The Day That Steemit Stood Still!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hey Again, Steemitizens!

The Discord Chat started lighting up around 3AM EST this morning. (7AM GMT0) with reports that users were receiving errors related to exceeding their bandwidth usage. Reports came in fast and furious from all over the world in channels and across the discord universe. It got a little crazy and it is apparently still happening to many users even as I type this.

Once we determined it was a widespread issue, folks began to calm down some, but only some as they wondered if the platform was collapsing or if it was an issue with their individual accounts.

I'm just here to suggest you DON'T PANIC!

This platform has a lot of potential, but it's still an infant in the terms of young software that has not yet reached maturity.

As far as I can determine, there is only a very small core software development team on this project, and to be honest, as a software company owner and 30 year tech career veteran, I don't honestly believe the team is 100% optimal or experienced in scaling systems of this sort. I honestly don't know anything much about who the actual developers are, but the glaring errors and omissions seen throughout the site speak to a general lack of experience in building web applications for mass consumption.

But don't throw away your account keys just yet!

The bandwidth errors seen today are clearing up for most users who have reported them after simply waiting for a short period of time. It's not a system killing issue and I am sure the devs have been well alerted and are researching the patch to fix it in real time, right now. It would worry me a great deal if they were NOT doing so, but since there has been no official announcement about the issue that I have seen, I can only hope it's because they are too busy working on it.

In the team and platform's defense, this is a new kind of system. To a point, basic software development life cycle issues here will be common and traditional, but new things are bound to crop up that no one has ever had to solve before. It happens. That's why software engineers usually make the big bucks! We solve problems, and keep the systems running that people and businesses rely on.

Also, there are quite literally tens of thousands of potential problems possible within a web application eco-system. Many of you will recall last week when steemit had issues uploading and displaying images. In that case, the problem wasn't even steemit software at all, but rather transient network issues between steemit and the image storage server cloud. The developers at steemit couldn't have done much of anything about it, and we all had to wait for the internet to sort itself out. Which it did, fairly quickly in that case.

So folks, remember. Save your important blogs outside of steemit. If you have friends here that you might lose if the site disappeared or went down for a significant period of time, have a backup plan for a way to stay in touch with them. Keep copies of the images you use often somewhere besides in your old blog articles, something I am guilty of myself, as I just cut and paste my images into my articles and don't bother to save them very often from my graphics editor. I don't upload them elsewhere, I just ctrl-c/ctrl-v them right into my posts and I will be first to admit that this is a great way to add images and a very sloppy way to archive them, all at the same time.

Anyway, steemit is just barely a baby piece of software at this scale after existing as a public beta for less than 24 months and we need to keep that in mind, protect our content ourselves, keep track of our friends in ways we wont lose them if this platform changed or went away and in general practice good blogger "hygiene" on our own, without relying on the platform to do it for us.

This is not twitter or facebook with billions of users and dollars to pay for support teams and development efforts and redundancies. It's a barely built, minimum viable product with issues and foibles and a LOT of work remaining to be done.

Keep that in mind before you flame chat channels with support demands, answered mostly by volunteer fellow steemitizens and remember, we can eventually become the next big platform, but first we gotta learn to crawl, and walk before we can run.

Have a pleasant Sunday!

And just like that, this post is over.

Full steem ahead, steemitizens!


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Witnesses I support:

@aggroed, @teamsteem, @gtg, @timcliff, @klye, @clayop, @ausbitbank, @dragosroua, @rolandp, @jesta, @personzzz (@personz), @lok1, @someguy123, @thecryptodrive, @netuoso, @good-karma, @lukestokes.mhth, @klye, @theprophet0, @steemed and @followbtcnews (@crimsonclad)

Think you deserve to be on this list too?

Earn my vote. Tell me why!

Be sure to learn what witnesses are and vote here!

All Steemitzens should be choosing their preferred representatives to make reliable, positive, growth oriented and steem network decisions for us!

Witnesses that I am trying to find time to investigate on recommendations from others:
@anyx, @pfunk, @riverhead, @curie


People need to understand (or remind themselves) that this is a huge experiment in not only software but economics and social sciences too. And by that I don't mean steemit but the entire cryptocurrency space. If people think it will be faultless then they don't really appreciate the revolution they are participating in.

This is exactly correct! I remember trying to sell website development in like 1994 and trying to explain to business owners how important it was that they have a website. I often told them "You need this, but now, having a website may not actually help your business much, but NOT having one will kill it."

And so it goes....

This isn't the first time some of us have bumped against some invisible limit. I've recently posted on this - or rather resteemed it as couldn't post at the time. There is another issue: that we need more information on our dashboard so as to navigate this system without crashing into limits we didn't know were there!

We need ten thousand UI/UX improvements. Don't hold your breath.

I forgot, sorry! You've mentioned the UI hundreds of time too. Maybe it's just supposed to work like 4chan.

LOL, except that 4chan... works. ;D

had the same issue today - thanks to @sircock

Not MY fault! :D
Thanks for reading!

Thank You for keeping us all in the loop @sircork, will share this out to folks!

Spread the love! <3

Thanks for clearing this up, I had this issue also this morning. Ill Resteem this so my Followers get the word as well.

Thank you very muchly! :)

I have been lucky so far and havent had these issues. Thanks for posting this though. It does help to relieve any fears that may arrive when i do have issues and gives me some more info on this wonderful platform.

Keep on keepin' on!

Thanks for the info... I had the same issue earlier today and looked everywhere to find a solution (and an explanation). In the end I solved the problem just by...logging out and back in. Maybe this can help others...

Honestly, logging out and in likely had nothing to do with your success. The 60 seconds you took doing it, are more likely all it took. :D

Don't think so... I couldn't post, comment or reply for about 1.5 hour. I'm aware of the 20sec rule when you're too quick in responding... but now I tried at different intervals and noting worked... till I logged out and back in.
At the end of the day, it's not that important, just sharing my experience. If someone has the same problem he/she can always try what I did. It costs nothing and takes only a couple of seconds...

And those couple of seconds could change the world.

I did have an issue upvoting earlier ... it is working fine now ,,, no probs

For now. Your mileage may vary until the system is re-stabilized to it's previously unstable state. :D

Thanks for help calming my fears! I think it maybe chrome that's the issue somehow because I just used explorer just fine, but this is my test to find out! Appears my bandwidth is working now in Chrome and Explorer!

Not your browser. Do not adjust your TV. Station is experiencing technical difficulties. Please stay tuned. :D

Hey @sircork !!
yes, i'm facing also this problem today. thank you very much for this post. i really like it.
upvoted you.

Good day to go outside, do something offline, steemit will be back. Don't worry!

yes, good idea.........thanks

My pleasure.

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