confused

Original quote:
"You act like you’re so oppressed. you guys are kings of the school. What are you bitching about?"

Steemit parody quote version:
You act like you’re so oppressed. you guys are kings of Steemit. What are you bitching about?


Ok, now lets move on.

This contest is based off the movie The Matrix

Here is my entry into the contest even though I cant win.

Rules for the contest.

1- Upvote the post.

2- Leave a comment with your steemit parody quote from the movie The Matrix.

Thats it!!!!!!!

If I cant find the original quote you are parodying you might get asked for it.

Once the 7day lock in happens I will pay out to the best (in my opinion) Parody Steemit quotes from the movie The Matrix. Other peoples comments and votes about and on entries are taken into account.

Here is a link to the movie if you have not seen it.

Cheers Steemit and hope we can have some good laughs with this game.

Steemit to the moon!


Neo: What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge the government and not pay taxes on my Steem crypto gains?

Morpheus: No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when Steem moons, you won't give a shit.

Thats awesome.


I know why you're here, user. I know what you've been doing... why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your computer. You're on Steemit. I know because I was a Steem Blogger.


Creators: Do not try and see your steemit views. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.

Skeptic: What truth?

Creator: There are no views.

so true.

Cypher: You know, I know this user doesn't exist. I know that when I get an upvote, Steemit is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After two years, you know what I realize?

[Takes the rewards]

Cypher: Ignorance is bliss.


Neo: Hello?
Morpheus: Hello, Neo. Do you know who this is?
Neo: Morpheus?
Morpheus: Yes. I've been looking for you, Neo. I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you, but unfortunately, you and I have run out of time.



needs a steemit parody quote added to it.

But I did not understand very well what to do !!!

take a saying from the movie and change it so it is about steemit.

I understand now !! Thank you very much, you are a good person who cares for your followers !

many thank you ! i hav followe to you

wow .. good move, i like your way, like to share our fellow. thanks friends, hope you got the best :)

you should enter its fun.

yes ... i will learn first .. new i try it friend.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

thanx, u2!

Morpheus: "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes." sub bluepill for Facebook and redpill for Steemit. Feel like this one was pretty cheap :P I didnt want to use this one bc I think I have seen it before somewhere else but I decided it would be alright this one time XD It's also not funny at all smh total fail

it wasent horrible.

thanks, you should enter its fun.

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