I Dont Dive A Damn About My Bad Reputation.

in #steemit7 years ago

An' I don't really care If ya think I'm strange,
I ain't gonna change.

An' I'm only doin' good when I'm havin' fun
An' I don't have to please no one.

The world's in trouble, there's no communication
An' everyone can say what they wanna to say
It never gets better, anyway.

An' I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation
Oh no, not me, oh no, not me
Not me, not me

Damn Joan Jet is the shit!



I was expecting a video with your reply.

I was expecting 4-5 days like the post said.

Oh you went back and edited the post so it now says not to send sbd after we already sent it?
that's some scammer shit yo!

I think you are taking it too far jumping the gun like that. Outright accusing someone of being a scammer instead of opening up a dialogue. I still think you have the right to your a opinion however.

I could have been a little harsh.
I tried to open up dialogue. waited 30 min then made a post about it.
then after another 10-15min I went back and added the "EDIT" into the comments with the link.so when he could have been replying to the people that sent him sbd before he edited the post to say wait till he is at 100% but instead he went and replied to the people that hadent sent it yet telling them to wait till he hits 100% sp. also he can sit there and upvote people right before it hits 100% as much as he wants and people will keep sending sbd in hopes to hit 100% that can easily be kept from ever hitting. he even say it will prolly never hit 100% as he keeps upvoting people that send him 5 bucks. so in all honesty he could make an alt account and just send himself 5 bucks and upvote himself to keep the sp from getting to 100%. not saying he would but saying he could.

I tried to talk to him, he is still silent but answering others.
I said earlier I think it could have been an honest mistake on his part but till he says something all anyone can do is speculate on why he did what he did.
I would even go back an re edit my post if he said something about it so people can understand what happened but as of right now he is the only person that knows why. I only know what happened and the order of it based in steemd's time frame.

Just the way its written too, the first 5 people to send me 0.1sbd get 20-35bucks. you think people are goning to waste time reading the rest of the post when its the first 5 people? im guessing alteast one of the people that sent him the 0.1sbd did it in a rush cause they didn't want to be #7 on the list of people that sent it in.
sry for the long rant, I honestly would prefer to just move on as I no longer have anything to do with it. I feel he is the one that needs to say something about it.

thanks for the input, its nice to get outside perspectives on stuff. helps me with thinking it out.

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