A Simple Solution To The Censorship Argument/Problem On Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I think it is very simple and have posted about it before. @ned even upvoted it so I think he agrees with it but maybe it has not gotten enough circulation in the steemitosphre. It was a long time ago.


So to stop the censorship problem (I would say argument but the people that say there is no censorship on steemit are either ignorant or playing ignorant, just my imo though.) we just need to give users on steemit the option to choose for them self if they want to see negative rep people or not.

Just like the nsfw tag a simple negative rep choice in the settings area would fix everything having to do with censorship.

As soon as that happens and we can see anything no matter how much it has been flagged there will be no censorship. people will start to use the mute button or they will choose to block anyone with a negative rep or choose to block any post in the negative.

It cant be that hard if other front side interfaces allow you to see all that stuff.

Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. Making stuff not visable and making it so it doesn't show up in feeds is censorship. does not matter if its a post or a comment. to suppress it is censorship.

I think this would make a huge change in steemit for everyone in a positive way and actually allow us all to move on past this censorship argument and get to the stuff that actually matters.

If im wrong about that being a simple solution on the censorship problem please let me know why so I can try to think of another solution. I want this to be a real free speech site. from the beginning that's all I have wanted. the money was just an added bonus.

If we can make this truly censorship free people will flock here because of that, the money wont matter.

Sorry If I sound like an old broken record from 6 months ago but I just see the same arguments over and over.

its getting stale.

Hope this happens one day!

Can anyone think of a single reason not to give people the option to see or not see negitive rep stuff? if you like it you can just turn it on and nothing changed.


@ned @aggroed @dan @berniesanders @nexonian @noganoo @pfunk @papapepper @stellabella @sirlunchthehost @beanz @lifeworship @mindhunter @gamer00 @cathy-xx @whatsup

and everyone else I missed.

Shit even @baah you cant have a reason to disagree with me on this one right?


please resteem if you think it is a good idea!!


Preferably I'd like to pick a number but I think that would require about 100 different interfaces which might be pretty costly. I could choose to hide anybody below 25 rep, but of course this could also make it harder for minnows building a reputation.

Anybody could develop alternative steem clients. If there is potential to profit from doing that (and I'm pretty sure there is) then anybody with the skills could take the opportunity.

It wouldn't hide people, it would only make people unhidden that steemit automatically hides. Steemit already has the "don't show negative comments and posts" turned on.

I just want the ability to choose for my self if I can see negative comments or posts. just like the reply I sent you 5 min before this one it does not show up in your reply feed because it is considered negative, posts do not show up in the new feed thread and they don't even show up in followers feeds.

idk im half awake.

I don't see alternative steem clients ever getting used. would you go to a bitter account to use twitter? woiuld you use a boobtube account to use youtube? would u use a mybook to use facebook? if the main site cant cut it then it dies, it doesn't survive cause someone else made an alternative interface.

just imo though.

I see where you're coming from and your solution sounds like it could work.

As for alternative clients, I often use them. I use steemd.com , busy.org , steemwhales.com/post/ , steemdb.com , zappl , steepshot and now the new dtube.video

If the main site doesn't cut it then it could just become the website for creating an account while steem lives on through all the alternative apps.

holy shit, thank you for the upvots. it took me from -5 to -4.
when I logged on today it shocked me and had me frozen wondering how for like 30 sec. then I seen steemd and wow tyvm again!

You're welcome. It's good to see you're sticking with it even after it's been made harder to get exposure. Unfortunately I can only do so much in a day to get your rep up.

I think it could work as a solution but with a negative rep its hard to get ideas out into the steemosphere.

I use the other cliants to check on stuff that steemit doesn't show like voting power, finding out who is flagging me or even my list of voting and stuff. I go to steemit whales to check out the graph to see how much im advancing but as for posting, reading posts and suff. I only use steemit, I think most others are the same. guessing though.

Im not saying the other clients are bad im just saying most people just use steemit .

imho I think we should be welcoming everyone even people I dislike. I also think everyone should have the ability to have their posts and comments be seen by people that want to see them.

Im struggling myself with the fact that I can only comment and post if I have more the 50% voting power or my stuff is never seen by anyone. even comment. It is really hard to get motivated to post if you know nothing you post will get seen by the people that want to see it.

A lot of people want to argue on both sides but the moment a solution comes up it seems most the people are going silent. the solution doesn't give them something to fight about im guessing.

I wish the post about the solution would have gotten more views and input. only one other person besides you even commented about it. all the people that are arguing about it seem to went silent.

shit got a call to make a pick up.

always on call.

have a great day/evening and thank you for the input on the idea. that matters more then an upvote.

can I have a pict to rotoscope and make into a talking head?

Also ask lunchie for a pict for m to rotoscope?

replies don't show up in feeds from people that are negative.

There is no censorship on Steemit!

@ned please send SBD for towing the party line.


brought to you by Carl's Jr.

Part of me likes this solution. However, I think it might need a little more detail. If we are flagging a post I think there may need to be more reasons; a drop down down list or tags -and voting on the tags- could be one way. A post may be NSFW; if may be highly political, contain bad language, be in the wrong language, it may be politically incorrect, it may be an advertisement. If I am curating, and I want to express displeasure. It is good to be specific. People have different thoughts and subjects, -politics, and religion- but a simple flag is not always right.

It gives the users of steemit the ability to see the comments and posts of people they are following no matter if someone else wants to silence that person.

What area does it need more detail in? If you like they system as it is now you turn it on, if you want to see the posts and comments others "don't approve of" for any reason what so ever you turn it off to always show.

Reasons I care not about, I just care that a free speech platform shows up. people have a mute button and if we take away their ability to hide stuff from everyone as a lazy move cause that mute button is so hard to hit then they can turn on the negative rep setting or learn to use the mute button.

Im a little drunk, frst time in a bit so sorry if im speaking gibberish already.

In order to encourage better content in the long term, the community needs to be able to express what is wrong with posts and get this feedback back to the writers. Having both thermometers or Star ratings on numerous attributes could assist in this. (NSFW, Not PC, Plagarized, Fake News, Politics, poorly written, other, ect) would allow real people to give better feedback.


I presented a similar argument here.

sweet ill check it out

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