
But if they order online it must go to address of them?

Yes it must do, the police could go to the companies mention it's a stolen card and see what address the thieves asked for the items to be delivered @hotmangoes.

That solve the problem to catch the thieves.

I completely agree @hotmangoes but like I said I doubt the police will actually do anything like that.

Why it no??

Because firstly I'am not sure they have that jurisdiction and secondly they probably wont take the case seriously, I mean I got beat-up last time and in the end I never heard anything back from them.

Cant believe they not do more after that but you never know I hope they get them it.

Lady on the phone said reporting the order might help with the investigation, but it's probably the "investigation"on whether I'am telling them the truth about the money they took and not the case of actually capturing these thieves.

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